HomeJ – Goodspeed, 1887

Richard C. Jackson is a Kentuckian, born in Henry County, April 9, 1821; son of James and Winniford (Hartford) Jackson, and of Scotch-Irish lineage. The Jackson family came originally from Virginia (where the father of our subject was born) to Kentucky, while the Hartford family are Kentuckians for many years back. James Jackson located in Henry County, Ky., about 1816, and there lived until his death. His wife also died there. Richard C. Jackson is the second of six children and grew to manhood on a farm. When Twenty-five years of age he began tilling the soil on his own responsibility and received a common school education. In 1851 he removed to Christian County, KY., and there made his home until December, 1859, when he came to Obion County and settled on a farm two and a half miles west of Union City. In 1882 he came to the won were he has since resided. He has a fine farm and a good home, and was married in February, 1846, to Sarah A. Gurthrie, a native of Kentucky, born in 1830. The have five children: Virginia, Robert G., Marietta, Florence M. and Lucy M. Mr. Jackson has been a life-long Democrat and cast his first presidential vote for James K. Polk. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church.

B. J. Jackson is a North Carolinian, born May 18, 1817, but has been a resident of Tennessee since seven years of age. His parents, B. and Mary (Turner) Jackson, were born in Virginia in 1777 and 1783, and died June 26, 1843 and 1852, respectively. B. J. Jackson is the sixth of their ten children. His early days were spent on his father’s farm, and , when about twenty-one years of age, he began farming for himself, and has continued up to the present date. He was elected to the office of magistrate in 1850, and served the people in that capacity eighteen years. November 12, 1835, he wedded Elizabeth Davis, daughter of Cyrus and Sarah Davis. Mrs. Jackson was born in North Carolina in November, 1818, and died April 21, 1873, leaving living four children – nine dead, one of whom was killed in the battle of Murfreesboro. The living ones are Perlina Jane, Rowan Elizabeth (Mrs. Oscar Collier), Rufus J. and Emerson C. Mr. Jackson attended school only about six weeks during his life, but he is well posted in business affairs. He is a Mason, Mount Pelia Lodge, No. 77. He is a Democrat.

James W. Jackson was born in Weakley County, Tenn., January 22, 1842. His father and mother were born in North Carolina in 1806, and Georgia, in 1816, respectively. The father died in 1855, but the mother is still living. James W. is of Irish lineage, and his entire life has been spent in agricultural pursuits. Being the eldest of the family he was obliged to assist in providing for the family. In 1863 he joined the Confederate Army, Company H, Twenty-second Tennessee Cavalry, and was wounded in the right arm, at Athens, Ala., being disabled about two months. He returned home after the surrender, and resumed agricultural pursuits. He is now worth about $5,000, all of which he has accumulated by judicious management and energy since the war. His marriage with Mary A. Davis occurred September 10, 1861. The following are their children: Elizabeth Ann, Margaret Jane, John William, Sarah Catherine, George W., James Jefferson and Mary Frances. Mr. Jackson is identified with the Primitive Baptist Church, and in politics is a Democrat. His wife belongs to the Primitive Baptist Church.

Robert G. Jackson is one of seven children born to the marriage of Richard C. Jackson and Sally Guthrie, natives respectively of Virginia and Kentucky. Both are still living and reside in Union City. Their son, Robert G., was born in Henry County, Ky., in March, 1849, and made his home with his parents until thirty years of age. He then married Mattie Waddell, a native of Fayette County, but who was principally reared in Obion County. Her parents, J. C. and Elizabeth D. (Bugg) Waddell moved from Fayette County to Arkansas, where the mother died in 1862. Mr. Waddell resided a few years in Missouri, and then came to Obion County, Tenn., where he died in 1884. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson have three children: Anna Lewis, Nellie and John Waddell. Mr. Jackson resides at the old home place, and in 1880 purchased 200 acres of land about three miles from Union City, on which are several large Indian mounds.

