Home1880 Surname Index – JKLM

Surname Index by: Dora Burke, Dorothy Chance, Jackie Davidson, Debra Lowe, Diane Pinion, Jane Powell, Joan Wells Pruett, Carole Schreiber, Susan Wilson.
“We did the best we could … and as with any typing of handwritten names, there may be possible errors”

ED: 104 – Civil District 1
ED: 105 – Civil District 2
ED: 106 – Civil District 3
ED: 107 – Civil District 7 & Civil District 4
ED: 108 – Civil District 5
ED: 109 – Civil District 6
ED: 110 – Town of Kenton, Civil District 8, Civil District 11
ED: 111 – Civil District 14 & Divil District 9
ED: 112 – Civil District 10 & Civil District 12
ED: 113 – Union City & Civil District 13
ED: 114 – Civil District 16

There are scanned images (.gif files) of this census available in the USGenWeb Archives. The name of each image file is the ED-Page No.

The numbers following each SURNAME in the following lists are the beginning part of the .gif file name.

  • J or S ____? 106-03 J? 106-10 Ja—l 104-29
  • Jackson 104-03, 104-18, 106-16, 107-01, 107-07, 107-10, 107-12, 107-18, 107-23, 107-24, 107-30, 108-05, 108-06, 108-07, 108-08, 109-05, 109-06, 109-12, 109-12, 109-13, 109-14, 109-26, 109-53, 109-55, 110-23, 111-01, 111-03, 111-03, 111-03, 111-32, 111-40, 112-04, 112-10, 112-18, 113-49, 113-64, 113-73, 114-40, 114-40, Jackson? 108-23
  • Jacob? 104-03 Jacobs 109-29 Jacobs 114-19 Jacobs 114-19 Jager 107-51
  • James 104-32 James 106-13 James 107-21 James 107-25 James 107-42 James 109-56 James 110-07 James 111-31 James 113-35 James 113-48
  • Jameson 111-16 Jamison 110-32 Jamison 112-23 Jamison? 110-43 Janes 110-06 Jark? 106-18 Jarrette 108-23 Jasole? 104-03 Jean 107-12 Jean 107-15 Jeans 107-14 Jeans 107-16 Jeans 110-15 Jedding 113-06 Jefferson 107-09 Jemi–son (?) 109-19 Jenett 109-32 Jenkins 104-16 Jenkins 104-19 Jenkins 104-24 Jenkins 107-33 Jenkins 113-08 Jenkins 114-14 Jenkins 114-14 Jenkins? 114-12 Jenkins? 114-12 Jetron? 110-37 Jimmerson 109-25 Jimmison? 108-23 Jo— 104-35
  • Johnson 104-04, 104-05,  104-12,  104-34,  106-05,  106-09,   106-12,  106-16,  107-07,  107-11,  107-31,  107-37,   107-40,  109-01,  109-05,  109-32,  109-48,  109-50,   109-58,  110-08,  110-16,  110-24,  111-03,  111-09,   111-18,  111-36,  111-41,  111-43,  112-01,  112-02,   112-05,  112-16,  112-20,  113-05,  113-07,  113-12,   113-22,  113-34,  113-41,  113-44,  113-46,  113-61,   113-65,  113-73,  113-74,  114-05,  114-05,  114-06,   114-06,  114-12,  114-12,  114-13,  114-13,  114-23,   114-23,  114-29,  114-29,  114-44,  114-44,  114-49,   114-49,  W—ten? 114-42, Johnson W—ten?, 114-42 Johnson? 114-50, Johnson? 114-50
  • Johnston 108-04 Johnston 108-05 Johnston 108-16 Johnston 108-17 Johnston 112-20 Jonatson? 106-26 Jones 104-17
