HomeP – Goodspeed, 1887

Luke Palmer, farmer, was born in Wilcox county, Ala., August 14, 1843, and is one of four children born to the marriage of Chillian Palmer and Phoebe D. Watkins. The father was born in Caswell County, N. C., and went to Alabama about 1840 where he married Miss Watkins, who was born in the State. He was a graduate of a Philadelphia medical college and practiced that profession in several different counties in Alabama. He came to Obion County, Tenn., in 1866, and remained until his death, in 1867. The mother is still residing in the county. Their son, Luke, resided with his parents until 1862, then enlisted in the Thirty-sixth Alabama Infantry and served until the cessation of hostilities. He returned home and in 1868 married Eliza J. Catron, a native of Perry County, but reared in this. Of eight children born to them seven still live. Mr. Palmer became possessor of his present farm of 95 acres in 1871. He and family are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and he belongs to the Central Baptist Association.

John D. Palmer was born in the balmy State of Alabama, Dallas County, March 6, 1848, and is one of a family of six children born to Chillian and Phoebe (Watkins) Palmer. [See Luke Palmer’s sketch.] He has always resided on the home place, with the exception of a few years spent in Texas in 1872. In 1879 he married Mary E. Herring, who was born in Montgomery County, Tenn., and is the mother of three children: John C., James Howell, and Angeline Irene. Being a true farmer and wishing to possess more land, Mr. Palmer, in 1871, purchased out the other heirs to the home farm and is now the owner of 100 acres of well improved and fertile land in that tract and 135 acres in another. On his home farm are mounds which are supposed to be relics of the Mound Builders.

Hardy L. Park, M. D., is a Marshall County Tennessean, and was born April 15, 1855, and is one of six surviving members of a family of eight children born to George W. And Harriett (Brown) Park, who were born, reared and married in Marshall County, and there followed the occupation of farming until 1856, then came to Obion County. The father died in 1873, and the mother in 1880. At the age of twenty-four Hardy L. Park, entered the medical department of the Vanderbilt University, attending one term, and then began practicing his profession at his present place of abode. During the sessions of 1885-86, he attended the college of physicians and surgeons at Baltimore, Md., and graduated from the same. He came into possession of his present residence, a farm of twenty-five acres, in 1884. The same year he married Emma Lewis, who has borne him one child – Vera. The Doctor is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and his wife of the First Presbyterian Church.

David M. Pearce, M. D., was born in Carroll County, West Tenn., August 18, 1836, son of Stokley D. And Mary S. (Killough) Pearce, and is of Irish-English descent. His father was born in North Carolina in 1790, and his mother in Georgia in 1795. Arthur Pearce, grandfather of our subject, was born in North Carolina, and was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. He died in West Tennessee about 1825. The family came to Tennessee about 1800, and settled in Rutherford County. Stokley D. Pearce was a soldier in the was of 1812, and died in Carroll County, Tenn., in 1855. His wife also died there in 1845. Our subject is next to the youngest of twelve children- four of whom survive. He was raised on a farm and continued to “till the soil” until he attained his majority. He began the study of medicine in 1858 in the office of Dr. Joel P. King, in Gibson County, Tenn. He attended the medical department of the University of Nashville, and came to Union City in 1862, where he has since made his home. He graduated from the Bellevue Hospital, N. Y., in 1870, and is one of the best posted and successful physicians of the county. In 1860 he married Margaret R. McDaniel, of Gibson County, born in 1844. They have three children: Muller, Bookie and Ethel L. Dr. Pearce is a Democrat, and since 1860 has been a Mason. He and Mrs. Pearce belong to the Christian Church.

William C. Pharr, a North Carolinian, was born in Moore County, August 12, 1850, son of Augustus B. And Jane L. (Hancock) Pharr, who were born in Cabarrus and Moore Counties, N. C. , in 1821 and 1825 respectively. The father was a lieutenant in the Mexican war. His death took place in 1859, while making a visit to the old homestead in North Carolina. His wife died the same year. The paternal grandfather of our subject was Hon. Roland Pharr, a North Carolinian, who at one time was a member of the State Legislature. He died in his native State. Our subject was educated in the schools of Concord, N. C., and came with his people to Tennessee to 1854, locating in McNairy County. In 1866 William C. came to Kenton and entered the employ of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad, as agent at Kenton, continuing until 1884. He was train dispatcher at Mobile, Ala., for some time, and served that company in different capacities and in different places, begin a competent railway man. For some years he has been engaged in the real estate business and is meeting with good success. In 1872 he married Miss Belle Wade, of Obion County, daughter of W. B. Wade. She was born in Gibson County, June 29, 1853, and is the mother of three children: Ella, Maggie B., and Augustus W.    Mr. Pharr is a Democrat, and he and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mr. Pharr was the first mayor of Kenton and served in that capacity for six years. He is a man of splendid general information and one of the best citizens of Kenton.

