Deer Lodge News-1910

The Deer Lodge News was a small newspaper which began publication in 1908.



Plowing, sowing oats, planting potatoes, and making garden is the order of the day with the farmers.

Richard Pittman of Burrville was in out town yesterday and had his address reinlisted to the News list.

Dr. Nash has improved his lot by building a large new hen house.

Geo. Hawn is making improvements on the Kozutski plafe by fencing, etc.  Thorwald Strand was helping him until Friday noon.

Saturday, S. Y. Lane put in walls and roof completing a nice entrance to the cellar under Phillips Bros. store in the Odd Fellows building.

Elisha Howard, an old citizen of this vicinity was stricken with paralysis at his home south of town Saturday morning and died Saturday afternoon about four o’clock.  The funeral took place in the Lavender Cemetery yesterday forenoon at ten o’clock.  Rev. Nash conducted the funeral services.

Harry Phillips and wife are the proud parents of a fine boy born Saturday night.

Byge Scott had the misfortune to lose his watch Saturday.

S. Neset’s wire for a new fence to replace that which was burned on his place last week has arrived at the Weideman & Jones Store.

Alf Smith is with Fred Phillips’ driving team.

Dave Hurst bought a mule of Geo. Pace and sold him a team of mules and a wagon.

Fire from a spark from the chimney came near destroying A. L. Ross’  house on Ross Ave., Thursday morning but got under control before much damage was done.

The following is a measles list.  More may be found on another page.  Mrs. and Mrs. Charley Jones’ little girls, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Hayworth, Earl Phillips, Miss Maggie Howard, several in Ben Williams family and maybe we missed some, but we think it is enough for Easter

Miller Hurst has torn away his cow shed and plowed up the ground for a crop.