HomeC – Goodspeed, 1887

Waller H. CALDWELL, farmer, was born in Adair County, Tenn., February 5, 1817; one of three surviving members of thirteen children of William and Rebecca H. (Edmond) Caldwell. Both were born in Kentucky and married in Adair County. In the spring of 1823 they came to Henry County, Tenn., where they remained until 1840, when they came to Obion County, and resided by themselves until 1863, then spent the balance of their days with their children. The father died July 4, 1870, and the mother May 24, 1884. Our subject began doing for himself in the spring of 1838 and came to Obion County, where he worked as a general laborer until 1841, when he was appointed deputy surveyor of Obion County, and continued the same ten years. In 1842 he purchased a farm on which he resided until 1853. In 1857 he came into possession of his present farm and has resided on the same until the present, with the exception of two years spent in the tanning business at Trenton. His home place consists of 180 acres. Besides this he owns two other farms; one containing 250 acres and the other 100 acres. In 1843 he married Elizabeth B. Morgan, and six children were the result of their union, three now living. Their mother died in 1864, and February 13, 1867, he married Elizabeth T. Owen nee Humphrey, who bore him two children: Frank W. and Ora.  Mrs. Caldwell died September 15, 1878, and in January, 1880, Mr. Caldwell married Elizabeth Evans, whose death occurred November 20, of the same year. His fourth and last wife was Elizabeth (Sterling) Reaves, whom he married May 17, 1881. They have one child, Mattie. Mr. Caldwell belongs to the Baptist Church and the F. & A. M.   Mrs. Caldwell is a Presbyterian.

William H. CALDWELL (dec’d) was born in Henry County, Tenn., on the 16th of December, 1826. He was one of four children, and is of German descent. At the age of twenty-five years he began merchandising near his present home, in this county, and in 1870 he began farming, becoming the owner of 392 acres of land about six miles from Union City. He also has four other tracts of land, aggregating 500 acres. From one of his farms he cut a poplar tree in 1879, and from four different forks cut seventeen 12 and 14 feet logs, averaging twenty-five inches in diameter. April 24, 1861, he married Jane Park, of Giles County, and by her became the father of the following children: Albert, James, Mary, William, John and Charles. His parents, James and Mary (Bushart) Caldwell, were born, respectively, in Adair County, Ky., and Cabarrus County, N. C. They came to Henry County, Tenn., in 1824, and were soon after married. They became residents of Obion County in 1832, locating three miles west of Union City. Mr. Caldwell has served as magistrate of the county for fifteen years and as chairman of the county court several years. He died April 14, 1872, and the mother July 11, 1881.

Mrs. Addie M. CALDWELL was born in Obion County, Tenn., and is one of four surviving members of a family of twelve children born to David and Mildred HUBERT. Her parents came to Tennessee at a very early day and settled in Obion County, where they spent the remainder of their lives. The father died in 1872, and the mother in 1882. David HUBERT was in the war of 1812, and was at the battle of New Orleans under Jackson. His daughter, Addie M., married Robert Caldwell in 1858, and since his death, in 1879, has resided mostly with her children, and is a present living with her son Jake. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell became the parents of three children: John (whose sketch appears in this work), Etna (Mrs. Dr. Marshall), and Jake D., the youngest, who was born in Obion County September, 1865, and is an enterprising young farmer. He attended the common schools and the Union City High School two terms, and 1884 came into possession of his present farm of 100 acres near Union City. On this farm was cut a mammoth oak, said to measure nine feet in diameter at the stump. Mr. Caldwell and her son are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

John Caldwell, farmer, first saw the light of day in Obion County, Tenn., on the 1st of February, 1859. His father’s family consisted of three children, two sons and one daughter. John remained with his parents until his father’s death, then remained with his mother until 1882. His father, Robert D. Caldwell, born in Weakly County, in 1828, and came to Obion County, and married Addie M. Hubert, who was born in the county. He died in 1879, being one of the esteemed old pioneer farmers of Obion County. In connection with agriculture he worked at the brick mason’s trade at time. His widow is still living, and is a resident of the county. John Caldwell came into possession of sixty acres of his present farm, of 120 acres, in 1883. The land is situated about three miles west of Union City. In 1882 he wedded Mattie M. Marshal, of Obion County. They have two children: Etna and Verna.

