HomeE – Goodspeed, 1887

Rev. W. C. Easterwood is a Gibson County Tennessean, born July 16, 1831, son of John and Mary Easterwood. The father was born in Georgia and died in 1846. The latter died in 1865. Rev. W. C. Easterwood is of English descent. He worked on a farm for the support of his mother until he was twenty-five years of age. He followed agricultural pursuits in Gibson County until 1858, when he came to Obion County, settling on his present farm. He has been a minister of the Gospel since 1869, being licensed to preach July 31 of that year. He was ordained elder October 20, 1878, and January 10, 1856, married Silvinie, daughter of Archie and Rebecca Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Easterwood became the parents of eight children: Mary Elizabeth (widow of Silas Cruse), Rebecca A. (Mrs. George Molom, Francis Silvinie (Mrs. William Bertrum), Harriett Angeline (Mrs. William Robinson), Emily Catherine (Mrs. Robert Fields), William Thomas, Charley Curby and Lillie Bell.  Mr. Easterwood’s early educational advantages were limited, but his education has been obtained by dint of hard study. He is politically a Democrat, and up the date of the late war was an old line Whip. He joined the Confederate Army in 1861, serving in the Thirty-third Tennessee Infantry, Company I. He was captured at Shiloh and taken to Camp Douglas, Chicago, but was afterward exchanged at Vicksburg. He returned home in December, 1862, and has since followed the pursuit of farming.

Thomas J. Edwards, M. D., of Union City, is familiarly known throughout the South as one of the most eminent oculists of the day. He was born on his father’s farm in Obion County, this State, three and one-half miles east of Union City, November 17, 1833, and was there reared to early manhood. Hugh H. Edwards, his father, was of Scotch lineage, and was born in North Carolina in the year 1801, his father being William Edwards, also a native of North Carolina and a soldier of the war of 1812. Hugh H. Edwards was on of the pioneers of Obion County. He was a farmer by occupation, and was a man who commanded the esteem of all by reason of his upright conduct through life. He wedded Judith Hill, an estimable lady, born in Virginia in 1807, and a member of one of the first families of that State. Their respective deaths occurred in this county in 1865 and 1882. The Edwards family immigrated from North Carolina to Tennessee about the year 1823, first settling in Wilson County. Two years later the family removed to Obion County, which was ever afterward the home of our subject’s parents. Dr. Thomas J. Edwards’ boyhood was passed in assisting his parents on the farm, and during a portion of the winter seasons he was accorded the privilege of attending the country schools. Here the rudiments of a common school education were acquired, which only created in his mind the earnest desire to greatly better it. Obtaining the consent of his father, he left home at th age of seventeen years and began the battle of life upon his own responsibility. He was a student at the Dresden Seminary for some time, and afterward taught school about one year. In 1853 he entered Andrew College, of Trenton, Tenn., where he remained until nearly the completion of his junior year; but afterward completed his literary schooling at McKenzie Institute, near Clarksville, Tenn. Previous to this time (in 1854) he had begun the study of medicine, and while in attendance at the last named school was enabled to defray his expenses by the proceeds derived from the practice of his chosen profession. He attended the St. Louis (Mo.) Medical College, from which he graduated with honors. He practiced at Salem, Mo., for some time, then took another course of lectures at the University of Nashville to better fit himself for his specialties. After graduating at the latter institution he moved to California, where he practiced surgery with marked success until 1863. While at San Francisco he was made professor of Institutes of Medicine at Toland Medical College; but, owing to being absent on a professional trip to Mexico, where he was taken ill, he was unable to fill the chair, as he was compelled to return to the Atlantic States. In 1863 he visited Europe, and while there studied at the ophthalmic hospitals of London, Paris, Berlin and Vienna. He made a complete tour of the continent, spending considerable time in the Holy Land, and then returned to America, where special degrees were conferred upon him by the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, Bellevue Hospital of New York, and the New Orleans School of Medicine. He located at Union City, and has since made it his home. For the past twenty years Dr. Edwards has made diseases of the eye a special study, and so eminent has he become in this particular field of science, that his fame and practice are not confined by State lines, but extend all over the South and throughout many States of the North. Dr. Edwards is a Democrat in politics and an Episcopalian in religion. He is an honored member of the Masonic, I. O. O. F. and K. of P. fraternities. In 1872 occurred the solemnization of his marriage with Miss Clara Bird, daughter of John Bird, of Missouri, and two sons and one daughter have blessed their union, who names are Dick A., Birdie K. and Harry T. In every sense of the word Dr. Edwards is a self-made man.

Thomas D. Edwards, M. D. (A nephew of Dr. T. J. Edwards, the well and favorable known oculist), was born in Obion County Tenn., May 12, 1856, son of J. R. and Nancy J. (Curlin) Edwards. His father was born in Weakley County, Tenn., in 1828, while his mother is a native of Obion County. Our subject is the eldest of eight children, and was reared on a farm. His first schooling was acquired at the country winter schools. At an early day he was compelled to make his own way in life, and at the age of seventeen began teaching school and continued the same four years (two years in Kentucky and two in Tennessee). He began the study of medicine in 1878 under the direction of Dr. T. J. Edwards, of Union City. He attended medical lectures at the medical department of the University of Tennessee, at Nashville, from which he graduated in February, 1884. He immediately located in Union City and is now associated with Dr. T. J. Edwards in the special treatment of diseases of the eye and ear. He is a successful and skillful practitioner and is a hard student, losing no opportunity of better preparing himself for his profession. He is a Democrat in politics, a Methodist in religion, and a member of the K. of P. November 25, 1885, he married Ella Sacra, who was born in Trousdale County, March 2, 1866.

