Home1880 Surname Index – GHI

Surname Index by: Dora Burke, Dorothy Chance, Jackie Davidson, Debra Lowe, Diane Pinion, Jane Powell, Joan Wells Pruett, Carole Schreiber, Susan Wilson.
“We did the best we could … and as with any typing of handwritten names, there may be possible errors”

ED: 104 – Civil District 1
ED: 105 – Civil District 2
ED: 106 – Civil District 3
ED: 107 – Civil District 7 & Civil District 4
ED: 108 – Civil District 5
ED: 109 – Civil District 6
ED: 110 – Town of Kenton, Civil District 8, Civil District 11
ED: 111 – Civil District 14 & Divil District 9
ED: 112 – Civil District 10 & Civil District 12
ED: 113 – Union City & Civil District 13
ED: 114 – Civil District 16

There are scanned images (.gif files) of this census available in the USGenWeb Archives. The name of each image file is the ED-Page No.

The numbers following each SURNAME in the following lists are the beginning part of the .gif file name.

  • G—- 104-30 G—— 108-13 G——? 110-04 G—-? 110-10 G—-? 110-22
  • G–g? 110-26 under the G’s a family listed as G_ _ _ g _ at 110-26.   That is a GEORGE.  My g g grandmother Martha George and her 3 sons, Thomas, Beck and Henry.  My g grandfather Henry had already died by then, so she was the head of the household. Tricia Sanders <tsanders [at] gte [dot] net>
  • Gaines 109-08 Gainstell? 112-24 Galand? 110-09
  • Galaway 108-04 Galewell ? 104-14 Galloway 109-46 Galloway 109-47 Galloway 111-32 Gallows? 114-40 Gallows? 114-40
  • Gambill or Gamhill? 114-08 Gambill or Gamhill? 114-08 Gambill or Gamhill? 114-13 Gambill or Gamhill? 114-13 Gambill? 114-02 Gambill? 114-02 Gambill? 114-34 Gambill? 114-34 Gamhill 114-25 Gamhill 114-25
  • Gammon 114-06 Gammon 114-06 Gammon? 114-35 Gammon? 114-35 Gammons? 114-30 Gammons? 114-30
  • Gantlett 104-13 Gantt 109-58 Gantt 110-29
  • Gardner 107-01 Gardner 107-02 Gardner 107-31 Gardner 111-44 Gardner 113-11 Gardner 113-27 Gardner 113-32 Gardner 113-72 Gardner 113-79 Gardner? 114-35 Gardner? 114-35
  • Gardnes 109-24 Gardnon? 114-25 Gardnon? 114-25
  • Garicon? 110-43 Garison? 110-02
  • Garner 113-35 Garner 114-11 Garner 114-11 Garner? 114-30 Garner? 114-30
  • Garnett 113-38 Garnon? 114-18 Garnon? 114-18 Garrett 104-32 Garrett 109-03 Garrett 113-35
  • Garrison (?) 109-06 Garrison 109-29 Garrison 109-32 Garrison 109-57 Garrison 110-01 Garrison 110-32 Garrison 110-37 Garrison 110-38 Garrison 110-42 Garrison 112-06 Garrison? 110-27
  • Garth 113-09 Gates 114-10 Gates 114-10 Gates? 108-09 Gaton? 110-24 Gaua? 110-22 Gaylord (?) 109-38 Geaggley? 114-30 Geaggley? 114-30 Gellispie 109-35 Gemer 104-07 Gentry 109-06 Gentry 111-27
  • George 104-34 George 113-25 George 113-39 Gholson? 114-26 Gholson? 114-26 Gholts? 106-22