  • Jones 106-07,  106-19,  106-19,  106-26,  107-01,   107-04,  107-11,  107-14,  107-22,  108-08,  109-11,   109-17,  109-23,  109-38,  109-49,  109-57,  110-02,   110-05,  110-20,  111-12,  111-20,  111-21,  111-22,   111-36,  111-37,  111-40,  111-42,  111-43,  112-02,   112-13,  112-15,  112-20,  112-24,  113-09,  113-39,   113-57,  113-72,  113-81,  114-03,  114-03,  114-06,   114-06,  114-25,  114-25,  114-29,  114-29,  114-33,   114-33,  114-34,  114-34,  114-54,  114-54, Jones or Janis? 114-22, Jones or Janis? 114-22
  • Jonston 106-20 Jopin? 111-30 Jordan 104-04 Jordan 104-05 Jordan 111-30 Jordan 111-44 Jordan 113-53 Jordan? 107-40 Jordon 114-22 Jordon 114-22 Joseph 107-08 Journey 112-04 Joymer 113-63 Joyner 113-76 Joyner 113-80 Joynes 112-21 Juban 113-38 Julian 113-25 Julian 113-35 Julien 104-07

  • K——- 110-01 K—–? 110-11 K—-and? 114-10 K—-and? 114-10 K—oll? 110-31 Karpin 112-20 Kart 109-11 Kazzf—-? 114-12 Kazzf—-? 114-12
  • Kean? 110-38 Keath 111-24 Keathley 110-08 Keathley 110-09 Keathly? 110-08 Keaton 108-24 Keen 104-17 Keen 104-33
  • Keickman 112-16 Keickman 112-16
  • Keith 108-01 Keith 108-02 Keith 109-21 Keith 109-33 Keith 111-25 Keliston 111-19
  • Kelley 111-11 Kelley 111-42 Kelley 113-25 Kellogg 113-59 Kellum 104-37
  • Kelly 104-03 Kelly 104-06 Kelly 106-15 Kelly 107-38 Kelly 109-12 Kelly 109-47 Kelly 111-05 Kelly 112-13 Kelly 113-71
  • Kenaday 111-19 Kendall 112-26 Kendrick 110-10 Kendrick 110-11 Kendrix 106-14 Kennedy 110-02 Kenneth 109-29 Kensing 109-42 Keowanda 112-18 Kerly 112-22 Kernell 111-30
  • Kersey 112-05 Ketchum 112-22 Kewandee 112-25 Key 104-21 Key 109-05 Key 109-17
  • KI— or Hi—? 114-12 KI— or Hi—? 114-12 KI—— 111-33
  • Kicher 111-04 Kidd? 114-12 Kidd? 114-12 Kilbans 104-11 Killiads? 111-01
  • Killian 106-19 Killian 106-19 Killian 106-20 Killian 106-21 Killingsworth? 110-06 Killion 106-15 Killion 106-21 Killong? 114-07 Killong? 114-07
  • Killough 112-21 Kilzer 113-42 Kimberlin 113-42 Kimble 111-01 Kinchlett or H? 114-14 Kinchlett or H? 114-14 Kinchlett or Hinchlett? 114-18 Kinchlett or Hinchlett? 114-18 Kiney 104-11
  • King 106-03, 106-25, 108-01, 108-02, 108-15, 109-30, 109-31, 109-56, 110-05, 110-36, 110-38, 111-02, 111-16, 111-39, 111-43, 111-44, 113-42, 113-47, 113-54, 113-63, 113-65 King or Ring? 114-51 King or Ring? 114-51
  • Kinghlet? 114-40 Kinghlet? 114-40 Kinghlett? 114-39 Kinghlett? 114-39 Kingston 107-17 Kinkaid 107-33
  • Kinkall 113-29 Kinkston 104-23 Kinnan 109-56 Kinnand? 114-01 Kinnand? 114-01 Kinnard 104-17 Kinnard? 114-45 Kinnard? 114-45
  • Kinney 109-03 Kinsey 113-46 Kinston 111-08 Kirby 109-47 Kirby 109-48 Kirby 111-10 Kirby 112-24 Kirk 108-15 Kirk 109-05 Kirk 112-16 Kirk 112-27
  • Kirkland 104-29 Kirkland 111-07 Kissum 109-04 Kisten 104-23 Kisty 104-23 Kitchell 109-57 Kitchens 107-43 Kitchin 109-42 Kitrell 111-03
  • Kitt– 107-08 Kitton 113-42 Kittrell 111-01 Kittrell 113-81 Kizer 111-15 Kizer? 111-34 Kline 110-19 Kline 113-31