John H. Ekdahl, of the firm of Beck, Bransford & Ekdahl Furniture Co., was born in Christianstad, Sweden, June 17, 1851, son of  P. J. and Botilda (Erickson) Ekdahl, both of whom were born in Sweden, the father in 1825 and the mother in 1830. Our subject, the eldest of their seven children, received his education in the English and German and his native language. He was quite young when apprenticed to learn the blacksmith’s and machinist’s trade, but abandoned it after a short time and learned the cabinet-maker’s trad. After visiting the principal cities of Europe he came to America in 1870. He employed by Mobile & Ohio Railroad Company as house and car builder for seven years. He then came to Union City, Tenn., and for three years contracted for cabinet work. In 1882 he established the Ekdahl Furniture Co., which, in 1885 was consolidated with Beck and Bransford, and since that time Mr. Ekdahl has been the superintendent of the Beck, Bransford & Ekdahl Furniture Co. He is a practical mechanic and an enterprising man. He was married in 1877 to Miss Mollie Cherry, born in Tennessee in 1855. They have two children, Harry and Carl. Mr. Ekdahl and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

J. R. Ellington’s birth occurred in Marshall County, Tenn., in February, 1844. His parents were natives of North Carolina. He was reared on a farm, and, as his father died when he was quite small, he was reared by his stepfather, with whom he remained until twenty-seven years of age. Since that time he has been a tiller of the soil on his own responsibility. He is a thoroughly self-made man and has accumulated the greater part of his property by his own unaided efforts and is now worth about $5,000. He was married in August, 1870, to Lovie Ann Barnett, of Obion County, the daughter of William and Ruth Barnett. To Mr. and Mrs. Ellington were born four children: William P., Isaac Almon, James C. and Robert D. Mr. Ellington is a man of influence in his section of the county and thoroughly honorable and upright. His early educational advantages were somewhat limited owing to the breaking out of the civil war, but he has always manifested an interest in and desire to aid all enterprises for the advancement of educational interests. He is a Democrat and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.

Hon. A. B. Enloe, attorney at law, was born five miles southwest of Troy, April 6, 1827, son of Joel S. Enloe and Mary (Winters) Enloe. Joel S. Enloe was born in South Carolina in 1795, and when a small boy emigrated West with his parents. He came to Obion Count, Tenn., in 1824, where he farmed and resided until his death in August, 1880. His wife died in Arkansas about 1864. Our subject is the second of eight children, was raised on a farm, and educated in the early schools of the county and at Westbrook Academy. He began the study of lay in 1851 under the direction of Judge S. W. Cochran, and was licensed to practice in 1853. A year later he formed a partnership with his former preceptor, which continued until January, 1882. Mr. Enloe has always been a Democrat in his political views, and 1876 was elected to represent Obion and Lake Counties in the General Assembly of Tennessee. He has for many years been one of the leading lawyers of West Tennessee. May 1, 1856, he married Margaret E. Hutchinson, of Obion County, who died June 18, 1863. January 9, 1872, he married Amanda Brice, of Fairfield District, S. C. They have three children: Robert C., Walter and Mary F.    Mr. Enloe has been a Mason since 1854, Western Sun Lodge, No 88. From 1863 until the close of the war, he was in the commissary department of the Confederate Army. His wife is a member of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church.

Samuel T. Evans, M. D., is a Floyd County Virginian, born January 9, 1847, son of Dr. S. A. J. Evans, who was born in Rappahannock County, Va., in 1811. He married Sallie Jackson, who was born in Fairfax County, Va., in 1813, and is yet residing in her native State. She is a sister of Capt. James W. Jackson, who killed the celebrated Col. Ellsworth at Alexandria, Va., in 1861. The father died in 1855. Samuel T. was educated in the schools of Virginia, and 1866 began studying medicine in the office of  Dr. W. B. Hines. He first attended lectures at the University of Virginia, and subsequently at the Washington University at Baltimore, Md., and graduated from the latter institution February 22, 1869. The same year he came to Tennessee, and located at Bean Station, where he remained only a short time. Since that time, with the exception of 1872, when he served as acting assistant surgeon in the United States Navy, he has been a resident and a successful surgeon and physician of Union City, Obion Co., Tenn. In 1878 he was president of the Board of Health of Union City, and demonstrated the fact that yellow fever could be kept out by quarantine. In 1861 he joined Pelham’s battery of Stuart’s horse artillery, with which he served until after the battle Fredericksburg, Va. (Where he was severely wounded), when he was made special courier of  Gen. R. E. Lee, and served in this capacity until the close of the war. In 1867 he married Sue A. Coffin, who was born near Knoxville, Tenn, in 1850. They have three children: Samuel T., John C. and Robley D. In politics he is a Democrat, and in religion is a Presbyterian. He is a member of the State Medical Society, K. of P., A. O. U. W. and K. of H.

James A Everett is one of two surviving members of a family of three children born to William and Frances (Brooks) Everett, and was born in Maury County, Tenn., May 17, 1836. William Everett was born in North Carolina and came to Tennessee in 1833, locating in Maury County. Here he farmed until 1859, then came to Obion County, where he died in 1878. The mother died in 1846. James A. Everett learned blacksmithing when about fifteen years of age and followed that occupation two years. The following thirteen years he was engaged in grist-milling. In 1866 he married Miss P. Dodson, of Maury County. To this union five children have been born, four of whom are still living: Fannie D., Olivia (deceased), James K., Erma and Charles. Mr. Everett purchased his present farm, of 140 acres, in 1865, and located on it in 1873. Besides this he has another farm on 100 acres in the county. He is a member of the K. of H. and is identified with the Democratic party. Mrs. Everett’s mother was born in Virginia in 1801, and has never missed a meal of victuals for the want of appetite, has never drunk a cup of coffee nor used tobacco.


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