  • Gibb 104-07 Gibbs 113-50 Gibbs 113-55 Gibbs 113-58 Gibbs 113-61
  • Gibona? 104-10 Gibson 107-37
  • Gibson 108-05 Gibson 110-14 Gibson 110-31 Gibson? 106-01 Gibson? 108-06
  • Giddian 113-76
  • Gilbert 104-29 Gilbert 113-58 Gildner 109-58
  • Giles 104-10 Giles 104-11 Giles 112-07 Giles 113-62 Giles 114-02 Giles 114-02 Giles? 106-09 Gill 104-23 Gill 104-3 Gill 104-33 Gill 104-35 Gill 114-06 Gill 114-06 Gillem? 107-41
  • Gillis 113-59 Gillispe 104-10 Gillispie 111-32 Gillispie? 110-10 Gillman 111-13
  • Gills 108-16 Gills 109-11 Gills 109-13 Gills 109-14 Gills 111-30 Gilman 113-26 Gilmer 106-24 Gilmore 113-19 Giogeare (?) 109-26
  • Gl—-? 114-04 Gl—-? 114-04 Gladdon 114-10 Gladdon 114-10
  • Glasgow 110-43 Glasgow 110-45 Glasgow 114-32 Glasgow 114-32
  • Glass 107-21 Glass 113-53 Glass 113-69
  • Glasscock 109-58 Glidewell 106-11
  • Glisson 110-09 Glisson 110-17 Glover 109-32 Godsey 106-03 Gogan 112-03 Goldely 113-13
  • Golden? 114-27 Golden? 114-27 Golding 104-10 Gone 112-18 Gone 112-18
  • Goochman 114-30 Goochman 114-30
  • Good 107-46 Good 113-28 Goode 109-58
  • Goodman 109-20 Goodman 109-21 Goodman 109-39
  • Goodrigh 104-3
  • Gordan 109-18 Gordan 109-30 Gordon 114-02 Gordon 114-02
  • Goro? 107-49 Gortton? 106-21 Gossum 114-02 Gossum 114-02 Gothlin 113-76
  • Gowis or Davis? 114-45 Gowis or Davis? 114-45
  • Gracy 113-80
  • Graham 104-36, 107-44,  109-50,  110-03,  112-25 , 113-73
  • Graham? 107-36 Grant 111-29
  • Gray 104-07, 106-13, 106-14, 106-17, 107-03, 108-21, 109-41, 109-54, 109-58, 111-25, 111-35, 111-39, 112-01, 113-22, 113-48, 113-81 Gray or Grey? 114-16 Gray or Grey? 114-16 Gray? 106-12
  • Greefield? 114-49 Greefield? 114-49 Greefield? 114-50 Greefield? 114-50
  • Green 104-23, 104-25, 106-06, 106-17, 107-30, 109-19, 111-10, 111-43, 113-03, 113-21, 113-37, 113-82, 114-12, 114-12 Green? 108-08 Green? 108-10 Green? 114-02 Green? 114-02 Green? 114-49 Green? 114-49
  • Gregory 104-19 Gregory 109-27 Grey? 114-39 Grey? 114-39
  • Grider 111-19 Grier 109-12 Grier? 110-06 Griffeth (?) 109-16 Griffey? 110-06
  • Griffin 104-06,  104-08, 107-28, 107-33, 107-35, 113-01
  • Griffith 112-19 Grigsby 110-26 Grimmitt 108-11 Grisham 108-15 Grisham? 108-01
  • Grogiana (?) Carter, M S 105-26
  • Grooms, George 105-15 (start) 105-16 (conclusion)
  • Groves 106-05 Grover 111-02 Gruelty ? 113-36
  • Guin 108-04 Guin? 108-10 Guinn 108-06 Guinn? 108-03 Gullet 110-43 Gumoning? 106-25
  • Gun 113-32 Guneocher? 113-45
  • Gunith 109-59 Gunn 113-60 Gunter (?) 109-54 Gursin (?) 109-27 Guthrey 111-05
  • Guthrey 112-16 Guthrey 112-17 Guy 107-43
  • Guy 109-03 Guy 109-37 Guy 109-38 Guy 109-45
  • Gwaltney 108-23 G___son? 106-02 G-derford 104-15

