HomeM – Goodspeed, 1887

Thomas E. Marshall, M. D., is a son of Moses S. Marshall, who was born in Wilson County. He married Mary Cloar of Obion county, and by her became the father of twelve children, nine of whom are still living. The father is a farmer and stock trader, and he and his wife are still living in the county, on the farm they first cleared and settled. Their son, Thomas E., was born in Obion County, September 30, 1850. He was educated in the Troy High School and the Clinton College, Clinton, Ky., and taught several terms of school in Obion County. He entered the Vanderbilt Medical College, attending the sessions of 1880, 1881, 1882 and 1883. Since that time he has practiced at his present home place, a farm of 120 acres, on which there are several large Indian mounds. In January, 1882, he married Etna Caldwell, and their union has been blessed in the birth of two children: Mamie and Roberta. The Doctor is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, and his wife of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

William J. Mathes, miller and farmer, was born in Rutherford County, Tenn., May 10, 1840, son of W. T. And Eliza (Ramsey) Mathes. His father was born in Kentucky in 1818 and died in Obion County in 1880. The mother was born in 1824. Our subject is the seventh of nine children, and was raised on a farm, and at the breaking out of the was enlisted in Company C, Twelfth Tennessee, and was in the battles of Shiloh, Perryville, Murfreesboro, Franklin and many others, and was wounded at the latter battle. He also served with the Twelfth Kentucky Cavalry. He came to Obion County in 1865 and began farming and has continued that and the milling business up to the present time. He began milling in 1877, and in 1861 was married to Miss Emily Parks, of Calloway County, Ky. Their children are Ida, John, Lulu Elizabeth (deceased) and William C. Mr. Mathes is a Democrat in his political views , and belongs to the Masonic and I. O. O. F. Fraternities. He has been quite successful through life, and is one of the highly respected citizens of the county.

C. F. McAnally’s birth occurred in Lawrence County, Tenn., March 15, 1861. Both of his parents were Tennesseans, his father, William McAnally, being born in the same County as our subject. C. F. McAnally served a two year’s apprenticeship under C. C. Jackson, learning the mechanic’s trade. He began work on his own responsibility in 1882 at Palestine, Tenn., and continued there about three years. At the expiration of that time he came to Hornbeak, where he has been doing a good business. June 3, 1883, he married Maggie Green, daughter of Benjamin and Mattie Green. They have one child, Willie P., born April 30, 1884. Mr. McAnally’s early educational advantages were very good and he always gives his support to worthy enterprises. He is a Democrat and a Prohibitionist.

Robert H. Mitchell was born in Robertson County, Tenn., January 8, 1844, the third of four children born to Robert B. And Margaret C. (Linebaugh) Mitchell, and is of Scotch-Irish and German descent. The father was born in Kentucky January 5, 1798, and moved to Tennessee with his father when about twelve years of age. He received little or no schooling, but by his individual efforts in study made himself proficient as a scholar. He was a fine mathematician, and served as surveyor for many years. He lived successively in Robertson, Weakley and Obion Counties, Tenn., coming to the last county in 1849. He was magistrate of Robertson County for twelve years and was also postmaster at Mitchellville, and was a member of the Weakley County Agricultural Association, and received the premium on agricultural essay in 1860. His farm took the premium for best cultivation the same year. He owned the first portable thresher in either Robertson or Weakley counties, and also the first steam-mill in the latter county. He operated a distillery for nearly thirty years in Robertson county, and in connection with this, a water flouring-mill. During the latter part of his life he gave up distilling and became an active and liberal church worker. His wife was born in Russellville, Ky., December 23, 1815 and died in Robertson County, Tenn., April 15, 1846. Our subject was educated in the common schools and in Andrew College, Trenton, Tenn. He enlisted in the Confederate Army at the age of eighteen, joining Company H., Seventh Tennessee Cavalry, under Col. afterward Gen. W. H. Jackson. He served during the entire war, and was in thirty-three engagements. He was wounded at Sulphur Springs, Ala., and took the oath of allegiance at Paducah, Ky., under the terms of the general surrender. November 24, 1865, he wedded Margaret O. Major, daughter of Rev. J. M. Major. To them were born four children: Maggie J., Bertie E., Lizzie H., and Ophelia Major, born October 11, 1866; August 3, 1868; December 27, 1869; and January 11, 1872, respectively. Maggie J., died October 14, 1884. She was a pupil in the M. C. F. Institute at Jackson, Tenn., and but for her death would have graduated the following June. She was a fine musician. Bertie E. Has lately graduated from the Wesleyan Female Institute at Staunton, Va. She shows great proficiency in oil painting, and many specimens of her work hang in the family parlors. Lizzie H. Is attending the same school as Miss Bertie. Mrs. Mitchell was born in Graves County, Ky., July 18, 1844. Mr. Mitchell is a Democrat and belongs to the K. Of H. He owns 647 acres of land, on which is erected a commodious and beautiful residence. He and wife are among the prominent families of the county.

