HomeH – Goodspeed, 1887

Cage Hale, a prominent farmer, and native of Obion County, Tenn., was born on the 29th of August, 1849, and is the second of eleven children, eight now living, born to the marriage of James R. Hale and Isabella Corum. The father was born in Middle Tennessee, about 1819, and removed with his father to Obion County, where he afterward married. He resided on the farm where our subject now lives, and died there about 1876. The mother was born in Middle Tennessee, and died on the old home farm, in April, 1872. Cage Hale was reared on a farm, and received a common school education. He has made agriculture his chief calling through life, and owns about 104 acres of land, which he devotes to the raising of stock and the cereals. He was married on the 5th day of September, 1882, to Virginia A. Corum, daughter of Archibald O. Corum. She was born May 26, 1856, in Obion County, and is the mother of two children: James R. and Archibald O.  Mr. Hale is a Democrat, and member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. His wife belongs to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

William Hamilton, dealer in grain and feed, is a Jefferson County Tennessean, born October 29, 1836; son of Joseph and Nancy (Martin) Hamilton, who were also born in Jefferson County, the former in 1796 and the latter in 1808. The paternal grandfather of our subject was also Joseph Hamilton, who was born in Rockbridge County, Va., and came to Tennessee about 1790, being one of the early pioneers. He and his son, Joseph, long held positions of public trust in Jefferson County. Our subject is the sixth of eleven children, and was raised on a farm and educated in the common schools. At the age of twenty-one he began doing for himself and farmed until the breaking out of the way. In 1861 he enlisted in Company G, Nineteenth Tennessee Infantry, Confederate States Army, and served four years and two days. After his return he carried on farming in Giles County, Tenn., until 1868, when he came to Obion County, where he has since made his home. He farmed the first two years, but since that time has resided in Union City, and has dealt in grain and feed. He has been quite successful, and in 1883 built is present two-story, brick warehouse which is 50 x 100 feet. He was married in 1870, to Miss M. E. Foute, of East Tennessee. She was born in 1853, and is the mother of three children: Nancy M., Joseph and Cassie F. Mr. Hamilton is a Democrat and a member of the K of H., and his wife is a member of the Presbyterian Church.

Anthony Hauser was born on the 7th of July, 1834 and is one of two surviving members of a family of eight children born to Anthony and Sally (Butner) Hauser, who were born, reared and married in the State of North Carolina, and came to Obion County, Tenn., locating near the present town of Rives. The father was a blacksmith by trade and followed that and farming until his death, in 1852. His wife died in 1880. After residing with his people until twenty-five years of age, Anthony Hauser united his fortunes with those of Lucinda Shores, and located on the farm on 120 acres, where he now resides, adjoining the old home place. He also owns 30 acres in another tract. Mr. and Mrs. Hauser became the parents of five children, four of whom are still living. Their mother died in 1868, and 1870 Mr. Hauser married M. J. McCoy, who bore him five children. She is a member of the Christian Church, and her husband of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He is a member of the F. & A. M.

Joseph F. Harper is a native of Obion County, Tenn., born March 12, 1841, and is one of four sons and daughters born to Benjamin K. and Margaret E. (Smith) Harper, who were born in York and Lancaster Districts, S. C., July 31, 1812, and Jun 29, 1820, respectively. The father immigrated to Tennessee February 2, 1825, and the Smith family came April 18, 1832. They were married February 2, 1838, and have ever since been prominent farmers of Obion County, and are among the oldest pioneer families. Joseph F. Harper resided with his parents until the commencement of the war, when he joined the Ninth Tennessee Infantry, and served until wounded at Atlanta. He was under hospital treatment for twelve months then returned home, and, with the exception of six months spent in Haywood County and a few months in California, made his home with his parents until February 3, 1876, when he married Dell Farris, of Obion County, and by her became the father of two sons: Howard F. and Isaac Knox. In 1868 Mr. Harper came into possession of his present farm, which consists of 108 acres near Rives. He belongs to Presbyterian and his wife to the Christian Church.