  • H——-? 114-23 H——-? 114-23 H—–? 110-03 H—man? 114-15 H—man? 114-15 H—t? 114-40 H—t? 114-40 Ha—ll? 110-03 Ha-yk-? 110-26
  • Hackett or Harkett? 114-27 Hackett or Harkett? 114-27
  • Hackley 112-26 Hadley 111-21 Haffonion 104-07 Hagg or Kragg? 114-28 Hagg or Kragg? 114-28 Haight? 110-37 Hail? 104-37
  • Hailey 107-02 Hailey 107-06 Hailey 107-11 Hailey 107-12 Hailey 107-24 Haily 109-17 Haily 109-18 Hainel (?) 109-11
  • Haines 109-43 Haines 110-10 Haines 113-12 Haines? 107-35, Hains 107-35, Haislip 107-48 Haislip 109-20 Hale 106-07 Hale 109-56 Hale 110-13 Haley 107-23 Haley 111-36
  • Hall 104-04, 104-05, 106-14, 107-01, 107-16, 109-09, 109-19, 109-31, 109-57, 110-08, 110-09, 111-10, 111-20, 111-20, 113-01, 113-11, 113-42, 113-47, 113-54, 113-65, 113-67 Hall? 104-30 Hall? 113-46
  • Hallcum 106-11 Hamblin 106-08 Hamil 106-01
  • Hamilton 107-02, 107-04, 107-41, 108-04, 110-23, 111-12, 111-21, 112-06, 112-06, 113-23, 113-27, 113-48, 114-44, 114-44 Hamilton? 107-37 Hamlin? 106-23
  • Hammet 106-26
  • Hampon or Kampon? 114-29 Hampon or Kampon? 114-29 Hampton 106-19 Hampton 106-19
  • Hancock 109-22 Hancock 112-15 Hancock 112-16 Hancock? 112-14 Hand 109-47
  • Handon or Kander? 114-12 Handy 111-06 Haney 113-04 Hanks 109-57
  • Hanover 111-03 Han_red? 112-19 Har–uen? 113-80 Haraldson 113-54 Hardeman 113-07
  • Harden 114-45 Harden 114-45 Hardin 110-45 Harding (?) 109-24
  • Hardy 104-11 Hardy 104-21 Hardy 107-38
  • Harfield 104-01 Harfield 104-01 Hargel? 110-07 Harget? 110-34 Harget? 110-40
  • Hargroves 111-20 Harison 107-17 Harker 113-81 Harlan 111-02
  • Harmon 109-05 Harmon 112-06 Harmond 109-06 Harmond 111-18 Harmony 109-18 Haroldson 113-42
  • Harp 110-07
  • Harper 107-36, 107-39, 107-41, 107-44, 107-45, 107-48, 107-49, 107-50, 109-28, 109-53, 109-55, 110-20, 113-62
  • Harpole 104-01, 104-02, 104-03, 104-21, 104-32, 114-19, 114-19 Harpool 111-01
  • Harrell 109-37
  • Harris 104-16, 104-24, 106-04, 106-06, 107-27, 107-38, 107-46, 109-09, 109-18, 109-37, 109-50, 109-53, 109-55, 109-56, 109-57, 109-58, 109-59, 110-23, 110-43, 111-03, 111-04, 111-05, 111-32, 111-33, 111-35, 111-43, 112-12, 113-01, 113-56
  • Harrison 104-19, 104-23, 106-08, 107-16, 109-56, 110-10, 110-41, 111-01, 111-20, 113-30, 113-35
  • Harry? 107-37 Hart 109-30 Hart 109-31 Hartman 109-30 Harton? 104-10
  • Harvey 113-05 Harvey 113-20
  • Hass (?) 109-04 Hastill? 110-26
  • Hatcher 109-44 Hatchet 107-29 Hatfield? 114-19 Hatfield? 114-19 Hauff 107-22 Haulen 113-39 Haume? 110-16