Capt. T. B. Moffat, general merchant and ex-Confederate soldier, was born in Chester District, S. C. , August 4, 1835, son of William F. And Jane (McDill) Moffat, and is of Scotch-Irish descent. His parents were born South Carolina, both about 1799. The father died in his native State and the mother at Troy, Obion Co., Tenn. At about the age of thirteen years our subject began clerking in a store, and in 1858 came to Troy, Tenn., and engaged in the mercantile business, which he continued with success up to 1861, when he joined Company A. Forty-seventh Tennessee, as orderly sergeant. He was commissioned second lieutenant in 1862, first lieutenant in 1863 and captain in 1864. He was in many important and hotly contested battles, and was one of the true soldiers of the Confederate Army. While in the front of the column at the battle of Franklin, November 30, 1864, he was wounded by a minie-ball, and lost his right arm. He came home in the spring of 1865, and the following year removed to Rives and resumed mercantile pursuits, and is one of the thorough business men of the county and a true gentleman. In 1861 he married N. A. Hamilton, who was born in Lincoln County, Tenn., in 1843, and seven children have blessed their union: Mary I., Anna H., Luther G., William M.,Robert, Walter and Greer. Capt. Moffat is a Democrat, and he and wife are members of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church.

James S. Moffatt, general merchant, is a native of Chester County, S. C., born on the 10th of March, 1808. His father, John Moffatt, was born in the Palmetto State in 1786, and was the son of William Moffatt, who was a native of Ireland, and came to America in 1772, and served in the Revolutionary was. He died in Chester County, S. C. The Moffatt family came to Obion County, Tenn., in 1839 and here John Moffatt, the father of our subject died in 1857. He was a farmer, and was married to Elizabeth Strong, who was born in South Carolina in 1786, and died in her native State in 1819. Of her eight children our subject is the third, and is of Scotch-Irish Presbyterian stock. His early years were spent on a South Carolina plantation, and at the age of sixteen he began clerking in a store, which occupation he continued until he had attained his majority. He then engaged in the mercantile business for himself at Greenville, S. C., and there continued the business for five years. From that time until 1842, he carried on merchandising in his native county, and then came to West. Tennessee, settling at Troy, where he opened a general store, and continued business with much success until 1862, when he was compelled to leave Troy by the Federals, who took possession of his goods. His losses during the war amounted to about $150,000. In 1866 he again opened a mercantile establishment, and has been doing an extensive and lucrative baseness. His stock at the last invoice amounted to $20,000. His store house is 56 x 100 feet, and a two-story building. Mr. Moffatt owns 3,000 acres of land in this county, and his success is due to his unceasing energy and devotion to business life. He was married in 1829, to Miss Martha Moffatt, of South Carolina, and by her is the father of six children: Mary L., Augustus, Rev. William S., Elizabeth, Israel P. And Jennie B. Israel P. Moffatt received a wound at Perryville, under Gen. Bragg, of which he eventually died. Mrs. Moffatt died in 1859 and in 1860 Mr. Moffatt took for his second wife Mrs. M. J. Williamson, of Marshall County, Tenn., born in 1827. Both are members of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church and Mr. Moffatt is a Democrat.

William A. Montgomery, druggist, of Kenton, Tenn., was born in Iredell County, N. C. August 28, 1849. His parents, David and Rebecca F. (Montgomery) Montgomery were born in North Carolina, the father in 1812 and the mother in 1810. The former died in Obion County in 1883. Our subject is the youngest and the only living one of four children. The family came to Tennessee at an early day, and located first in Dyer County, later in Gibson, and 1866 came to Kenton, and here the subject of our biography has since resided, with the exception of a few years spent on a farm. He was educated at Yorkville Academy, in Gibson County and Bethel College, in Carroll county. Subsequently, for several years he clerked for his brother, John M. Montgomery, who died in 1868. During 1869 Mr. Montgomery sold drugs for R. W. Powell & Co., and in 1873 began farming, continuing the same till 1861. He now owns 185 acres of land near Kenton. At the last named date he engaged in the drug business at Kenton, and has continued the same up to the present with marked success. In 1869 he married Lou. A. Wade, who was born in 1852 in Obion county. They have four children: Beulah B., Charles M., Fannie T. and Ellen Inez. Mrs. Montgomery died March 14, 1881, and in 1884 Mr. Montgomery married Mrs. Della (Penn) Mitchell, born in 1856. Mr. Montgomery is a Democrat in politics and his first presidential vote was for Greeley. In 1885 he was elected recorder of Kenton, and is now a member of the town council. He and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