J. B. HARRISON, M. D., was born June 6, 1828, in Hall County, Ga. His father, Dr. Jess Harrison, was born in Grenville District, S. C., in 1786, and married Margaret Hulsey, who was born in Hall County, Ga., in 1810, and by her became the father of six children. The family came to Tennessee in 1832 and settled in Sumner County, and four years later the father removed to Clarksville, and in 1842 moved to Nashville, where he remained two years. He then removed to Hickman, Ky., and in 1845 came to Obion County, and here the father died in 1856. The mother of our subject resides in Colorado County, Tex. In 1847 our subject enlisted in Company I, Third Tennessee Regiment, for the Mexican war. He began the study of medicine in early life, his father and elder brother both being physicians. He first attended lectures at the Memphis Medical College in 1855, and a year later located in Union City, where he has practiced his profession up to the present time, being one of the leading physicians and representative men of his profession. In 1871 he graduated from the St. Louis Medical College. He is the pioneer physician of Union City, and did business in the first business house in the town. He was married in 1849 to Miss Sarah A. Jayner, who was born in Sumner County, Tenn., in January, 1828. They have six children: Jesse J., Louie, Elizabeth, Ida M., Robert H. and Edward.   Dr. Harrison is a Democrat, a Mason and a member of the I. O. O. F. His wife belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church.

John T. Harpole, of Obion County, Tenn., was born within 300 yards of his present residence, December 25, 1845, and is the second of five children of Solomon W and Malinda (Patterson) Harpole, and is of German descent. Solomon Harpole was born in Wilson, Tenn., November 27, 1815, and came to Obion County in 1826 and resided on the farm now owned by our subject for two years, and then moved two miles north of that farm, where he died Jun 17, 1880. His wife was born on the site of Memphis, and died December 23, 1883. Our subject has always followed the free and independent life of a farmer. He joined the Confederate Army, serving in the Twelfth Kentucky Cavalry. He was at Harrisburg, Miss.; Colombia, Springfield and Franklin, Tenn., besides several skirmishes. He was paroled at Columbia, Miss., at the close of the war. He was married September 26, 1872, to Mollie A. Paschall, daughter of Jess Paschall, one of the prominent farmers of the county, and their union has resulted in the birth of three daughters: Minnie Cora, Jessie Leona and Oma Montez. Mrs. Harpole was born in Weakley County, Tenn., July 22, 1857, and she and Mr. Harpole are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He is conservative in politics and is the owner of seventy-two acres of land. His grandfather, John Harpole, was born in Virginia in 1792 and was a soldier in the war of 1812. His services were acknowledged later by the Government granting him 160 acres of land in Obion County, Tenn.

Andrew J. Harpole, attorney at law, of Union City, Tenn., was born in Obion County, Tenn., near Union City, January 18, 1856. His father Wilson P. Harpole, was born in Wilson County, of this State, in 1822, and was the son of John and grandson of Solomon Harpole and Christiana, his wife, whose maiden name was Dice.   Solomon Harpole came to the United States From Germany, locating in Pennsylvania some time prior to 1790, and moved from there to Virginia, where he resided until his death. John Harpole came from Virginia to Wilson County, Tenn., when a young man, and married Elizabeth Swingley, a daughter of George Swingley, who came from Philadelphia, Penn., to Wilson County, Tenn. Jno. Harpole was a soldier in the Seminole war, and died in this county in 1860. Our immediate subject is the second of six children and is of German-English lineage. His mother’s maiden name was Millie B. Fowler. She was born in Gibson County, Tenn., in 1829. Andrew J. was reared on a farm and first attended the common schools and high school at Union City, and in 1878 began the study of law in the office of W. H. Swiggart, and in the fall of that year entered the law department of the Cumberland University at Lebanon, Tenn., and graduated in 1879. The same year he located at Union City, and here has s since continued the practice of his profession. In 1883 he formed a partnership with R. P Whitesell and has continued up to the present time. In November, 1882, he married Mollie E. Whitesell, of Fulton County, Ky., daughter of Jess Whitesell. Mrs. Harpole was born December 31, 1865, and is the mother of one child – Whitesell. Mr. Harpole is a Democrat and his first presidential vote was cast for Grover Cleveland. He is a Knight of Pythias, and his wife is a member of the Baptist Church.

