Other, St John AME

St. John A.M.E., the First Negro church in Woodland Mills, was founded and organized 6 January 1873 by a group of Negro men who bought 1 1/2 acres from J. W. Marton for $75.00. The lumber for the building and Continue reading →

Other, Rives ME

Rives Methodist Episcopal Church was organized on 12 October 1890 in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian building by W. C. Waters, pastor and 29 members, 14 of whom transferred from the Pleasant Hill congregation, 3 from Obion Chapel, 9 by letter Continue reading →

Other, Central Union

Central Union Church is located in District 7 on the Rives-Mt. Pelia Road about five miles southeast of Rives. Part of the membership are Cumberland Presbyterian and part are Methodist. Both have pastors who take turns conducting worship services. The Continue reading →

Methodist, Pleasant Valley

Pleasant Valley United Methodist Church, in 1981, was located on a five acre lot at the corner of Pleasant Valley Road and Stone Road: Rev. Harold C. Craig was the pastor. April 15, 1981, Pleasant Valley United Methodist Church had Continue reading →

Methodist, Hornbeak

Hornbeak M. E. Church, at Hornbeak, Obion Co. TN first met at Center, a few miles from Hornbeak. John F. Williams, speaker and singer, was instrumental in the building of a church house and the services. In 1885 the church Continue reading →