John A. Jackson was born in Maury County, Tenn., May 1, 1836, and is a son of Gillum and Mary (Kittrell) Jackson, natives respectively of Virginia and North Carolina. Both came to Maury County, Tenn., when young, and were married in that county, and followed farming until 1853, then came to Obion County, locating near Palestine. The father about the same time became a minister in the Baptist Church, and was one of the cloth until his death, in 1879. His wife died in 1878. Of their nine children, three sons and three daughters are now living. John A. resided with his parents until the breaking out of the war between the North and South, and in November, 1861, he joined the thirty-third Tennessee Infantry, and served throughout the war. He then returned home, and located near Palestine, may 31, 1861. He married Leonoro Pardue, who was born in the Palmetto State, and to their union were born two sons, and four daughters. One daughter is dead. The mother died in October, 1881, and in August, 1883, Mr. Jackson married Emma Jorden, who has born him two sons. Both Mr. and Mrs. Jackson are members of the Baptist Church, and he belongs to the F. & A. M.

Robert H. Joyner, farmer, is a son of John and Margaret (Dunnigan) Joyner, and of Scotch-Irish origin. He was born in Sumner County, Tenn., February 16, 1838, his bother being born in the same place. John Joyner was born in North Carolina, in 1786, and came to Tennessee, when a young man, locating first in Sumner County, and in 1852, in Obion County. He died about 1859. Robert H. Joyner is the sixth of their eight children, and was raised on a farm, attending the country schools. He began farming for himself in 1860, but in 1861 joined the Obion Avalanche Company, Ninth Tennessee Infantry, and was wounded at Perryville, Ky. At the close of the war he returned home and resumed farming, which he followed until the fall of 1885, when he came to Union City. He owns 214 acres of well improved land near the city. In 1865 he married Ellen Bell, who was born in Montgomery County, Tenn., in 1838. They have seven children: Daniel B., Margaret J., Marine M., Bettie A., Ellen B., Robert J. and Ned F.   Mr. Joyner is a Democrat, and a member of the K. of H., and he and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

Elisha T. Jernigan’s birth occurred in Robertson County, Tenn., January 2, 1847, and he is one of seven surviving members of a family of nine children to Elisha T. and Agnes (Stone) Jernigan, who were born in North Carolina, but came to Robertson County, Tenn., with their parents when young. Here they afterward married and followed farming until their respective deaths, May 10, 1868, and September 12, 1885. Up to 1867 Elisha T. resided with his parents, but at that date united his fortunes with those of  Lana Malinda Wright, and by her became the father of seven children, six of whom are still living. Mrs. Jernigan died March 5, 1885, and in July of the same year Mr. Jernigan married Molly Dyer, of Robertson County. They moved to Obion County in 1884, and located on the farm of 150 acres where he now lives. Mr. Jernigan and his family are members of the Methodist Church, and politically he is identified with the Democratic Party.

Turner B. Joyner is a native of Sumner County, Tenn., born February 14, 1833, being one of four children born to John and Margaret (Dunnigan) Joyner {See sketch of George S. Joyner,} In 1853 Turner B. married Elizabeth Ann Dunnigan, who died in February, 1876, having borne nine children, five of whom are still living. January 19, 1877, he married Mattie P. Sinkler, and of two children born to them one daughter is still living. At the breaking out of the war Mr. Joyner enlisted in the Missouri State Guards and was captain of the same about one year. In 1861 he removed to Missouri and farmed until 1865, when he returned to Obion County, Tenn., and in 1867 located on his present home farm of sixty acres. Mr. Joyner and family are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and he is a member of the F. & A. M., and is a Democrat in politics.

George S. Joyner is one of four surviving members of a family of ten children, born to John and Margaret (Dunnigan) Joyner. He was born in Sumner County, Tenn. December 28, 1843, and in 1863 enlisted in the Fifteenth Tennessee Cavalry, remaining with the same until the close of the war. He then returned home, and in 1869 married Ellen Catron, a native of Sumner County, and seven children have bless their union. At the death of the father, John Joyner, our subject came into possession of his present farm of 100 acres. He and family are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and he is a member of the Central Benefit Association. His children’s names are John H., Eliza Ann, Jess S., Paul M., Robert Clifford, George C. and Glenn Turner. The father of our subject, John Joyner, was born in North Carolina, and was in the war of 1812, and came to Obion County in 1852, locating on the farm now owned by our subject. Here he died in 1859. His wife, who is a native of Tennessee, is still living, and makes her home with her son, George S., and is eighty-two years of age.


J – Goodspeed, 1887 — No Comments

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