William W. CASEY, was born in Lauderdale County, Ala., December 6, 1834, son of Jacob D. and Charity (Whitmire) Casey, who were born in South Carolina in 1800 and 1808, and died in 1853 and 1838, respectively. The family is of English descent, and removed to Alabama in 1833. Our subject’s paternal grandfather was Hon. Levi Casey. He was a brigadier-general in the Revolutionary was, and was afterward a member of Congress from South Carolina. He died in Washington City. Our subject is the third child born to his father’s third marriage. He was raised on a farm and educated in the common schools. He began farming for himself in 1853, and later began merchandising in Alabama, following the same until 1862, when he joined the Ninth Tennessee Cavalry. He was captured near Florence, Ala., in 1863, and was help prisoner of war at Fort Delaware until the final surrender. In 1866 he removed to Perry County, Tenn., and two years later came to Obion County, and there farmed and sold goods for six years. He located in Kenton in 1875 and here has since resided. During his life time he has been engaged in merchandising, milling and farming. In December, 1857, he was married to Josephine A. Westmoreland, who was born in Alabama in 1838. They have two children: Thomas O. and Mary M. Mr. Casey owns 350 acres of land in Obion County, and is one of the prominent men of Kenton. He is a Democrat and he and his wife are members of the Methodist Church.

Jesse B. CAUDLE was born in Decatur County, Tenn., March 1843, one of twelve children of Absolom and Mary (Hainey) Caudle, who were born, reared, and married in North Carolina, and after the latter event came to Tennessee, locating for a few years in Coffee County, and about 1825 moved to Decatur County, where they resided until their deaths in 1848 and 1849 respectively. Both our subject’s grandfathers were in the Revolutionary was. Our subject was eared by a Mr. Lee in Decatur County, from the time of his parents’ death until the breaking out of the war, when he enlisted in the Twenty-seventh Tennessee Infantry, remaining with that regiment throughout the was. He then returned to Decatur County, and attended the common schools a short time, and in the fall of 1865 came to Obion County, and October 2, 1867, married Jane Riley who was born in Kentucky. They became the parents of eight children, six now living. Since 1867 Mr. Caudle, has resided on his home farm of seventy-seven acres, besides this he owns 400 acres adjoining and two other farms in the county, one containing sixty-nine acres, and the other sixty-four acres. Mr. and Mrs. Caudle are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and he is a member of the F. & A. M.

John W. CLAYTON is one of eight children born to the marriage of William G. Clayton and Jane S. Bachman, who were born in Lincoln County and were married in Marshall County, where they yet reside. The father was born in 1817 and is one of the old citizens of Marshall County. John W. was born in that county December 19, 1849, and resided with his parents until 1870. He began attending commercial college at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in 1869, and at the former date accepted a position in a wholesale and retail grocery store in Nashville, where he remained three years. December 23, 1874, he married Elizabeth Bradberry, who was born in Illinois, and their union resulted in the birth of four children: Fannie (deceased), Bradberry (deceased), Gatty Louise, and John Orin. In September, 1882, Mr. Clayton came into possession of his home place, a farm of 150 acres, near Kenton, and since that time he has been engaged in farming. From 1874 to 1882 he was engaged in improving Kenton by erecting good, substantial residences. He was also engaged in millinery in connection with Wilson Flowers for about one year. Husband and wife are members of the Methodist Church, and he is a member of the Democratic party.

Washington B. CLOYES’ birth occurred in Henry County, Tenn., April 14, 1831. His parents, were born, respectively, in Marblehead, Middlesex Co., Mass., in 1782, and in North Carolina, in 1794. From seventeen up to twenty-five years of age the father traveled, and at the latter date settled in Christian County, KY., were he married, and after the birth of most of his children, moved to Henry County, Tenn., thence to Hickman County, thence to Obion County, where he died in September, 1852. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. His wife died in the same county in February, 1870. Our subject is the tenth of their eleven children. He received the rearing and education of the average farmer’s boy and has made agriculture his chief business through life, owning at the present time 120 acres of good land. December 7, 1851, he was married, in Fulton County, Ky., to Martha E. Hanberry, daughter of C. W. Hanberry. Mrs. Cloyes was born in Fulton County, Ky., February 4, 1831, and became the mother of nine children: Margaret T. (Mrs. Jerome Kelley), Matilda J., Laura I. (Mrs. J. F. Bloodworth, Job, John C., Thomas S., Noah W., Robert L. and Samuel B.   Mr. Cloyes was an old line Whig, but has voted the Democratic ticket since the was. He is a Mason, and he and family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.

