HomeF – Goodspeed, 1887

Isaac N. Farris (deceased), was born in Giles County, Tenn., on the 17th of October, 1823, as was the youngest of a family of three children born to the marriage of Wilford Farris and Mary Jones, both of whom were born, reared and married in Giles County, Tenn. The farmed a few years in that county and then moved to Henry County, where the mother shortly after died. The father then married Alpha Buckley, Lincoln County, and in 1828 came to Obion County, where he spent the remained of his days, dying in May, 1854. Our subject remained with his parents until the age of twenty-one, when he married Margaret J. Hogue, who died October 7, 1852, having borne one daughter, Nancy Jane, who died in infancy, January 10, 1854. Mr. Farris married Hannah E. (Caldwell) White and to their union the following children were born: Malinda R., D. L., Wilford C., Hannah May (deceased), Isaac Willis and Mary Iris. The year Mr. and Mrs. Farris were married they located on a farm near Obion Station, where they remained thirteen years, then moved to the place where Mrs. Farris is now living, near Rives. Our subject died August 19, 1885. He was one of the county’s most worthy and influential citizens and his character was unimpeachable. He was temperate, industrious and was never known to utter an oath. He was a firm advocate of all moral and educational issues, tending toward the advancement of his neighborhood, and his memory will ever remain green in the hearts of many. Mrs. Farris was born in Henry County, Tenn., December 18, 1824; daughter of Willis and Dicy M. Caldwell. Her parents were born in Kentucky, the former July 7, 1791, and the latter November 17, 1791, and came to Obion County, Tenn., in 1828. Her father died November 30, 1848, and the mother April 20, 1876. Mrs. Farris is the youngest daughter and the seventh child of their ten children. She was formerly a member of the Baptist Church, but in 1846 joined the Christian Church. She resides on the home farm of 150 acres of land. In addition to this her husband at one time owned 1,200 acres in different parts of the county.

Wilford C. Farris was born in Obion County January 4, 1857; one of five children born to Isaac N. and Hannah E. (Caldwell) Farris, natives of Henry County. They came to Obion County when young. Here they married, and followed farming until the father’s death, August 19, 1885. The mother is still living. Wilford C. Farris remained with his parents until twenty-four years of age, and has since farmed for himself, and owns 187 acres of and, about two miles southeast of Union City. Besides this land, he owns another farm of 106 acres, adjoining his home place. In 1883 he married Miss Laura Harper of Obion County. Mr. Farris is a Democrat.

Rev. Edward D. Farris, a native of Jackson County, Ala., was born on the 27th of June, 1827. His parents, John and Jane (Gunther) Farris, were born in Giles County, Tenn., in 1810, and Jackson County, Ala., respectively. The father died in Henderson County, Tenn., in 1872, and the mother in her native county, in 1831. Rev. Edward Farris is the seventh of nine children. His early days were spent in assisting his father on the farm, and in rafting in Mississippi swamps. He was educated at Wesbrook Academy and Bethel College, and joined the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in 1848. He was licensed to preach in 1853, and joined the Obion Presbytery in March, 1849, at Mayfield, Ky., and was ordained in March, 1855, at Troy, Tenn. He has spend thirty-three years in the ministry, and is what may be called an old style Cumberland Presbyterian preacher. He is a Democrat, and March 1860, was elected county court clerk of Obion County, and was re-elected in March, 1866, and again in 1870, and last time in 1874, the term expiring in 1878 Rev. Farris is a Mason, and was Master of Western Sun Lodge, No. 88, at Troy, for about fifteen consecutive years. He was married June 10, 1852, to Martha C. Dickey, and by her became the father of three children: Emma Mattie L. and Edward D. Mrs. Farris died in 1867, and 1868 he married Mrs. Mary M. Denning, daughter of S. B. Crittendon. Mrs. Farris was born in Weakley County, Tenn., in 1843, and is the mother of two children: Lulu A. and Dora B.