  • Knight 109-07 Knight 109-08 Knight 109-35 Knight 114-10 Knight 114-10
  • Knott 114-53 Knott 114-53 Koggins 107-46 Kon—–? 114-24 Kon—–? 114-24
  • Kondly 111-12 Kord 111-18 Korley 111-19 Kosson? 110-03 Kraesth? 106-22 Kreyfling? 114-13 Kreyfling? 114-13 Kritwell (?) 109-57 Kroger 113-12 Ktuel (?) 109-08 Kudhain? 111-44 Kwieg? 104-35 Kylie 111-08 Kyser 113-77

  • L*—–* 113-10 L——? 114-34 L——? 114-34 L—–? 114-06 L—–? 114-06 L—-? 110-20 La—? 114-22 La—? 114-22
  • Labin 106-20 Lacefield 107-30 Lacewell 104-14 Lacewell 113-71
  • Lacomme? 114-15 Lacomme? 114-15 Lacomme? 114-16 Lacomme? 114-16 Lacomme? 114-17 Lacomme? 114-17
  • Lafore 107-03 Lagett 109-24 Lamar 111-43 Lambden 109-55 Lambs? 107-05 Lamet 112-25
  • Lancaster 104-09, 104-28, 106-02, 109-21, 109-45, 109-46, 109-55, 111-32
  • Lanchradet? 110-45 Landers 106-02 Landers 109-58
  • Landress 107-35, Landrum 107-35 Landrum 107-36 Landrum 111-42 Landrum 111-44 Landrum 112-24
  • Lane 111-43
  • Laney 110-44 Langford 106-09 Langley 104-35 Lankford 106-22 Lansell? 108-12
  • Lapmill 114-12 Lapmill 114-12 Lapmill? 114-08 Lapmill? 114-08 Laranutt? 106-25 Larfield 107-25
  • Larkin 107-36 Larkin? 108-19 Larking 112-25 Larks 111-22 Larson 106-26 Lash? 111-31
  • Lasley (?) 109-32 Lasley 109-33 Lass—–? 114-01 Lass—–? 114-01 Lassmill 114-29 Lassmill 114-29 Lassmill? 114-10 Lassmill? 114-10 Laster 107-42
  • Latham 112-11, 113-27, 114-37, 114-37, 114-38, 114-38
  • Latimer 112-11 Latimer 112-12 Latimer 112-22 Latimore 113-62 Latimore 113-75
  • Laud? 111-39 Lavender 107-25 Law 113-07 Lawhouse? 106-21 Lawler 107-18 Lawrance 106-21 Lawrence 106-20 Lawrence 110-19 Lawrence 110-42 Lawrence 111-12
  • Lawson 111-12 Lawson 111-12 Lawson 111-42 Lawson 113-31
  • Layne 113-09 Layne 113-30 Layne 113-75
  • Lebing 106-19 Lecornu 104-32
  • Lee 104-20, 108-20, 108-20, 109-55, 112-13, 112-14, 112-24, 113-23, 114-17, 114-17
  • Leeds 107-34 Leffler 113-83 Leggett 109-35 Leigh 107-24
  • Lemon or Lumon? 114-10 Lemon or Lumon? 114-10 Lemons 111-12 Lenard? 110-09 Lennon 104-08 Lennox? 114-01 Lennox? 114-01
  • Leonard (?) 109-53 Lery 111-18 Lewis 107-08 Lewis 109-42 Lewis 109-44 Lewis 113-01 Lewis 113-25 Leynord 113-10
  • Licker 111-20 Lides 104-08 Liggon? 104-35 Light 113-03 Lightfoot 106-05 Ligon? 114-53 Ligon? 114-53 Lima? 110-08 Linch 106-26
  • Linden 111-21, 114-11, 114-11 Linn? 107-43 Linsley 110-05 Lion 114-25 Lion 114-25 Lions 108-13
  • Lippard 108-05, 108-10, 108-16 Lippard 111-32
  • Litchford 109-23 Litchford 109-24 Litchford 112-13 Little 113-50
  • Littleton 107-03, 109-45, 110-01, 113-65, 113-78
  • Lloyd 110-45 Locke 109-16 Locke 109-46 Locke 109-58 Lockett? 110-02 LOester? 104-29 Lofter 113-71
  • Logan 106-13 Logan 113-35 Logan? 108-22 Lomack 106-14
  • London 106-01 London 106-24 London 106-24 London? 114-51 London? 114-51 Long 106-22 Long 107-09 Long 109-27 Long 110-02