Lankford Phebus, was born in Perry County December 28, 1835, and is a son of Leonard Phebus. [See sketch of Jefferson Phebus.] He made his parents’ house his home until the breaking out of hostilities between the North and South, when he enlisted in the Forty-second Tennessee Infantry, and served until he was captured at the fall of Fort Donelson. He was taken to Johnson Island and was exchanged after seven months’ captivity. He immediately enlisted in the Tenth Tennessee Cavalry. In 1863 he returned home and remained until the father’s death. In 1871 he led to the hymeneal altar, Anna Brown, a native of Williamson County, Tenn. She died the same year (September 11). In 1877 Mr. Phebus united his fortunes with those of Miss Helen Brown, who has borne him three children: Robert Enloe, Lois and George Elmo. Mr. Phebus has resided on his present farm, of 220 acres, since 1874.

Jefferson Phebus, farmer of Obion County, was born on the 3d of March, 1825, in Perry County, and is one of four living children, born to Leonard and Sinah (Morris) Phebus, who were born in Georgia and North Carolina respectively. They were married in Perry County, where the mother died. Leonard Phebus died in Humphreys County. After residing with his parents until 1852, Jefferson Phebus married Sarah Christian, a native of Hickman county. In 1854 Mr. Phebus went to Missouri, where he remained one year. He then returned and purchased a farm in Humphreys County, and in 1874 came to Obion County, where he owns a farm of about 400 acres. To his marriage two children were born: Sinah and Margaret Ann, deceased. Mrs. Phebus died in Humphreys County in 1858, and in December, 1861, Mr. Phebus married Martha Ann Tase, who bore him four children, and died in October, 1873. He joined the Southern Army in 1862, enlisting in the Tenth Tennessee Cavalry, with which he remained until the winter of 1863, when he returned home. He is a Democrat.

Thomas M. Pierce, railroad agent, postmaster and farmer at Pierce’s Station, Tennessee, was born in Southampton County, Va., April 14, 1810, and he is the eldest of twelve children born to the marriage of Rice B. Pierce and Elizabeth Cook, both of whom were born in the same State and County as our subject. The were married in their native State, and Mr. Pierce was chairman of the county court for over forty years. He represented his county in the State Legislature two terms, and was captain in the war of 1812, stationed near Norfolk, Va. He died at the homestead in North Carolina at the advanced age of nearly ninety years. His wife was born in 1791, and also died at the homestead at the age of sixty-five years. Our subject received a liberal education; at the age of twenty years became salesman for Kyle & Caperton, at Petersburg, Va., remaining with them two years, and then began business on his own account at Halifax, N. C. He was married in Lewisburg, N. C., May 24, 1834, to Margaret J. Blacknall, daughter of William Blacknall, farmer, a native of North Carolina, and of English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce became the parents of seven children, five of whom are living: Harriett E. (Gibbs), T. Deveraux, Henry H., Rice A. And George J.  Those deceased are William B. And an infant son. Mr. Pierce is a conservative Democrat and owns 100 acres of land, on which is erected a beautiful and commodious residence. His youngest son owns a fine farm of 300 acres adjoining the homestead.

Hon. Rice A. Pierce, ex-member of Congress, was born in Dresden, Weakley Colk Tenn., July 3, 1847. His father, Thomas M. Pierce, is a native of Buckingham County, Va., and was born in 1807. He went to Halifax County, N. C. in his boyhood and came to Tennessee in 1845, and settled in what was then Weakley County (now Obion). His wife’s maiden name was Margaret J. Blacknall. She was born in North Carolina in 1813. Our subject’s grandfather was Capt. R. B. Pierce, of the regular United States Army, and a soldier in the war of 1812. He died in Halifax County, N. C., in the ninety-first year of his age. Rice A. Pierce was raised on a farm, and attended the common schools. In 1862 he joined the Eighth Tennessee Cavalry, Confederate States Army, and in 1864 was captured at Bolivar, Tenn., and held as a prisoner of war for nine months. After his return home he entered school at London, Canada, where he remained some time and then began the study of law at Halifax, N. C., under the direction of Judge Edward Canigland. He was licensed to practice in 1868, and the same year came to Union City and engaged in the practice of his profession. He is a leading lawyer of West Tennessee, and has gained prominence as a criminal lawyer. In 1874 he was elected attorney-general of the Twelfth District and was re-elected in 1878. In 1882 he was elected to the Forty-eighth United States Congress. He is a Democrat and belongs to the K. Of P. And I. O. O. F. In 1872 he was married to Miss Mollie Hunter, of Scott County, Mo., She was born in 1853, and is a daughter of Hon. Isaac Hunter. They have one child, Thomas M.