William S. S. Harris, dealer in drugs, was born one mile west of Troy, August 8, 1839, son of Hon. William S. S. Harris, who was born in Williamson County, May 9, 1809, and came to Obion County in 1827. He was a lawyer of note and was at one time clerk of the county court and register of the county. In 1849 and 1850 he represented Obion, Weakley and Henry Counties in the State Senate. He was judge of the probate court, and died in February, 1859. His wife’s maiden name was Anzeletta Z. Meadows. She was born in Jackson County, Tenn., in 1814, and came to Obion County in 1824, and is now one of the oldest living settlers of Obion County. Our subject is the fifth of nine children and is of Scotch-Irish origin. He received a common school education and remained on the farm until 1858, when he engaged in his present business in Troy. In 1861 he enlisted in Avalanche Company, Ninth Tennessee Infantry, Confederate States Army, as a private, and was in the service about three years. He returned home in 1864. He is the oldest druggist in Obion County, and was married in October, 1871, to Mary E. Ruddell, of Missouri. She was born in 1849 and is the mother of two children: Lambert C. and Lester Gay. Mr. Harris is a Democrat and Mason – Western Sun Lodge, No. 88: Obion Chapter, No. 33; Trojan Council, No. 18. His wife belongs to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

J. E. Hays is a son of Jacob Hays, who was born in East Tennessee about 1785, and died about 1857, in Obion County. He was married to Mary Turney, who was also born in the State, in 1793. Her death occurred in 1836. J. E. Hays was born in Obion County, Jun 28, 1828, and is of Dutch-Irish descent. He assisted his parents on the farm until seventeen years of age, when he began working as a farm laborer, continuing for about seven years, at the rate of $8 per month. Since that time he has been engaged in farming on his own responsibility. In 1864 he joined the Confederate Army, Company A, Twenty-second Tennessee Cavalry. After a service of six months he returned home. January 5, 1852, he married Rilla Jane Phillips, who died April 6, 1878, leaving eight children: Thomas Henry, William C., John Robert, Mary Frances, Jacob M., Joseph D., Albert S. and Eddie A. Mr. Hays married, on the 5th of September, 1878, Drusilla Calhoun, who has born him four children: Jesse E., Mary Jane, Mattie Lee and Ella May. Mr. Hays is worth about $10,000, all of which he has earned by honest and industrious toil. He is a Democrat, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.

Sanford T. Haydon, grain dealer, was born near Lexington, Ky., January 18, 1847, son of Whitfield and Elizabeth (Singleton) Haydon. The family are of Scotch descent, and the father was born in Jessamine County, Ky., in 1801, and the mother in the same county, in 1824. William Haydon, our subject’s grandfather, was a Virginian, and emigrated to Kentucky when about fourteen years of age, settling in Jessamine County, where he died. Sanford T. Haydon’s early days were spent on a farm, and his education was obtained in the common schools and Georgetown College, Kentucky. He went to Mobile, Ala., in 1867, and for two years was in the employ of the Southern Express Company. He then came to Union City, and for two years was in the grocery business. In 1871 he began dealing in grain, and three years later formed a partnership with John N. Barry, and the firm is now known as Haydon & Barry. In 1874 they erected their present large, three-story warehouse, which is 50 x 100 feet, and are doing a large and lucrative business. Mr. Haydon was married, in 1875, to Miss Jeannette Green, of Austin, Tex. She was born in 1857, and is the mother of four children: Clarence E., Thomas G., Hal and Alma.  Mrs. Haydon is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and Mr. Haydon is a Democrat, and is a man of enterprising spirit and fine business capacity.

Gus M. Herring is a Montgomery County Tennessean, born in February, 1845. His parents, James and Mourning Herring, were Tennesseans, the father being born in Sumner county and the mother in Montgomery County. They became the parents of ten children, four of whom survive. The father always followed the occupation of farming, and died in 1880. His wife died four years later. At the breaking out of the was Gus M., their son, enlisted in the Forty-seventh Tennessee Infantry, which was afterward consolidated with another regiment, and known as the Third Tennessee, remaining with the same until the close of the war. In October, 1879, he married M. E. Cowgill, who has born him four children. The same year of his marriage he came to his present home, where he owns 200 acres of land. Besides this he owns 350 acres of land northwest of Union City.