  • Long 111-28 Long 111-29 Long 113-55 Long 113-64 Lonnox? 107-49 Lorance 106-03
  • Loree 106-07 Lorens 106-23 Lorrid 113-44 Lorry 113-24 Lotta 113-17 Louisa 111-19 Love 114-07 Love 114-07 Love? 114-40 Love? 114-40
  • Lovelace (?) 109-12 Lovelace 113-11 Loveless 109-03 Lovell 112-18 Lovette 112-19
  • Low or Tow? 114-12 Low or Tow? 114-12 Low or Tow? 114-13 Low or Tow? 114-13 Lowe 107-40
  • Lowell 107-19 Lowwell 113-52 Loy 106-17
  • Lukens 113-06 Luker 104-24 Luker 109-10 Luker 110-31 Luker 111-10 Luker 111-15 Luker 111-40 Luker 111-41
  • Lumbridge 113-71 Luntford 111-06 Lutan 107-25 Luten 113-77 Luttull? 113-43
  • Ly—-? 114-16 Ly—-? 114-16 Lyam 113-83 Lylis? 110-24
  • Lynch 104-12 Lynch 104-12
  • Lyon 107-39 Lyon 111-33 Lyon 113-24 Lyon? 114-21 Lyon? 114-21 Lyons 113-21 Lyttle 109-54

  • M—–? 110-08 M—? 110-07 M–kle? 114-33 M–kle? 114-33 M–right 107-09 M-loro? 114-39 M-loro? 114-39
  • Mabbs 107-33 Maberry 111-27
  • Macdoo? 114-26 Macdoo? 114-26 MacFarland 113-19 Mackin 111-01 Macomb? 110-38
  • Madden 112-18 Madden 113-23 Made 112-18 Magan? 114-30 Magan? 114-30
  • Maham? 114-51 Maham? 114-51 Mahan 109-55 Mahon 107-40 Maje? 104-27
  • Majors 109-01 Majors 109-38
  • Maladay 111-15, Maloney 108-08, 109-18, 111-26, 111-40, Maloy 111-03
  • Manees 104-28 Manning 109-13 Mansfield 104-25 Manson 113-38 Marbury 113-19 Marcus 107-10
  • Marker 106-04 Markham 109-14 Marlin 113-47 Marne 113-08 Marouwn? 111-05 Marr 104-17
  • Marshall 106-04, 106-08, 107-37, 109-11, 109-20, 109-29, 109-43, 109-53, 109-55, 109-58
  • Martin 104-23, 109-19, 109-19, 109-48, 109-51, 110-19, 110-22, 110-25, 111-03, 111-42, 113-74, 113-75, 113-82 Martin? 110-38 Marvin? 107-10, Maryume? 111-10
  • Mason 109-59 Mason? 108-16
  • Massengill 111-21 Massingill 113-03 Mast 106-23 Mastis? 110-15 Matchett 109-58 Matheny 106-11 Matheny? 107-21
  • Mather 106-08 Mather 110-05
  • Mathews 104-13 Mathews 109-18 Mathews 109-51 Mathews? 114-48 Mathews? 114-48 Mathis 106-12
  • Matlock 107-14 Matlock 110-37 Matt or Mutt? 114-19 Matt or Mutt? 114-19
  • Matthews, 104-13, 104-14, 104-18, 113-03 Matthis 111-08 Mattichi 104-07
  • Maupin 107-47, 109-22, Maxey 109-56 Maxley 109-07 Maxor 109-48 Maxwell? 114-29 Maxwell? 114-29 Mayes 113-75
  • Mayfield 114-35, 114-35, 114-40, 114-40
  • Mc—-? 114-05 Mc—-? 114-05 Mc—-? 114-16 Mc—-? 114-16 Mc-aniel 104-37 McA—? 114-01 McA—? 114-01
  • McAdams 113-19, 113-22 McAdo 109-27 McAdoo 107-33 McAfie 109-24
  • McAlister 107-48, 113-83 McAllary 108-03
  • McBride 106-16, 106-17, 107-36, 110-22
  • McBut–? 110-07 McC—-? 114-06 McC—-? 114-06 McC—? 114-46 McC—? 114-46 McC–ona? 114-18 McC–ona? 114-18 McCain 107-14 McCalib 109-08 McCall 114-25 McCall 114-25
  • McCampbell 113-01 McCampbell 113-69 McCarnbeth? 113-46 McCaw 107-37 McClain 106-14 McClaine? 107-43 McClellan 111-35 McClenden? 111-42 McClowhan? 113-01 McCloyse? 113-01