  • Hauser 107-45 Hauser 107-47 Hauser 107-49
  • Hawkins 106-12, 107-06, 109-22, 112-03, 112-09, 113-12, 113-27
  • Hawley 111-44 Hay 112-13 Hayden 104-28 Hayden 106-19 Hayden 113-32
  • Hayes 108-04, 108-23, 111-24, 112-19, 113-04
  • Hayes? 108-09 Hayes? 111-25
  • Hays 104-16, 107-40, 108-07, 108-14, 109-49, 110-09, 110-10, 110-16
  • Hays-hares 104-25 Hays? 114-46 Hays? 114-46
  • Haywood 104-18 Hazden 104-27
  • Hazelwood 107-18, 107-19, 107-21
  • Head 107-41 Head 113-82 Hechkins 113-59
  • Hecky 113-48 Hegman 113-29 Helman or Kelman? 114-09 Helman or Kelman? 114-09
  • Helms? 114-20 Helms? 114-20 Helton 109-19
  • Hemphill or Kemphill? 114-41 Hemphill or Kemphill? 114-41
  • Henderson 104-07, 109-01, 111-32, 112-05, 113-45, 113-57
  • Hendrick 106-11 Hendricks 111-20 Hendrix 111-25 Hendrix 111-26 Hendrix 111-36
  • Hendson 113-10 Henline 107-09 Hennston? 114-19 Hennston? 114-19
  • Henry 107-13 Henry 107-29 Henry? 106-07 Hensby? 110-37
  • Henshaw 111-24
  • Hensley 114-07 Hensley 114-07 Hensly 109-40 Henson 107-05
  • Hentet or K? 114-13 Hentet or K? 114-13 Heomutts? 112-27 Herbett 111-16 Herbitt 111-21 Herd 113-46 Herndon 107-38
  • Herring 104-20, 104-21, 104-22b, 104-24, 113-55, 113-57, 113-60, 113-63, 113-80
  • Herrod 109-45 Hester 104-23 Hetton 111-34 Hewatt 108-14 Heyon? 113-37
  • Hicks 109-08 Hicks 111-07 Hicks 112-09 Hickson? 106-19
  • Higgins 106-07 Higgins 107-38 Higgs 113-08 Higgs 113-50 Hight 107-48
  • Hill 104-28, 111-03, 111-35, 113-07, 113-30
  • Hill? 114-44 Hill? 114-44
  • Hillen 113-16 Hillman 113-33 Hilton? 110-34 Hindy? 106-17 Hineman 113-78 Hines 113-69 Hines 113-77
  • Hingblett? 114-13 Hingblett? 114-13 Hinghtett or Kinghtett? 114-27 Hinghtett or Kinghtett? 114-27
  • Hinson 113-52 Hinton 107-23 Hipper 107-07 Hiskel? 108-15 Hobbs 106-18 Hobbs 111-04 Hobbs 111-07 Hobbs 112-26 Hobbs 113-28 Hobbs? 114-44 Hobbs? 114-44
  • Hobby or Kobby? 114-10 Hobby or Kobby? 114-10 Hobson 110-05
  • Hodge 110-33 Hodge 113-74 Hodge? 108-22 Hodges 104-19 Hodges 107-01 Hodges 112-14 Hog 106-13
  • Hogan 104-12, 111-08, 111-09, 111-10, 112-03, 113-12
  • Hoggs 107-06, 107-42, 109-45, 109-50, 109-55, 111-04, 111-08
  • Hol—– 108-19 Holder 107-46
  • Holland 108-02 Holland 111-27 Holland 112-09 Holland 113-72
  • Holliman 110-27 Hollings 113-27
  • Hollis 110-09, 110-11
  • Holloman 104-27, 110-16, 110-32, 110-36
  • Holloman? 110-01 Holloman? 110-04
  • Holloway 107-46, 107-47, 107-48, 107-49, 109-43, 111-09, 111-15, 111-33, 112-02, 112-03, 113-81