John Hester, farmer, is the fifth of seven children born to the marriage of Stephen and Sarah (Sears) Hester, and was born in North Carolina, July 29, 1817. The father married in his native State (North Carolina), and in 1824 came to Tennessee, locating in Henry County, where he raised his family, and continued to reside until his death, which occurred when he was eighty-four years old. His wife was born in North Carolina, and died in Henry County, at the age of seventy. Our subject began doing for himself at the age of twenty-one, and has made farming his chief occupation through life. He owns 140 acres of land, on which he cultivates tobacco, and raises stock to a considerable extent, but gives the most of his attention to raising he cereals. He has been married four times, the first time, March 3, 1842, to Harriett J. Turner, who bore him two children: Amanda and Newton J.   She died may 8, 1847, and August 9 of the same year he married Malinda E. Yarbrough, who died July 9, 1848, having borne one son, who died in infancy. The third marriage occurred May 8, 1950, to Elizabeth E. Simmons. To them were born eight children, six of whom are living: James R., Sarah F., Mariman, Benjamin F., George N. and Mary Jane. The mother of this family was born near Louisville, Ky., February 2, 1821, and died April 16, 1871. Mr. Hester married Louisa A. Morgan, who was born December 27, 1832, and is the mother of one daughter – Ida Lou. Mr. Hester is a Democrat and Mason, and he and wife are member os the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

Prof. John H. Hinemon, superintendent of the Union City Public Schools, is a Fayette County Tennessean, born November 1, 1862, son of D. G. and Mary A. (Stockinger) Hinemon, and is of English descent. His father was born in Middle Tennessee and died in Memphis in 1865. His mother was born in Fayette County in 1840, and now resides in Union City. Our subject is the younger of their two children, and in 1868 removed with his mother to Panola County, Miss., and first attended school at Batesville, of that State. In 1874 they came to Union City , and for five years John H. attended private schools. He then entered what was then known as Union City College, and afterward attended Bingham’s School at Bingham, N. C. In 1882 he was chosen a teacher in the grammar department of the Union City schools, and in 1885 was elected superintendent, and re-elected in 1886, To much praise can not be said of him as an educator, and to him chiefly may be attributed the great success of the schools, owing to his energy and perfect system, and the ability of the teacher under him, who have executed in perfect harmony the system inaugurated by him. He was married in 1885 to Eugenia Reynolds, who was born in 1864, daughter of George and Martha Reynolds. Prof. And Mrs. Hinemon have on child – Annelie.  The Professor is a Democrat, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and his wife belongs to the Christian Church.

Dr. A. M. Holland was born on 22d of November, 1850. He is of Irish descent, and a son of L. W. and Caroline (Pettus) Holland.    The former was born in North Carolina in 1816, and died in Gibson Co., Tenn, in 1885, and the latter was born in the Palmetto State in 1822. Dr. Holland’s father came to Gibson County, Tenn., when a young man, and our subject is the fifth of his eight children. His early days were spent on a farm and in attending the country schools. In 1872 he came to Obion County and attended school for some time, and then began the study of medicine. He attended medical lectures in the Nashville University, and located where he now lives. He practiced three years; then gave up that occupation and engaged in the practice of dentistry, and is now the owner of 126 acres of land. November 19, 1879, he married Miss S. E. Harris, who was born in Trenton, Gibson County, in 1858. They have one child – Verna L. The Doctor is a Democrat, and has been a Mason since 1875. He and Mrs. Holland are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and their residence is two miles northwest of Kenton.