  • McClure 111-19, 112-27, 113-42, 113-43 McConklis 110-42 McConnell  109-29, 110-13 McCord 106-04, 114-41,  114-41 McCorkle 111-22
  • McCoy 107-45, 107-47, 108-19, 109-11, 109-12, 110-34
  • McCracken 109-48 McCragie? 110-02 McCullam 109-16 McCutchins 113-68
  • McDaniel 106-02, 106-11, 106-12, 109-14, 109-25, 109-28, 109-29, 109-31, 110-33
  • McDearmon 107-40 McDonald 109-36 McDonnell 104-06 McDowell 112-10 McEarly? 111-27
  • McElyea 107-14 McElyea 108-04 McElzea 108-16
  • McFadden 110-22, 114-21, 114-21, 114-23, 114-23, 114-26, 114-26, McFadden? 114-24 McFadden? 114-24 McFaden? 114-09 McFaden? 114-09
  • McFall 114-28, 114-28, 114-32, 114-32, McFall? 114-17 McFall? 114-17 McFall? 114-18 McFall? 114-18 McFall? 114-24 McFall? 114-24 McFarland 113-54 McGaugh 111-22
  • McGee 107-38 McGee 111-27 McGeely? 114-25 McGeely? 114-25 McGin? 113-47 McGinnis? 110-05
  • McGiselin? 113-55 McGonagal 107-09 McGouch 109-33 McGowan (?) 109-29 McGrew 111-16 McG- 112-10
  • McHenry 104-04 McHenry 104-05
  • McInstosh 111-13 McInstsh 111-20 McIntosh 113-32 McIntyre 113-42 McJane 104-10
  • McKenaston 104-04 McKenaston 104-05 McKenzie 107-37 McKinnen 114-13 McKinnen 114-13
  • McKinney 109-47, 114-26, 114-26 McKinnin 112-20 McKinnon? 114-33 McKinnon? 114-33 McKiston 113-80 McKnight 110-33 McKory? 110-06
  • McLanahan 113-46 McLean 109-33 McLetrol? 111-19 McLin? 113-48 McLinnell? 114-22 McLinnell? 114-22 McManus 104-11
  • McMillan 110-15, 110-18, 110-26, 110-41
  • McMinn 106-14 McMurray? 114-15 McMurray? 114-15 McMurry 104-26 McMurry 112-03 McNabb 104-03
  • McNealy 110-08 McNealy? 110-02 McNealy? 110-24 McNeel 106-05 McNeeley 110-15 McNeeley 110-20 McNeeley 110-30 McNeely 110-09 McNeely? 110-12 McNovall? 114-24 McNovall? 114-24 McNulty? 110-02 McNulty? 110-09
  • McPherson 110-21 McPherson 110-39 McPherson? 107-47 McRony? 110-20
  • McRee 109-31, 109-32, 109-39, 109-49
  • McRoy 113-28 McSealy 113-72 McShane 107-43 McVey 111-14
  • McWhirter 111-07, 111-07, 111-08, 111-08, 111-14 McWhorton? 114-17 McWhorton? 114-17
  • Meacham 109-50, 109-53, 109-58
  • Mead—-? 110-14 Meadoe 107-22 Meadows 107-01 Meadows 110-23 Meek 114-04 Meek 114-04 Meekam? 110-28 Melrow? 114-47 Melrow? 114-47 Merritt 109-39
  • Mesersmith? 111-25 Metcalf 109-26 Metcher 113-24 Methany? 107-08
  • Mi—-? 110-42 Michel 104-01 Michel 104-16 Michel 104-18 Michel 104-19 Midgets? 110-13 Midyatt? 110-13 Milanott? 111-04 Milburn 110-01 Miles 110-34 Mill 108-10
  • Miller 108-18, 108-19, 108-22, 109-16, 109-17, 109-44, 110-45, 111-07, 111-07, 111-08, 111-08, 111-14, 111-15, 111-18, 111-24, 111-25, 111-33, 113-08, 113-75, 114-13, 114-13, 114-41, 114-41
  • Milligan 109-35 Milligan 109-37
  • Mills 109-41, 109-43, 111-37, 112-15, 113-07, 113-38
  • Milner 106-26, 107-15, 107-16, 108-16, 111-44 Milner or Mibner? 114-01 Milner or Mibner? 114-01 Milner? 114-02 Milner? 114-02 Milone 112-16 Milton? 108-14 Milwell 104-33