Hon. Solomon W. COCHRAN was born in Aurora, Portage Co., Ohio, on the 20th of March, 1808, son of John Cochran, and grandson of John Cochran, Sr., both born in Massachusetts, the former, Jun 6, 1778. The latter died at Buffalo, N. Y., in 1805. Our subject’s father was a farmer, and in 1804 removed to Portage County, Ohio, where he lived until his death, May 31, 1818. He was a soldier in the war of 1812.   His wife’s maiden name was Clarissa CANNON; she was born November 13, 1782, and died in Michigan in August, 1863. Of eight children, our subject is the fourth, and is of Scotch-Irish and English descent. He was eared on a farm, and attended the early schools of Portage County. At the age of eighteen years we went to live with an uncle, and worked at the miller’s trade some two years. He then attended, and taught school until 1832, when he began the study of law at Cleveland, Ohio, in the office of   Hon. Samuel STARKWEATHER, who was United States collector of customs, at Cleveland.   Mr. Cochran was appointed deputy collector and inspector under Mr. Starkweather, and remained in that city until 1835. In August of that year he was licensed to practice law at Cleveland, by the Ohio Supreme Court, and returned to his native county the same year. In January, 1836, he located in Franklin (now Kent), Ohio, and began the practice of his profession, continuing until 1840. He, at this time, removed to Henry County, Tenn., and for two years was engaged in pedagoguing. At the end of this time he moved to Troy, where he has since continued to live, practicing his profession until 1882. He was one of the leading lawyers of West Tennessee, for forty years, and has served as special supreme judge of Tennessee, by appointment. In February, 1874, he was appointed circuit judge of the Twelfth Judicial Circuit, and served until September of the same year, and was twice appointed commissioner of arbitration, and 1875 was associated with Howell E. JACKSON and L. D. McKISSICK. In 1877 he was appointed to the same office, his associates being John L. T. SNEED and Joseph B. HEISKELL. In November, 1880, he was elected on the Democratic ticket, to represent Obion and Lake Counties in the State Legislature, and was an active worker in the General Assembly. He was a member of the Democratic National Convention, which met in Baltimore, Md., in 1848, and member of the convention that nominated TILDEN at St. Louis in 1876. He was appointed brigadier-general by Gov. HARRIS, in 1861, and raised a number of companies, and mustered them into service. He was married on the 28th of December, 1834, to Miss Olive RILEY, born in Ohio, on the 18th of February, 1814, and died in 1861. She bore our subject one child, named Edmond, who died in Troy, October 13th, 1843, in his seventh year. Mr. Cochran married Mrs. Ruth D. (WILSON) CLARK, in 1861. She was born in Obion County, March 31, 1830 and died September 13th, 1883, and was the mother of three living children: Walter W., Laura and Samuel D.   Mr. Cochran belongs to the Masonic fraternity, Western Sun Lodge, No. 88, and was Grand High Priest of Tennessee for two years. In 1840 he joined the Methodist Episcopal Church in Ohio, and after coming to Troy, joined the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, of which he remained a member until 1879, when he again joined the Methodist Episcopal Church. His wife is a member of the same.

Marcus W. CORUM was born in Cairo, Sumner Co., Tenn., October 15, 1825, and is the seventh of a family of thirteen children of Robert and Deborah (BEASLEY) Corum, and is of English descent. Robert Corum was born in North Carolina, and came from his native state to Middle Tennessee at an early age. After marriage he located near Dickson’s Springs. He served in the war of 1812, and participated in the battle of New Orleans. The Government recognized his services by granting him a pension. He died in Obion County, to which he had moved in 1832, about the close of the late war. The mother was born in Virginia, and died at the old homestead in 1872. Marcus W. has always followed the occupation of farming. He was married in Obion County, in February, 1851, to Mary C. HALE, daughter of Cage Hale, Sr.   To them were born the following children: Lewis Cass, Andrew J., Leonidas A., Henry C., Mary Belle, Sam. B., Don Dixie and Marcus L. Don Dixie died at the age of twelve years. Mrs. Carum was born in Sumner County, Tenn., June 7, 1833. Mr. Corum is a Democrat, and owns 120 acres of land near Union City, which he devotes chiefly to the cultivation of the cereals. He and wife are member of the Missionary Baptist Church.