Alex N. Moore, attorney at law, is a native of Maury County, Tenn., born May 21, 1848, son of James A. and Eliza A. (Hanks) Moore, and of Scotch-Irish descent. James A. Moore was born in Williamson County, Tenn., in 1816 and removed to Obion County in 1869. He died at Palestine in 1879. The mother was born in Maury County, Tenn., in 1820. Our subject is the fourth of their nine children. He received a common school education and served an apprenticeship at bridge building, and continued to work at this trade until 1870, when he came to Obion County and engaged in farming. He began teaching school in 1876, and at the same time studied law. He was licensed to practice in 1880, and was admitted to the bar the same year. He came to Union City in 1882, and formed a partnership in the law practice with his brother, J. M. Moore, and continues to the present. He was married in 1874 to M. F. Fitzpatrick, who was born in Maury County in 1850. They have two children: Maggie L. and Ben Floyd. Mr. Moore is a Democrat, and his first presidential vote was cast for Horace Greeley. He belongs to the K. of P. And I. O. O. F., and is one of the leading attorneys of Obion County. He and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

J. M. Morris is the fourth of ten children born to William B. And Harriett B. (Morris) Morris who were natives of Virginia. The former was reared in his native State, and was married in Rutherford County, Tenn. He removed to Obion County in 1838, where he remained about ten years, and then moved to Fulton County, Ky., where he resided the rest of his life, and died November 12, 1854. The mother died in Obion county, August 8, 1877. Our subject was born in Rutherford County, Tenn., February 16, 1832, and received a limited early education. He has made farming his chief calling through life, and now owns 330 acres of land, on which is erected a beautiful residence, furnished with many modern appliances. Mr. Morris began farming on his own account at the age of twenty-four. He was married in Obion County, February 14, 1859, to Mary A. Ligon, daughter of Henry A. Ligon. They have three children: Willie C. (Mrs. S. McCall), Napoleon B. and Charles L. Mrs. Morris was born in Virginia, May 1, 1844. She and Mr. Morris are members of the Christian Church and he is a stanch Democrat in politics.

G. B. Morris, liveryman and farmer, at Obion Station, Tenn., is a son of T. O. Morris, who was born in Murfreesboro, Tenn., in October , 1829. He married Elizabeth R. Buckley, and by her became the father of six sons, our subject, who was born in Obion County, Tenn., October 14, 1848, being the eldest of the family. His early days were spent on a farm, and February 22, 1878, he married Ela C. Wilson, daughter of W. M. And N. A. Wilson. Their union resulted in the birth of two children: Tom Overton and William M. About four years after his marriage Mr. Morris came to Obion Station, and engaged in the livery, grocery and blacksmith business, and now farms in connection with the former business. He has prospered in his undertakings , and is now worth about $8.000, the most of which he has earned by good management and industry. He belongs to the Christian Church, and his wife to the Methodist Episcopal Church South. In politics he is a Democrat.

N. B. Morton, editor and proprietor of Morton’s Advance, was born at Hillsboro, Williamson Co., Tenn., April 3, 1853, son of Jacob H. and Susan P. (Mayberry) Morton, and is of Irish descent. Mr. Morton was reared in Franklin, Tenn., and came to Union City in 1867 and established the Reveille, and continued this paper during 1874, 1875 and 1876. From the latter date until 1877 he resided in Johnson county, Tex., and published the Cleaburn Tribune. He then returned to Tennessee, locating at Dickson, where he established the Dixon County Independent. In 1879 he returned to Union City and published the Anchor, but is now editing Morton’s Advance. His business life has been that of a newspaper man, and his political opinions are Democratic. In 1876 he was married to Mrs. Victoria I. Nash, who has borne him two children: Nettie N. and Pearl. His parents were natives of Williamson County, and did much to settle and advance the county.

J. L. Moultrie was born in North Carolina September 29, 1816, and is a son of William Moultrie, who was also born in North Carolina in 1787, and died in Obion County, Tenn., in 1842. His wife, Unica Batcher, was born about 1792 in North Carolina, and came to Tennessee in 1835, and in 1836 came to Obion county. J. L. Moultrie was reared on his father’s farm and worked on the same until he was twenty-one years of age, when he began following the same business for himself. He also ran a fishery at Reelfoot Lake for a number of years, and made the business quite a success. In October, 1875, he engaged in the general mercantile business, and has continued the same up to the present time. April 28, 1838, he married Louisa Barker, of Tennessee, daughter of Allen Barker. This union resulted in the birth of six children. Mrs. Moultrie died February 25, 1853, and Mr. Moultrie then married Mrs. Nancy (Hampton) Cashion, who died in October, 1854. He married his third wife, Harriett Watson, December, 1854. They have four children. This wife died in 1864, and he took for his fourth companion Mrs. Rebecca Miller, nee Summers, with whom he is still living. Mr. Moultrie is a self-made man, and is a man of influence where he resides, and has been quite successful in his business transactions through life. He was elected to the office of magistrate in 1848, and served twelve years. He has also been county trustee six years since the was, and, as his father died insolvent, he took the responsibility of paying his debts, and has done so, and is now worth about $15,000. He is a Democrat, but up to the date of the late was an old line Whig.


M – Goodspeed, 1887 — No Comments

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