W. R. Hogan is a native of Stewart County, Tenn., born on the 11th of September, 1819, son of Edmund Hogan, who was born in Virginia in 1762, but was reared principally in North Carolina. At the age of sixteen he enlisted in the Revolutionary war, serving under Gen. Washington about four years. He then removed to Kentucky, and for ten years was with Daniel Boone fighting the Indians. He then moved to Louisiana and served as magistrate under the Spanish Government about ten years. He returned to Middle Tennessee about 1812, and in 1824 removed to Henry County, where he died February 13, 1838.   He was twice married, his first wife being Patsey Wilburn (our subject’s mother), who was born in Georgia, and died in Tennessee February 8, 1838. Our subject is of English-Irish and Welsh descent, and, as his father was very poor in worldly goods, he was thrown on his own resources for obtaining a livelihood at the early age of eighteen years. He came to Obion County and hired out for a year or tow in order to procure means to obtain an education He afterward taught school about seven years, and was elected constable in March, 1848, and served one year. In 1856 he was elected magistrate, and held the office about fifteen years. He also filled the office of trustee three years. He was at first first lieutenant and afterward colonel of the county militia, and resigned after two years’ service. April 20, 1848, he married Elizabeth B. Hutcherson, who became the mother of thirteen children, four of whom are dead. Mrs. Hogan died September 2, 1882. Mrs. Hogan is worth about $8,000, and is a man of influence where he resides. He is a member of the Primitive Baptist Church, and is a Republican in politics. Previous to the late war he was a Whig.

S. F. Howard, a farmer of the Seventh District of Obion County, Tenn., was born in Maury County, of the same State, March 6, 1850. His father Isaac L. Howard, was born in the same county, December 27, 1825, and his wife, Sarah M. Howard, was born in 1829. S. F. Howard resided on his father’s farm until twenty-three years of age. He then began farming for himself, and at eh expiration of one year came to Obion County, locating near Crockett’s Station, where he has been very successfully engaged in farming. He was postmaster of Crockett station during 1875, and since August, 1876, has served as magistrate. In February, 1874, he married Susan A. Jackson, of Obion County, daughter of Lewis and Anna Jackson. Mr. Howard is a substantial citizen of the county, and was elected notary public by the county court in July, 1881, and was re-appointed in July, 1885. He also served two terms as chairman of the county court. He is a member in good standing in the Christian Church, and is a Mason and Democrat.

J. H. Hogue, farmer of the Sixth District of Obion County, was born in Mississippi, July 25, 1836; son of James B. and Mary L. (Harper) Hogue, who were born in South Carolina. The father came to Tennessee at a very early age, and about 1830 moved to Mississippi, where he died in 1842 or 1843. The mother is residing with her son, J. H. Hogue, who was reared on a farm. At the age of twenty-one he began farming in Arkansas, continuing about three years, when the war broke out. He joined the Confederate Army, serving in Company B, Twelfth Kentucky Regiment, and was commissary sergeant of the same. He, with his regiment, was in about seventeen engagements and was not wounded or captured. At the close of the war he returned to Arkansas and resumed farming, but since 1876 has been a resident o Tennessee. His possessions, in worldly goods, amount to about $3,000. He is scrupulously honest in his business transactions and is a worthy citizen of the county. He is a Democrat and a member of the American Reformed Presbyterian Church. January 3, 1861, he wedded Nancy E. Harper, who died August 8, 1873, having borne six children, two of whom are dead. April 13, 1878,  Mr. Hogue married Jemima Moffatt, who has borne him three children, one of whom is deceased.

George R. Holman was born in Buckingham County, Va., June 16, 1824, and is of English-French descent. His parents, Jesse and Martha A. (Ayres) Holman, were born, reared and married in Virginia, and located in Buckingham County, where they reared their family. Both died on the old homestead prior to 1840. Our subject’s early days were spent on this farm. He began milling at an early day. He was married in Obion County, Tenn., February 14, 1855, to Mary L. Nailling, who was born in Weakley County, Tenn., October 25, 1839, a daughter of W. A. Nailling. To Mr. and Mrs. Holman eleven children were born, seven of whom are living: Mary A. E. (Dodd), Willis Lee, Adel Modena (Blakemore), Clara Mott, Martha Leak, Eva and Robert Halbert. Mr. Holman is a Democrat and is well informed on the topics of the day. He owns a farm of 340 acres, on which he raises stock and the various farm commodities, and has been reported to the Agricultural Bureau for six years. He was employed two years as overseer of a plantation in early life, and taught school for fifteen months. He has also been engaged in the mercantile business, first with T. M. Pierce at old Jacksonville, Tenn., and later with his brother, J. T. Holman, at the same place. Their store burned in 1858, with a loss of $15,000. Mr. Holman is a Mason.

