HomeG – Goodspeed, 1887

W. H. Gardner, manufacturer of wagon material, was born in Dresden, Weakley Co., Tenn., November 24, 1840, son of Hon. Alfred Gardner, who was born in Robertson County, Tenn., in 1805. He moved to Weakley County, in 1826, and was married in 1832. He was a man of determination and energy, and eventually became the owner of 10,000 acres of land. He was the first sheriff of Weakley County, and was a skillful rifleman and a great lover of hunting. He represented Weakley County in both houses of the State Legislature. At the time of his death, December 24, 1882, he was the oldest Mason in Tennessee. His wife, whose maiden name was Mary Ann Stovall, was born in Tennessee, in 1819. Our subject is the third of seven children, six of whom are living, and was reared on his father’s farm. He was educated at the Union University at Murfreesboro, Tenn., and at the University of Virginia. In 1861 he enlisted in Company G, Ninth Tennessee Infantry, Confederate States Army, and returned home in 1865. He located in Hickman, Ky., engaged in general merchandising and there remained until the yellow fever epidemic, in 1878, when he came to Union City, and for four years was railroad agent for the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad. In 1883 he engaged in his present business and employs forty men. He is a Democrat and for a number of years has taken an active part in politics. He has been a member of the County Democratic Executive Committee, and is not chairman. He is a director of the Bank of Union City and a is chairman of the board of stewards of the Methodist Episcopal Church, also a member of the city council , and is president of the Prohibition Alliance and secretary of the Tennessee Furniture & Chair Company. He is one of the leading men of Obion County, and a representative business man of West Tennessee. He was married in 1863 to Mary Dozier, of Enterprise, Miss., who died of yellow fever at Hickman, Ky., in 1878, leaving five children: Will A., Russell E., Metta A., Fred D. and Carrie L. In 1880 Mr. Gardner married Jennie White, who was born in Henry County, Tenn., in 1848. They have four children: Fannie, Mamie, Bessie and Nora.

Dr. Charles P. Glover is a Henry County Tennessean, born February 6, 1829, the fifth of twelve children of Jess T. and Mary D. (Powell) Glover, and is of English descent. His father was born in Virginia about 1800, and resided there until his marriage, when he came to Tennessee. He resided in Henry and Obion Counties and also lived a short time in Missouri. He died in Obion County, in 1859. His wife as a Virginian, also born in 1800, and is now residing with our subject, who received his rudimentary education in the common schools. He studied medicine under Dr. James White, of Obion County, and attended his first course of lectures at the Nashville Medical University. He then practiced one year at his old home and then entered and graduated from the Jefferson Medical College at Philadelphia, Penn. He has practiced his profession for thirty years in the vicinity of his home, and is a successful physician and respected citizen of the county He was ordained a Missionary Baptist minister, in 1880, by Elders Coleman and Beauchamp, and has been a zealous worker in the cause of religion since that period. February 6, 1861, he married Mary C. Norrid, of Obion County, born June 17, 1840. The have the following family: Lorena I., born January 6, 1864; Marietta, born October 7, 1866; Emma L., born October 14, 1869; Jeptha, born Feb 13, 1872; Mirim, born November 29, 1874, and Lavinia Ida, born December 11, 1881. Dr. Glover is a Democrat, a Royal Arch Mason and an Odd Fellow. He owns 522 acres of land and has a pleasant and comfortable home. His wife and two eldest daughters are members of the church of which he is a minister.

Samuel W. Godwin, M. D., dealer in drugs and medicines, was born in Maury County, Tenn., February 19, 1831, son of Seth and Nancy (Vestal) Godwin, both born in North Carolina, in 1797 and 1800 respectively. Our subject’s paternal grandfather was George Winn Godwin, a North Carolinian, who, with his family immigrated to Middle Tennessee in 1815, and died in that section at the age of seventy-five years. The father of Dr. Godwin died in 1876, and his mother in 1870. Our subject is one of ten children, and is of German-Irish extraction. He was raised on a farm, and obtained a fair English education. He began the study of medicine in 1855, in the office of Dr. John M. Vestal, and afterwards attended lectures at the University of Nashville, graduating in 1859. He located in Maury County, and continued the practice of his profession until the breaking out of the late war, when he became assistant surgeon of the Forty-eight Tennessee, serving throughout the war. He then resumed his practice in Maury County, continuing until 1870, when he came to Union City. He practiced here during the cholera epidemic of 1873, but gave up practicing in 1885. He began keeping drugs in 1882. September 20, 1859,  he married Nancy Littleton, of North Alabama, born in 1837, daughter of David H. and Elizabeth Littleton. Dr. Godwin is a Democrat, and his first presidential vote was cast for Pierce. He has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church since 1846, and was a delegate to the General conference of 1886, which sat at Richmond, Va. He has been a director of the Bank of Union City since its organization in 1879, and is considered on of the first citizens of the city.

James Douglas Graham, postmaster at Kenton, Tenn., was born in Carroll County, Tenn., June 5, 1844, son of Dr. J. L. H. Graham, who was born in East Tennessee, in 1818. He was married to Eliza D. Hill, a native of East Tennessee, who died in Carroll County, Tenn., in 1847, and by her became the father of four children. He died in Arkansas, in 1876. James D. Graham is the youngest of his father’s family. He assisted his parents on the farm until September, 1861, when he enlisted in Company C. Thirty-first Tennessee Infantry, Confederate States Army, and served until the close of the war. He was wounded at Murfreesboro, and was captured at Missionary Ridge, and held a prisoner of war from 1863 until May, 1865, at Rock Island, Ill. He then returned to West Tennessee, and in 1868 came to Kenton, where he has ever since resided. He is a Democrat in his political views, and 1886 was appointed postmaster at Kenton. He belongs to the Masonic and I. O. O. F. fraternities, and in 1872 married Lizzie Rosson, who was born in Marshall County, in 1849. She died in 1874, and in 1881 Mary Love became his second wife. She was born in Seymour, Ind., in 1858, and is the mother of two children: Clare E. and Lizzie L. Both husband and wife are Methodists.


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