J. B. Faulk, farmer and miller, was born in Stokes County, N. C., August 8, 1827. His parents came to Tennessee in 1834. His father, Jacob C. Faulk, was born in North Carolina, October 12, 1803, and died March 29, 1886, in Obion County, Tenn. The mother’s maiden name was Rebecca Shores, a native of North Carolina, born March 1, 1799, died in August, 1860. Their son, J. B. Faulk, is of German descent. He worked on his father’s farm until he was twenty-one years of age, when he began working at house carpentering, continuing until the date of the late war. In 1861 he joined Capt. White’s volunteers, Forty-seventh Tennessee Infantry, Co A., and during the latter part of the war, was promoted to the rank of captain of the commissary department, and was not wounded or captured during his entire service. After his return home, he purchased a one-half interest in the mill property that he now owns, known as Faulk Mills, also being connected with a saw-mill about eighteen months. He has been very prosperous, and is now worth about $8,000. November 24, 1867, he married Mrs. Lizzie (Farris) Thomas, who was the mother of three children, by a former marriage: T. D. Thomas, Samuel Y. and Mattie E. (Mrs. Thomas Walker). Mr. and Mrs. Faulk have five children, Catherine G., Annie P., Joseph E. and Josephine A., who are twins, and Jacob Farris, who was drowned June 10, 1885. Mr. Faulk and his wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and he is a Mason – Troy Lodge, No. 88. He is a Democrat.

B. W. Fleming first saw the light of day in Rutherford County, Tenn., October 1, 1846. His parents, A. J. and Mary E. (Jemison) Fleming, were born in North Carolina and Middle Tennessee, respectively. The mother is yet living and is quite aged. B. W. Fleming resided on his father’s farm until he was twenty-one years of age. He then continued his agricultural labors for himself until about the year 1879 or 1880, when he engaged in the Lumber business and yet carries on that business in connection with merchandise. The style of the firm at first was Montgomery & Fleming, but was afterward changed to Fleming & Jackson. Both branches of the business are under the management of Mr. Fleming and are carried on successfully. He entered the army at the early age of sixteen, joining the First Tennessee Regiment, with Gen. Forrest, in 1863. He served through the remainder of the war and was neither wounded not captured. In May, 1876, he married Martha M., daughter of Mose and Rebecca Moultie. Of twelve children born to them two are dead: Rebecca, Emma, Berelie, Maudie, Mosie, Willie, Jackie, Winnie, Reggie and Daniel. Mr. Fleming is worth about $5,000 or $6,000. He is a Democrat and Prohibitionist, and he and his wife are member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.

James M. Foulks is the second of seven children and was born in Obion County, Tenn., October 20, 1848. His parents, John J. and Elizabeth (Bouland) Foulks, were born respectively in Virginia and Kentucky, May 8, 1821, and January 25, 1822. The father was taken by his parents to Kentucky when a child and lived in the eastern portion of the State. After attaining his majority he moved to Calaway County, where he married and soon after moved to Fulton County, and then to Obion County, Tenn. He settled, in 1865, in District No. 1, where he died September 14, 1878. His wife died at about the age of thirty-four years. James M. Foulks obtained a fair education and has followed farming and merchandising from his boyhood days up to the present time. He began doing for himself at the age of twenty-one, and January 11, 1877, married Laura Hubbs, a daughter of  J. C. Hubbs. Of the four children born to them three are living. Elva May, Sallie E. and James Archie, born May 24, 1879; Jun 9, 1882; and June 21, 1885, respectively. Their mother was born in Obion County, Tenn., January 10, 1856. Mr. Foulks is a Democrat, and he and Mrs. Foulks are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. He owns 1,690 acres of land, 300 acres of which are in the home farm.