  • Min-tou-? 114-19 Min-tou-? 114-19 Minse 113-28
  • Mitchell 108-13, 108-18, 109-34, 110-04, 110-11, 111-23, 111-26, 112-10, 112-18, 112-27, 113-05, 113-71, 113-73, 114-14, 114-14, 114-21, 114-21, 114-28, 114-28, 114-29, 114-29, 114-33, 114-33, 114-37, 114-37, 114-38, 114-38, 114-45, 114-45, 114-54, 114-54
  • Mitchum 107-50, 107-51, 113-51 Mitchum? 107-48 Mo-solon 104-14
  • Mofett 106-01 Mofett 106-01, 107-35, 109-09, 109-20, 109-21, 109-37, 109-38, 109-47, 109-50, 109-50, 109-55, 109-56, 109-57, 109-59, 109-59, 113-18, 113-29
  • Moffatt 107-35, Molett? 110-22 Molett? 110-25
  • Moll 113-41  Monford (?) 109-14 Monlts? 106-16 Monnahan? 110-03
  • Monroe 107-11, 107-13, 114-03, 114-03, 114-04, 114-04
  • Montgomery 109-06, 110-02, 110-06, 110-11, 113-80 Montgonery 113-13
  • Moodey 106-17 Moody (?) 109-04 Moody 111-25 Moody 113-31 Moody 113-33 Moom  109-32 Moon 110-10 Moon? or Moore 108-13 Mooney 111-38 Mooneyhan? 114-23 Mooneyhan? 114-23
  • Moore 104-03, 107-33, 109-06, 110-19, 110-23, 110-24, 110-39, 110-17, 111-08, 111-08, 111-11, 111-13, 111-31, 112-03, 112-05, 113-27, 113-33, 113-59, 113-83, 114-19, 114-19, Moore? 107-37, Moore? 108-13, Moore? 110-29
  • Mop 114-27 Mop 114-27 Mop 114-28 Mop 114-28 Mop or Map? 114-22 Mop or Map? 114-22 Mop or Map? 114-37 Mop or Map? 114-37 Mop or Map? 114-53 Mop or Map? 114-53 More 111-17 Morefield 106-09
  • Morgan 104-23, 107-08, 107-30, 108-05, 108-07, 110-33, 113-08, 113-35, 113-38, 113-43, 113-46, 114-20, 114-20, 114-35, 114-35
  • Morin 106-06 Moris 104-18 Morlow 109-46 Morr–? 114-29 Morr–? 114-29 Morran 113-23
  • Morris 104-18, 104-23, 104-28, 104-32, 104-36, 107-11, 107-30, 109-01, 109-27, 109-31, 109-51, 112-23, 113-21, 113-59, 114-14, 114-14, 114-15, 114-15, 114-24, 114-24, 114-25, 114-25, 114-45, 114-45, 114-49, 114-49, 114-51, 114-51, 114-52, 114-52, 114-53, 114-53, Hill 113-09
  • Morris? 104-35 Morrison 113-21 Morrorse? 110-01 Morrow 109-47 Morrow 113-37 Morrow? 110-36 Morton, 113-20
  • Mose 113-48 Moses 107-04 Mosier 106-10 Mosley 106-06
  • Moss 107-41, 109-22, 109-33, 109-34, 109-37, 112-22, 113-13, 113-21, 113-52, 113-53 Moss? 106-18 Moss? 108-11
  • Moton? 114-34 Moton? 114-34 Mott 111-11 Mott 112-22 Mott 113-69
  • Moultrie 108-09 Moultrie 108-10 Moultrie 108-19 Moultrie? 108-20 Moultrie? 108-21 Moyes 113-69 Mo-erns 104-26
  • Muller 113-32 Mumlee? 114-21 Mumlee? 114-21
  • Murphy 104-32, 104-37, 107-26, 111-29, 113-42, 113-72, 114-14, 114-14, 114-49, 114-49, 114-51, 114-51
  • Murray 112-14 Murray 113-12 Murry 113-46 Musier? 108-05 Musson? 110-44
  • Myatt 106-25
  • Myers 109-01, 109-09, 109-12, 109-36, 109-37, 111-30 Myles 114-09 Myles 114-09 Mylor 109-37


1880 Surname Index – JKLM — No Comments

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