George H. CRAFTON was born in Williamson County, Tenn., October 30, 1847, son of Alphonso J. and Nancy A. (CROMER) Crafton, and is the second of their ten children, and of English descent. His father was born in Gibson County, Tenn., March 11, 1824, and was left an orphan by his father when he was nine years old. His mother died when he was but three years of age. He was taken to Williamson County, Tenn., where he was reared by an uncle, Dennis M. CRAFTON. He married and remained in the county two years, then moved to Rutherford, thence to Obion Counties, where he died on the farm now owned by our subject, march 12, 1875. The mother was born in Williamson County, December 13, 1825, and died February 14, 1877. Our subject received a common education, and at the age of seventeen enlisted in the Confederate Army, in Company C, Eleventh Tennessee Cavalry. He was paroled May 9, 1865, at Gainesville, Ala. October 2, 1879, he married Fannie P. RAMSEY, who was born in Obion County Tenn., March 14, 1859. To the were born three children: Jasper, born July 14, 1880; Bertha, born Jun 13, 1882; and Ora Alice, born January 22, 1886. The mother is still living. Mr. Crafton is a Democrat and a member of Methodist Episcopal Church South. He has a farm of 129 acres, and a cosy and cheerful little home.

Cave J. CROCKETT, general merchant, was born in Troy, Tenn., September 11, 1852. His father, John Crockett, was born in Humphreys County, Tenn., in 1810, and was a son of John Crockett, who was born in Pennsylvania, on the Susquehanna River, and who came to Tennessee about 1800, settling in Humphreys County, where he died in 1826. The father of our subject left his home in Humphreys County when about eighteen years of age and went to Mississippi, where he lived for several years among an Indian tribe, at, or near where the city of Oxford is now built. Later he went to what is now Texas, and in 1836 came to what was then a part of Obion County (now Lake County), Tenn., and settled west of Reelfoot Lake, where he resided two years. From that time until 1846 he resided six miles west of Troy, the county seat of Obion County, then moved to one mile south of that place, where he resided until two years before his death, and where his children were born and reared. He died in Troy in 1878. He was a farmer and merchant, and held quite a number of county offices being a leading man of the county. His wife’s maiden name was Louisa McALISTER. She was born near Jonesboro, Tenn, in 1816, and died in Obion County in 1854. Our subject is next to the youngest of five children, and was reared on a farm. He received a common school education in Troy, and a business education at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and at the age of sixteen entered his father’s general merchandise store, where he remained until 1875. Since that time he has been engaged in the same business for himself. He is a leading merchant of Troy, and is a successful business man. He was married in 1874, to Miss Bidie EVANS, of Obion County, born January 1, 1855, daughter of John E. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Crockett have had three children born to them: Lida McAlister (deceased), Charlie John and May. Mr. Crockett is a Democrat, and cast his first presidential vote for S. J. Tilden. He belongs to the A. O. U. W., and he and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

A. CRITENDON, farmer of the Seventh District of Obion County, Tenn., was born December 1, 1827, in Henry County. His parents, John and Leomie (BROOKS) Crittendon, were born in North Carolina and he is the eighth of their nine children. His early days spent on a farm and since his twenty-first year he has farmed for himself and has been very successful. He was engaged in the mercantile business at Rives and after on year (in 1884) sold out. November 16, 1848, he wedded Elizabeth CALLICOTT, of Henry County, and by her is the father of ten children: Mary Caroline (Mrs. Richard ALEXANDER), William S., Leonard B., Wesley D., Milton F., Minnie Cora (Mrs. Erasmus BOWERS), and James Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. Crittendon are members of the Missionary Baptist Church and he belongs to the Masonic order. His early educational advantages were somewhat limited but the has remedied this considerably by reading and contact with business life. He is a Democrat in his political views.

Robert F. CUNNINGHAM is a native of Lincoln County, Tenn., born February 27, 1839; one of six living children of a family of nine born to the marriage of Robert Cunningham and Elizabeth COLLINS. The father was the first white child born on Swan Creek, Lincoln County, Tenn., and always made that county his home. He died about 1874 and his wife in 1867. The father was a cabinet-maker and farmer. Robert F. Cunningham resided with his parents until the breaking out of the war, when he enlisted in the Ninth Tennessee Infantry, with which he remained until severely wounded at the battle of Shiloh. He was taken to the hospital at Memphis, where he remained about two months and then returned home and in 1869 came to Obion County and followed farming and conducted a cotton-gin and saw-mill until 1876. Since that time he has followed farming exclusively. February 5, 1874, he married Cordelia REVELLE, of Haywood County. Of five children born to them three are living. In 1869 Mr. Cunningham became the owner of 240 acres of land. He also has three other farms in the county, aggregating about 285 acres, and belongs to the Democratic party.


C – Goodspeed, 1887 — No Comments

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