Home1880 Surname Index – RST

Surname Index by: Dora Burke, Dorothy Chance, Jackie Davidson, Debra Lowe, Diane Pinion, Jane Powell, Joan Wells Pruett, Carole Schreiber, Susan Wilson.
“We did the best we could … and as with any typing of handwritten names, there may be possible errors”

ED: 104 – Civil District 1
ED: 105 – Civil District 2
ED: 106 – Civil District 3
ED: 107 – Civil District 7 & Civil District 4
ED: 108 – Civil District 5
ED: 109 – Civil District 6
ED: 110 – Town of Kenton, Civil District 8, Civil District 11
ED: 111 – Civil District 14 & Divil District 9
ED: 112 – Civil District 10 & Civil District 12
ED: 113 – Union City & Civil District 13
ED: 114 – Civil District 16

There are scanned images (.gif files) of this census available in the USGenWeb Archives. The name of each image file is the ED-Page No.

The numbers following each SURNAME in the following lists are the beginning part of the .gif file name.

  • R—- 108-21 R—– 108-13 R—–? 114-34 R-i-er? 110-23 Radlurg? 113-48 Radson? 110-04 Raffety? 114-23 Rag? 114-09 Ragor? 110-04
  • Ragsdale 104-12, 104-16, 104-17, 104-18, 104-20, 104-22b, 104-29, 111-08
  • Raidon? 108-23 Ramsey 109-03 Ramsey 113-44 Ramsey 113-67 Ramsey 114-30 Randall 112-26
  • Ranken? 114-19 Ranken? 114-20 Rankin 107-21 Rankin 114-02 Rankin 114-08 Rankin 114-47 Rap-l- 112-12
  • Rapper 109-33 Rarise? 110-06 Rasson? 110-30 Ratliff 108-13 Ratterson? 114-26 Rau–? 110-17
  • Ray 106-23 Ray 106-25 Ray 109-13 Ray 109-27 Ray 109-28 Ray 111-05 Ray 112-15 Ray? 108-21 Raye? 108-09
  • Reason? 110-15 Reaves 109-27 Reaves 113-57 Reavis (?) 109-38 Recors 112-24
  • Reed 104-18 Reed 107-33 Reed 111-33 Reed 113-36 Reed 114-30
  • Reeves 109-06 Reeves 109-52 Reeves 111-27
  • Regan 109-48 Reid 104-22 Relang? 106-06 Reno? 111-25 Resson 104-03 Reyes 113-15
  • Reynold 113-42 Re__stall? 112-26
  • Rhodes 104-04 Rhodes 104-05 Ri— 108-12 Ricci 104-09 Ricco? 111-43
  • Rice 111-12 Rice 112-22 Rice 113-67 Rice? 114-43 Rice? 114-43 Rich 109-22
  • Richard 111-06 Richard 111-13 Richards 106-12 Richards 109-48 Richards 111-28 Richards 112-02 Richards 113-11
  • Richardson 107-36
  • Rickard 111-19 Rickman 113-04 Ridby? 114-21 Ridby? 114-21 Rider 104-03
  • Ridgeway 107-26 Ridgeway 113-39 Ridgeway 114-47 Ridgway? 114-19
  • Riggs 111-05
  • Riley 109-01 Riley 111-29 riley 109-04
  • Rinc? 111-12 Rine 111-02 Rine? 107-46 Rirlia? 111-12
  • Rise 104-04 Rise 104-05 Rivell 111-08
  • Rivers 113-50 Rivers 113-55 Rives 113-67
  • Rnekon? 114-05
  • Roach 106-06, 109-18, 109-37, 110-39, 114-15, 114-17, 114-28, 114-33, ? 110-34
  • Roan 109-50 Robarth 109-17 Robbins 110-21 Robbins 110-23 Robbits (?) 109-04
  • Roberson 107-08, 107-10, 107-13, 107-28, 107-39, 107-48, 108-17, 108-18, 108-20, 110-13, 110-21
  • Roberts 106-02, 108-12, 110-16, 110-23, 112-03, 112-16, 113-05, 113-19, 113-27, 113-55, 114-20
  • Robertson 113-32, 114-04, 114-10, 114-29, 114-52
  • Robindox (?) 109-52 Robins 107-40
  • Robinson 108-05, 110-04, 110-29, 110-38, 112-07, 113-50 Robinson or Roberson? 114-36 Robison 111-43 Robison 111-44 Robison 113-18 Robson (?) 109-05
  • Roby 114-04 Roby 114-05 Roby 114-33
  • Rochelle 109-53 Roddy 107-46 Roddy 111-3
  • Rodgeres 111-18 Rodgers 108-09 Rodgers 109-26 Rodgers 109-34 Rodgers 110-39 Rodgers 111-08 Rodgers 111-18 Rodgers 111-38
  • Rogers 104-11, 106-10, 106-15, 106-16, 109-56, 111-25, 113-45, 114-09, 114-09, 114-12 Rogers? 106-10
  • Ronig 112-18 Roony 113-18 Roper 104-20 Roper 113-24 Roper 113-35
  • Rose 107-29
  • Ross 109-06 Ross 109-28 Ross 109-29 Ross 109-30 Ross 112-11 Ross 113-84 Ross—? 110-21 Ross? 108-19
  • Rossolge 113-62 Rosson 109-57 Rossy? 110-01
  • Rothrock 113-54 Rothrook 107-07 Routhoe 113-69
  • Rowland 104-17 Rowland 113-37
  • Roy 107-14 Ruble 109-49 Rucker 104-17 Rudy 109-42
  • Rummage 108-03 Rundler 104-02
  • Rupp 114-31 Rupp 114-31 Rusk? 110-41
  • Rusken or Ruskon ? 114-01 Rusken? 114-40 Russ 110-41
  • Russell 108-10,  109-20,  109-44,  109-45,  112-12,   112-13,  113-16, ? 114-04
  • Rust 110-34 Rust 110-35 Rust? 110-42 Rustis? 114-38 Rustis? 114-38
  • Rut 110-31 Ryly 107-49 R___? 106-21