Richard W. Fowlkes, farmer and trader, was born in Hickman County, Tenn., November 11, 1853; son of Mark L. and Martha S. (Foster) Fowlkes, also of Hickman County, Tenn., born in 1824 and 1826 respectively. Gabriel Fowlkes, the paternal grandfather of our subject, was born in Virginia about 1762, and came to Tennessee about 1806, settling in Williamson County. He died in Hickman County. Our subjects’s mother died in 1875. Richard W., is the fifth of twelve children, and was raised on a farm. He received a common school education, and taught school one year. He came to Obion County in 1881 and located just outside the corporate limits of Union City. He owns 195 acres of fine land and is one of the leading farmers in the county. In March, 1885, he engaged in the livery business, and this still continues. In may, 1886, he began the manufacturing of brick. He is a Democrat, a K. of H., and was married October 21, 1874, to Miss Fannie Walker, of Hickman County, who was born in 1855. The have four children: Carrie, Mattie, Elva and Ruby. Mrs. Fowlkes is a member of the Christian Church.

Henry T. Fullerton, M. D., was born in Gibson County, Tenn., April 16, 1840, son of John S., grandson of Adam, and great grandson of James Fullerton, who came from Belfast, Ireland, to America in 1769, and settled in Pennsylvania. He was a soldier in the French and Indian wars and was taken captive at Fort Washington and conveyed to Detroit and after some time was liberated. Upon his departure he was given bread which contained ground glass, the eating of which soon resulted in his death. He had four sons two of whom immigrated to Ohio and other two to Georgia. His son, Adam Fullerton, removed from Georgia to Bedford County, Tenn., where he died. His son, John S., was born in Jackson County, Ga., January 23, 1813, and was married to Rachel Thomas, who was born in Wilson Co., Tenn., in 1818. The family are of Scotch-Irish descent, and came to Gibson County, Tenn, in 1823. The parents of our subject still reside in the county and are among its pioneer settlers. Dr. Fullerton, our subject, is the eldest of seven children, four living, and was reared on a farm. He attended Yorkville Academy in Gibson County, and in 1861 enlisted in the Confederate Army, Company D, Thirteenth Tennessee Infantry. He was wounded at the battle of Belmont in 1861, and severely wounded at Shiloh in 1862. He was discharged in 1863, came home the same year and began the study of medicine at Yorkville, Tenn., in the office of Dr. J. T. Bond. He graduated from the Missouri Medical College at St. Louis in 1867, and practiced at Yorkville until 1871, when he came to Kenton, and here has since continued the practice of medicine. Ann E. Powell became his wife in 1868. They have on child – John C. Mrs. Fullerton died in 1871, and in 1873 the Doctor married Miss Ann Black, who has borne him four children: Gideon B., Gertrude T., Sammie L., and Lelia B. The Doctor is a Democrat and Mason, and he and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

Rev. James A. Fuzzell is a Tennessean, born March 1, 1833, son of T. J. and Elizabeth (Crews), Fuzzell, who were born respectively in North Carolina and Virginia. The fathers’ birth occurred November 11, 1807, and he was a farmer by occupation. He died in 1876. His wife died about 1834. James A. lived on his father’s farm until he was twenty years of age. At the early age of eighteen he became a minister, and remained such until 1854, when he was ordained deacon and in 1856 was made elder, which relation he still sustains to the church. He was president of the West Tennessee District four years, and is now engaged in the saw-mill business on account of financial embarrassment, the remuneration of the church being insufficient to supply the wants of his family and educate his children. April 24, 1859, he wedded Martha Clark of Weakley County, daughter of Benjamin and Winnie Clark, and by her is the father of the following family: Minnie, Electon, William, James A., Anna, Benjamin, Lutha, and one who died unnamed.   Mrs. Fuzzell died November 5, 1871, being a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Mr. Fuzzell then married Caroline Clark, a sister of his first wife, and to them were born five children: Willie, Robbie, Harry, and two who died unnamed.  Mr. Fuzzell has met with many reverses in business, but is going well at the present time. His early education advantages were comparatively good. He is a Democrat politically.


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