William C. Pressly, M. D. Was born October 23, 1857, in Oktibbeha County, Miss., and is one of five surviving members of a family of seven children born to David and Sarah (Paden) Pressly, both of whom are natives of the Palmetto State. At the age of sixteen the father went to Alabama, and soon after entered college at Oxford, Ohio, where he graduated four years later and then returned to South Carolina. He attended the Presbyterian Seminary in Oktibbeha County two years, and then accepted the pastorship of the Presbyterian Church at Starkville, Miss., which he filled forty three years. Soon after locating in the latter place, he married Letha Fair, who bore him five children, two now living. The mother died and he afterward married the mother of our subject, who died January 17, 1883. David Pressly is now residing in Tipton County, Tenn. His son, Dr. Pressly, made his home under the paternal roof until he attained his majority, when he entered Erskine college, South Carolina, graduating from the same in 1882. He attended three sessions in New York City Medical College, and located in Marshall County, Miss., where he practiced until January, 1886. Since that time he has resided in Obion county, Tenn., where he is doing a good business. December 4, 1884, he married Maud Moffatt, who has born him one son, S. J. Moffatt. The Doctor and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church.

Rev. Thomas P. Pressly, pastor of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church at Troy, Tenn., was born in Oktibbeha County, Miss., January 15, 1853, son of Rev. David Pressly, of South Carolina, born January 8, 1820. His father, Dr. Samuel Pressly, was also a native of South Carolina, and died in Alabama. Our subject’s mother was Sarah (Peden) Pressly. She was born in Chester County, S. C., in 1827 and died in Mississippi in 1883.  Rev. Thomas Pressly is the eldest of their seven children. His juvenile days were spent on a farm. He first attended the Starkville (Miss,) schools, and in 1868 entered Erskine College at Due West, graduating as a B. D. The following year. He came to Troy in October, 1875, and has since been the regular pastor of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church. He joined the above named church in 1870, and is an earnest and active minister. December 25, 1877, he was united in marriage to Dora A. Smith, who was born in Troy, September 20, 1860, and is a daughter of Maj. James G. Smith. They have three children: James W., David P., and Sarah B.  Rev. Pressly is a Democrat and cast his first Presidential vote for Tilden.

J. A. Prieto, M. D., a resident and practitioner of Obion County, Tenn., was born April 16, 1820, in Cienfuego, Cuba, his father being an attorney of that place forty odd years before his death. Our subject graduated from the literary department of a college at Havana, Cuba, at the age of seventeen and entered the medical university of the same place in the fall of the same year, and graduated January 12, 1842, with the highest honors the university conferred. He was immediately appointed to practice in the navy by the governor of Cuba, and held the position four years , practicing in the meantime in Asia, Africa, Russia, on the Red Sea, South America, California, Mexico, Porto Rico, and many of the islands of the Atlantic, successfully treating the diseases small-pox, measles, erysipelas, typhoid malaria, Panama fever, cholera Asiatico, yellow fever, etc. He returned to Cuba in 1847, where he practiced until 1852. He then joined Gen. Laupes’ expedition, and was captured by the government officers March 4, 1854, but made his escape March 15, 1854, and embarked for the United States, landing at New York City April 1, 1854. He went to Boston, Mass., but soon went to New Orleans and practiced there in the hospital during the yellow fever epidemic of 1855. In 1856 he was appointed by the President of the United States to practice in the United States Army, as assistant surgeon, serving in that capacity about ten years on the plains. During the late war he practiced in the hospital at Memphis, and after the close of the war came to Obion County and practiced in the county four and a half years. In December, 1869, he went to Mississippi, where he remained eight years. His wife died of yellow fever while there and he, shortly after, visited his old home at Cienfuego, Cuba, and afterward traveled over the whole of Europe. He returned to Obion County, in 1881, where he has since practiced. He is a member of the board of health at Nashville, and practiced during the small-pox epidemic of 1885. His first wife was Mary Shearon, of Obion County. She died November 30, 1878, leaving one child, Jose. After his return from his European travels he, October 5, 1881, wedded Mollie Rivers. He is worth about $7,000, all of which he has made since 1881. He is a Democrat and a member of the Christian Church, and is a very skillful and able practitioner.


P – Goodspeed, 1887 — No Comments

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