  • S—– 108-12 S——-? 110-12 S–ll 107-07 S??? 104-06 Sa—–? 110-04 Saddlestand 107-05 Sail—? 104-27 Saltin (?) 109-12
  • Samburg 108-13 Sample 109-25 Sampler 110-14 Sampson 108-04 Sampson 108-12 Sampson 111-16
  • Samuel 112-25
  • San—ing 109-13 Sand—? 110-02 Sanderford? 114-09
  • Sanders 104-08, 106-04, 106-09, 107-24, 109-05, 109-09, 109-35, 111-04, 112-04, 112-06, 112-08, 112-11
  • Sandford 109-10 Sandford 109-11 Sandford? 113-30 Sanford 109-10 Sanford 109-13
  • Sangery ? 104-15 Sanggert? 113-44 San__h? 106-05 Sapingtonton? 107-03 Sargon 109-17
  • Saterfield 107-24 Saterfield 113-72 Savindell? 110-12 Saylorman? 107-04
  • Scales 107-03 Scales 107-04 Scales 107-04
  • Scarborough 107-38 Scearce 109-56 Scearcy? 110-34 Sceirce 109-22
  • Scham? 110-09 Schroder 113-29 Scierce (?) 109-04
  • Scofield 108-16
  • Scoggin or Scaggin? 114-12 Scoggins 109-13 Scoggins 109-56 Scoggins 111-14 Scoggins 113-81
  • Scoter 113-11 Scoter 113-13 Scotes 113-02 Scotes 113-19
  • Scott 104-08, 106-03, 106-10, 106-11, 106-23, 108-07, 108-14, 109-25, 109-59, 113-45, 113-59, 113-84, 114-24, 114-33 Scott? 114-34
  • Scruggs 109-47 Scrugs 104-3 Se—-? 110-24
  • Seaby 113-80 Seals 114-51
  • Sebastian 113-65 Sebastian 113-81 Selby 113-63 Self 107-27
  • Sellers 114-33 Sellers 114-33 Sellers or Sellars? 114-08 Sellers or Sellars? 114-29
  • Sells 113-29 Selph 112-18 Setler? 104-08
  • Seville 104-13
  • Sewell 108-08 Sh— 108-10 Sh—- 108-12
  • Shafer 113-34 Shaffer 113-36 Shaffmer 113-13 Sharan 109-41
  • Sharp 109-09 Sharp 112-09 Sharp? 107-36 Sharrin 109-11 Shaw (?) 109-06
  • Shaw 109-18 Shaw 113-69 Shaw 113-74 Shay? 114-40
  • Shearon 109-52 Shearon 111-28 Shearon 111-29 Shearon 111-42
  • Shelherd 113-04 Shell 114-23 Shell 114-23
  • Shelton 108-12 Shelton 108-14 Shelton 109-53 Shelton 113-03
  • Shepard 106-05 Shepherd 112-02 Shepherd 113-25 Sheppard 104-03 Sheppard 104-22 Sheppard 104-25
  • Sherob? 108-14 Sherrell 107-23 Sherwood 113-25
  • Shikle 114-07 Shilton or Shelton? 114-40 Shiply 104-12 Shipman 110-04
  • Shipp 107-16 Shipp 107-20 Shipp 107-26 Shires 111-36 Shitta? 111-10
  • Shoff— 113-32 Shook 111-30
  • Shore 109-40 Shores 107-50 Shores 109-12 Shores? 107-39
  • Short 108-03 Short 108-12 Short 108-12 Short 113-54 Short? 114-17
  • Show 106-24 Shropshire 107-49
  • Shulah? 111-35 Shumate 106-10 Shutts 113-52
  • Siddays? 107-37 Sikes 109-23 Sillions? 114-28
  • Simmons 107-08, 108-04, 108-10, 109-12, 109-50, 110-16, 112-07, 113-27
  • Simmonson (?) 109-42
  • Simms 113-38 Simms 113-73 Simms? 107-09 Simmson (?) 109-30 Simon 113-28
  • Simpson (?) 109-12 Simpson 110-38 Simpson 111-09 Simpson 111-14 Simpson 113-18 Sims 113-62
  • Sims 113-78
  • Sinclair? 114-20 Singler 107-21
  • Siske 110-23 Sistler (?) 109-19 Siver? 110-05 Slider 109-37 Sloan 112-01 Smiggant? 114-17