George P. Hurt is a Dyer County Tennessean, born November 14, 1851; one of six sons and four daughters born to the marriage of John A Hurt and Julia Clark. They were born in Dyer County, Tenn., and Virginia respectively, and were married in Gibson County, Tenn. They came to Obion County and located on a farm near Kenton. He was in the Forty-seventh Tennessee Infantry during the late war, and was wounded at Richmond. He afterward returned home and has since followed farming as his chief occupation. Both husband and wife are still living. At the age of eighteen, George P. Hurt became clerk in a hotel in Trenton and continued such three years. He then accepted a clerkship in Hickman, Ky., till 1873, then returned to Obion County, and September 1874, was appointed deputy tax collector, and held the position two years; then filled the position of deputy trustee four years, serving the whole time under Capt. Hollomon. In 1880 he was elected county trustee, and two years later was re-elected to the same office with no opposition. In January, 1875, he married Ella Rains, of Gibson County, who has borne him two sons and four daughters. He purchased a farm of 101 acres, near Troy, in 1883, but sold out in 1884, and January, 1885, purchased his present farm of 234 acres. He is a member of the K. of H. and I. O. O. F., and he and wife are members of the Missionary Baptist Church.

P. H. Hurt first saw the light of day in the “Old Dominion,” October 6, 1823. He came to Obion County, Tenn., in 1869, where he has since been successfully engaged in agricultural pursuits. His parents were Virginians and died when P. H. was a small lad. He was reared by a guardian on a farm, and worked on the same until he was bout eighteen years of age. He then entered school at Salem, Roanoke County, and continued there about ten months, when he began working as a farm laborer for $8 per month. At the end of two years he was employed by Joseph Duckeniler to supervise the laborers he employed. At the end of ten months he married his employer’s daughter. The wedding took place October 3, 1843. Their union resulted in the birth of nine children, three of whom are dead. Those living are: Mary Ann (Mrs. John Mitchell), Sarah Jane (Mrs. Isaac Bandy), Joseph H., Emma (Mrs. Sam Jackson), John A., Nannie J. (Mrs. J. A. Rochell). Mrs. Hurt died at the birth of her youngest child. In 1863 Mr. Hurt married Sallie Sence, who died June 1, 1877. He married his third wife – Margaret E. Marby – December 24, 1878. Mr. Hurt is worth about $20,000, the most of which he has made since the late war, and is one of the substantial and honorable citizens of the county. He is a Democrat and Prohibitionist and belongs to the Missionary Baptist Church. His wife is a member of Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

Thomas R. Hutcherson, merchant and grain dealer, of Rives, Tenn., was born in Henry County, Tenn., on the 23d of March, 1838, and is one of the ten children of Lewis M. and Sarah (Brooks) Hutcherson, who were born in Virginia and North Carolina respectively, and came to Tennessee when young. They resided in Henry County until 1842, then came to Obion County, where the father resided until his death – in January, 1849. The mother resides with our subject, who made his parents’ house his home until the breaking out of the war, when he enlisted in the Thirty-third Tennessee Infantry, of which he was the captain. When the regiment was reorganized in 1862, he returned home and followed farming until 1871, when he engaged in mercantile pursuits and has continued up to the present time, with the exception of one year, 1883, when he was engaged in the drug trade, in Paris, Tex., with which he is still connected. He deals quite extensively in grain, and is doing well financially. In December, 1875, he married Gussie Manning, of Gibson County, and by her is the father of the following family: Maggie, John P., and Lillian. Mr. Hutcherson owns two farms in Obion County, from one of which he cut, in 1884, a mammoth white oak, which measured twenty-eight feet in circumference at the stump.


H – Goodspeed, 1887 — No Comments

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