  • Holman 104-22, 114-09, 114-09, 114-47, 114-47, 114-51, 114-51
  • Holman or Kalmon? 114-11 Holman or Kalmon? 114-11 Holman or Kolman? 114-02 Holman or Kolman? 114-02 Holmer 113-15
  • Holms 107-33 Holms 114-22 Holms 114-22 Holms 114-31 Holms 114-31
  • Holt 106-10 Holt 113-04 Holt 113-51 Holts 113-44
  • Holyfield or F? 114-15 Holyfield or F? 114-15 Homell? 106-06 Honney 111-17
  • Hood 107-15 Hood 107-44 Hood 109-34 Hood 109-36 Hood 110-29 Hood 111-20
  • Hoofman 104-33 Hooker 113-49
  • Hooper 110-38 Hooper 110-44 Hooper 113-51
  • Hoopman 107-51 Hooten 111-29 Hopkins 113-47 Hopper 109-44 Hopper 110-22 Hoppin? 110-21
  • Horn 110-21 Horn or Korn? 114-25 Horn or Korn? 114-25
  • Hornbeak 108-08, 108-09, 108-18, 111-06
  • Horton 107-05 Hosley? 111-41 Hosten or Kosten? 114-49 Hosten or Kosten? 114-49
  • Houghton 108-01 Houghton 109-25 Houghton 112-27
  • House 107-11 House 107-23 House or Honse or K? 114-15 House or Honse or K? 114-15
  • Houtchcraft? 112-25
  • Howard 106-13 Howard 107-01 Howard 107-03 Howard 107-17 Howard 109-53 Howard 111-38 Howard 113-17
  • Howe 113-22 Howe 113-30 Howell 110-37 Howell 113-43 Howell 114-31 Howell 114-31
  • Hu——? 110-08 Hubbard 106-25 Hubbard 109-17 Hubbard 111-41 Hubbs 104-16
  • Huddleston 104-36 Hudefath? 111-12 Hudgins 112-06 Hudhain? 111-44
  • Hudson 106-18 Hudson 107-35 Hudson 109-32 Hudspath? 112-02
  • Huey 109-16, 109-24, 111-18
  • Huffman 113-21, 113-39
  • Huffstutter 111-11,,  111-23
  • Huggins 113-29 Huggins 113-40
  • Huggosm? 113-51 Hughes 109-24
  • Hughes 111-11, 111-26, 113-39, 113-43, 113-47
  • Hughey 111-14 Hughs 113-46 Hulings? 111-34 Hull 110-21
  • Humb—? 114-34 Humb—? 114-34 Humbrick 113-34
  • Humphrey 108-04 Humphrey 109-14 Humphries 113-01 Hunt 110-35 Hunt 113-47
  • Hunt? 110-27
  • Hunter 112-12 Hunter 113-24 Hunter 113-75 Hut? 111-01
  • Hutchenson 113-44 Hutchinson 107-06 Hutchinson 107-14 Hutchinson 107-22 Hutchinson 107-25 Hutchinson 107-31 Hutchinson 109-04 Hutchinson 109-16 Hutchinson 109-42 Hutchinson 109-58 Hutchinson 112-15 Hutchinson 112-19 Hutchinson 112-27 Hutchison 107-36 Hutchison 107-37 Hutchison 107-43 Hutchison 111-23 Hutson 104-21

  • I—-? 110-34 Idborn 104-10 Ingram 113-57 Ingram? 111-40
  • Inman? 114-43 Inman? 114-43
  • Irvin 107-18 Irvine 113-29 Irving 107-32
  • Isbell 106-07 Isbell 113-33 Isbell 113-63 Isbett? 111-10
  • Isham (?) 109-18


1880 Surname Index – GHI — No Comments

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