  • Smith 104-02, 104-06, 104-09, 104-22, 104-23, 104-25, 106-02, 107-04, 107-15, 107-27, 107-28, 107-30, 107-46, 108-15, 108-17, 108-19, 109-06, 109-12, 109-13, 109-42, 109-43, 109-46, 109-53, 110-13, 110-18, 110-19, 110-30, 110-39, 111-02, 111-06, 111-16, 111-18, 111-21, 111-25, 111-28, 111-29, 111-35, 111-41, 112-07, 112-16, 113-35, 113-46, 113-51, 113-53, 113-64, 113-75, 114-04, 114-10, 114-11, 114-15 Smith? 104-13
  • Smithson 109-45 Smity 113-36 Smoot 113-09 Smtih 111-14 Smullen 111-04 Smythe 108-10
  • Snoddy 113-12 Snuran (?) 109-30 Soanagin? 106-17
  • Somers 110-38 Somerville 111-21 Sooner 113-38 Sorisath? 106-26 Sorness 112-17 Sorrith 111-22 Sour? 113-42
  • Sowell 112-16 Sowell 112-17
  • Spain 110-06 Spain? 108-16
  • Sparkman 106-21 Sparkman 113-03
  • Sparm? 106-24 Speard? 111-35 Spencer 111-30 Spencer 113-21
  • Spencer 113-34 Spiker 111-03 Spikes 107-04 Spitles? 107-03 Splane? 110-18 Spradlin 104-07
  • Sprates 104-04 Sprates 104-05 Sprodlin 113-43 Sprollin 113-15
  • St——-? 110-14 St—-? 114-12
  • Stacy 107-47 Stacy? 113-02
  • Stafford 109-07 Stafford 109-12 Staham 113-35 Stallings 104-33 Stanch 111-18 Stand 113-36
  • Standfield 113-13 Standford 106-25 Standford 109-10 Stanfield 104-14 Stanfield 111-01 Stanfield 111-32 Stanfield 113-08
  • Stanford 110-03
  • Stanley 107-26 Stanley 107-30 Stanley 107-31 Stanley? 114-32 Stanly 107-28 Stanly 107-29 Stanly 107-33
  • Stanton 113-07
  • Starfield 106-22 Stark 113-72 Starkes 114-24 Starkes? 114-40 Starky 107-25
  • Starr 106-10 Starrett 111-22 Starrfield 106-22 Staud-ugh 113-41
  • Steal 114-22 Steal 114-22 Steel ? 104-36
  • Stephen 108-16 Stephens 104-06 Stephens 109-45 Stephens 112-26
  • Sterling 111-18 Stevens 112-08
  • Steward 109-58
  • Stewart 104-01 Stewart 109-15 Stewart 109-33 Stewart 109-55 Stewart 113-75
  • Stigler 107-13 Stirling 109-27
  • Stokes 112-09
  • Stone 106-01 Stone 109-48 Stone 109-53 Stone 113-73 Stone 113-77 Stone 113-78 Stong 109-16 Stong 109-17
  • Storm 107-18 Storm 113-15
  • Story 106-22 Stout? 108-19
  • Stova- 107-36 Stovall 106-11 Stovall 107-03 Stovall 107-04 Stovall 107-06 Stovall 107-17 Stovall 107-18 Stovall 107-19 Stovall 110-03 Stovall 113-20 Stovall 114-13 Stovall 114-15 Stovall 114-16 Stovall 114-16 Stovall 114-32 Stovals? 107-37
  • Stover 104-04 Stover 104-05 Stover 111-16 Stover 111-23 Stover 111-26 Stover 111-29 Stover 111-30 Stover 111-35 Stovey 107-23
  • Stra—? 110-22 Strand 109-14 Strane 111-37 Strats? 111-10
  • Stratton 109-20
  • Strickland 110-40 Strickland 111-11 Stringer 109-34
  • Stroh? 113-46 Strong 114-17 Stuart 107-29
  • Stublefield 114-23 Stugull 111-12 Stump 113-37 Sturges 109-04 Sturgis (?) 109-28
  • Sturtevant 111-04 Styles 110-04 Sullivan 111-29
  • Sutherland 107-03 Suthing ? 104-25 Sutters 104-16 Sutton 114-10 Sutton 114-11
  • Swift 111-44 Swiggs 104-10 Swinney? 114-05 Symom 104-09

