Morgan County Genealogical & Historical Society


Morgan County Genealogical and Historical Society 
P O Box 684 
124 South Kingston Street  
Wartburg, TN  37787 
Preserving the History & Heritage of Morgan County 

A 501 c (3) group


The Genealogy Room is now Open for Visitors! 

Days & Hours:  Tues, Wed, Thu, Fri –  11 a.m to 2 p.m. 
Phone – 423-346-5500
email:  MCGHSMuseum [at] gmail [dot] com

Located on Kingston St., in the
Morgan County Archive and Family History Building
in the former Wartburg Jail building.
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Become a Member of the Genealogy Society!
Check here for a handy, printable Membership form
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Publications available thru the Genealogy Society
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We have a handicap ramp & entrance on the left side of the building.





  1. Can the Genealogy room be accessed on line? I doing work for our family tree and I’m looking up my Great Grandfather Jacob Augustus Weisgarber.

    Thank you,

    1. Morgan County (TN) Genealogical & Historical Society has a Face Book Group.You are invited to join this group.

  2. Ok I have a family mystery on my hands and was told my 3X Great Grandfather along with 2 of his brothers were ordered to court in 1848 as Orphans. It has said that his father was 1842 Thomas Gill was a Road Commissioner in Morgan County,Tennessee. By change do you know if there is anywhere I can look to see if this is true?? I have had an issue with finding out any facts about Thomas or his wives (we think he was married twice) or the names of his children.
    I have not seen the court records but was told that Marion and John were the other brothers.
    Marion moved North and died in the Civil war and Curtis died on the way home it was said. Curtis was the Great Grandfather of Audie Murphy,, WW 2 Hero if that helps any.
    Thanks so much

  3. Looking for a book written on the families of morgan county. Book-Morgan County West Virginia and It’s People

    1. I would like to purchase four copies of Gobey- A Place in Time. Could you help me do that? You may contact me at the email below. I would appreciate your response.

  4. Looking for the Guffey of Morgan Co. Tennessee and seeking to purchase a book
    “William Guffey (1786) Ancestors and Descendants and some Related Families” by Alvin Joseph Guffey

    Do you have a book in your research room?

      1. I’m related to Joe Guffey and my dad’s book is missing. I’d like to purchase several copies of Joe’s genealogy book please.

  5. I am trying to help a lady whose ancestors are from Morgan County become a member of the DAR. I need to find some kind of proof – Bible record? – showing that Julia Ann Stonecipher Kelly was a daughter of Martin Stonecipher. I have contacted the TN State Archives trying to locate her death certificate. They could not locate it. I have also been on Also – no luck. I know that the Kelly-Stonecipher family was a prominent family in Morgan County. There are two federal census records which lists her in the household with Martin Stonecipher and his wife Nancy. Thank you for any help. A son named Vardaman Stonecipher has already been proven as a son of Martin. However, I don’t know how he was proven other than a death certificate.

  6. Do you maintain the very old (1860-1960’ish) deed books from the Registrar of Deeds, or are they still housed in the Courthouse? Also, are they available for individual research wherever they reside? Thanks!

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