  • T—- or Farmer? 114-35 T—– or F—–? 114-02 T—— 108-13 T——–? 110-44 T—-? 110-28 T—-? 114-34 T—-? 114-37 T—ell? 114-29 T000? 114-41
  • Tailor 111-06 Talley? 108-22 Tally 111-20 Tancel? 112-15 Tancell? 112-06
  • Tankersley 108-02 Tankersley 108-23 Tankersley 111-31 Tankersly 107-05
  • Tanner 111-15 Tanner 111-16 Tanner 112-03 Tanner 112-11 Tanner 113-78 Tansay? 106-07
  • Tarkington 112-25
  • Tart 107-42 Tate 108-04 Tate 108-05 Tate 108-06 Tate 108-07 Tate 114-39 Tate 114-40 Tate? 108-08 Tate? 108-12
  • Tatum 112-21 Tatumm 112-20
  • Taylor 107-01, 107-17, 107-35, 107-48, 109-24, 109-45, 109-59, 110-02, 110-03, 110-05, 110-16, 110-17, 110-18, 110-25, 110-26, 112-20, 112-21, 113-45, 113-50, 113-68, 114-03, 114-04, 114-06, 114-24 Taylor? 114-37
  • Tazd? 114-39 Teall? 114-25 Teasdale 110-22 Templeton 114-17
  • Terrell 107-49 Terrell 107-51 Terrell? 107-05 Terrill 111-42 Terrill 113-83
  • Terry 111-41 Terry 113-18 Terry 113-71
  • Teynolds 113-26 Tharp (?) 109-14 Thedford 111-31 Thedford? 113-81 Theobunk? 113-21
  • Thomas 104-09, 104-10, 106-08, 107-31, 108-06, 109-07, 109-14, 109-15, 109-41, 110-03, 110-05, 110-14, 110-34, 110-39, 110-42, 111-30, 112-25, 113-13, 113-14, 114-09, 114-17, 114-46
  • Thomason 107-29, 111-12, 112-08, 113-46, 113-82
  • Thompson 104-20, 107-08, 107-25, 107-28, 107-31, 108-20, 108-21, 110-05, 110-25, 110-27, 110-28, 110-29, 110-33, 110-39, 110-40, 111-32, 111-33, 111-36, 111-37, 113-02, 113-27, 113-42, 113-78, 113-80, 113-81
  • Thornton 113-74 Thorpe? 108-18 Thortpson 104-11 Thruman 111-13 Thurman 112-07 Thuts? 113-23 Ti— or Fi—? 114-35 Ti—? 114-38 Tidmand? 114-12 Tidrow? 107-36 Tidrow? 107-42 Tidwell 110-42 Tilman 113-03 Tilman 113-21 Tilmore 104-01 Timberlake 107-38 Timm? 108-13 Timmon? 114-10 Timmon? 114-29 Timmon? 114-41 Tiner? 111-28 Tinew? 114-41 Tinton? 114-24 v Tisdale 110-05 Tisman 113-05 Todd 113-27 Todd 113-59 Todivian? 113-09 Toler 109-37 Tolly 113-49 Tolly 113-57 Tolp? 106-05 v Tomis? 114-07 Tomlinston 107-19 Tonset? 113-45 Toombs 107-19 Totemer 113-50 Totten 104-08 Townley 112-18 Trailon? 111-38 Trautt 113-67 Travis 108-04 Tred? 110-25
  • Trigg, 111-29 Tristal? 114-08 Troller 111-07 Trout 107-09
  • Tu—? 110-16 Tucker 109-03 Tucker 110-03 Tucker 111-09 Tucker 111-14 Tucker 112-13 Tucker 112-26 Tucker 113-13 Tuggle 112-26 Tull 106-07 Tune 113-76 Turnage 111-25
  • Turner 109-35 Turner 109-41 Turner 109-52 Turner 110-19 Turner 113-33 Turner 113-77 Turner 113-79 Turner 113-82 Turner 113-84
  • Tyler 110-02 Tyson 110-04


1880 Surname Index – RST — No Comments

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