1860 Excerpts

Morgan County Court 
1860 – Excerpts


Jan.  Term 1860 
P. 273 
A paper prepoorting to be the last will and testement of CHARLEY CURD dec’d is produced in open court by WILLIAM CURD.  JOHN BROWN, a subscribing witness to the instrument, said he heard CHARLEY CURD acknowledge the execution of said will and saw himn sign it.  JOHN M. MONDAY one of the subscribing witnesses is unable to attend at this time and testify.  HUGH S. CAMPBELL the other subscribing witness is dead.  It is therefore ordered that the will be spread on the will book.  WILLIAM CURD is the appointed executor of the will and he enters into bond ($600) and WILLIAM L. SCHOOLER is his security.

Feb. Term. 1860
P. 285
W. J. SCOTT Deputy Clerk presented to the court a settlement he made with WILLIAM BREEDLOVE adm. of A. J. HALL dec’d, and with PRESTON McCART adm. of ROBERT McCART, which being considered regular is ordered to be recorded.

JACOB KRIES is dead and his widow CATHERINE KRIES through her agent B. T. STAPLES ask for her dower to be alloted out of his estate.  L. B. SNOW, JAMES SNOW. and JESSE McGUFFEE are appointed committee to set off and lay apart for the widow and report to the next term of this court.

March Term 1860
P. 287
The complaints filed their partition asking for dower to be assigned to said ANN out of the land of FERDIAND HEYDAMAN dec’d, and moved that the court assign the same to him.  When it appeared to the court that F . H. HAYDAMAN was the husband of said ANN BOWLING (sic)
at the time of his death and she has since intermarried with said GEORGE BOWLING .  Also F. H. HEYDAMAN has two children, the only heirs at law, and ANN is the adm. of his estate and that written notice has been sent.
The said F. H. HEYDAMAN at the time of his death resided at the said town lot in Wartburg and that the mansion house is on the same and that the said ANN BOWLIN is entitled to dower in said lands.  MOSES BUTLER , J. F. SCOTT, and P. W. BUTLER are appointed to lay off and assign to ANN BOWLING her dower and make report to the next term of court.

LARKIN B. SNOW, JAMES SNOW, and JESSE McGUFFEE having been appointed to lay off dower to the widow Kries, widow of JACOB KRIES,dec’d , produced the following report:   Two town lots, land belonging to the estate of JACOB KRIES each containing 75 foot frontage, 300 ft. back of which we allowed his widow a third part of the whole, including the dwelling house, also all household funiture.  We allowed her also 1 cow and calf, and 3 small hogs..

P. 289-290
In obedience to the letters of adminestration for the estate of SAMUEL DAVIDSON, dec’d., issued to me at the March term of this court 1858 , I heredby report no property found in Morgan County, but reviewed the suit which was pending in Chancery Court at Knoxville at the time of DAVIDSONS death, and it was changed in the name of ELIZABETH DAVIDSON for the benfit of her heirs, all of what is most respectfully submitted to the County Court in session this 5th day of March 1860.  WILLIAM BEARDEN.

April Term 1860
P. 292
The ulndersigned Commissioners being appointed by the court at the March term, to lay off and assign dower to ANN BOWING , WIDOW of   F. H. HEYDERMAN

F. H. HEYDERMAN died siezed of the following real estate in Morgan County: one tract on line? Camp Creek 300 acres, five town lots in the town of Wartburg and one of which is the homestead of the said F.H. HEYDAMAN , dec’d., which we the commissioners assign and set aside to the said ANN BOWLING as said dower in the said real estate.  It being 1/3 part in value of the said real estate of said F. H. HEYDERMAN,dec’d,  It is located on Main Street, it being the place where JOHN WHITE formely lived, including all buildings and outhouses.

March 24, 1860 .
All things considered it is the judged and decreed that the house and lot so laid off and assigned to ANN BOWLING as dower be vested in her as dower for, and during her natural life acccording to law and that the said partitationers pay the cost of this application.

P. 295
The court voted whether to employ J.M. MILTON to furnish the county with __ crobars (sic) and eight sledge hammers, to be done in a workman like manner with steel on the face of hammers and points of the crobars.  Pay would be 12-1/2 cents per pound for crobars and 20cents per pound for the hammers.  Yes G. B. GORDON, J. H. DAVIS, J. ALEXANDER, W. R. WILLIAMS.  Nays G. LANGLY, J. STRINGFIELD, J. B.  JONES, R. G. HUDSON, W. H.. JONES.

June Term 1860
p. 310
It is ordered by the court that Mr. ELIJAH HALL be allowed $3 for service as a juror in the October term of 1860? (Sic) he never having received claim for the same.
It is ordered by the court that GARRETT HALL adm. of  DAVID HALL dec’d be releast of the value of 10 or 12 hogs and______ which the widow holds and that the same amount be taken out of the amount allowed to the said widow for her years support.

P. 318
Montgomery, TN
January 25 1869

L. A. GRATZ Esq.
In answer to your letter of enquiry as to the adoption of the child ANNA FOSTNER, and? NATHAN HONEYCUTT.  HONEYCUTT filed his plea and the child was adopted and name changed to that of HONEYCUTT, instead of FOSTNER this was at the October term of 1868.
Respectfully JOHN L. SCOTT.

P. 323
It is ordered by the court that the district line between the 6th and 7th district be changed as follows: Commencing at the head of Rock Creek then with the said creek to Whites Creek then with said creek to the mouth of Rock Creek to the fork at JAMES B. MORRIS?  Then up the left hand prong to the county line, then with county line til it intersects the old district line.

P. 324
It is ordered by the court that C. S. FRANCIS be paid $200 for building the court house and the chairman issue his warrent to said FRANCIS for the same, it being the full amount due him for labor done on said house.

Ordered by the court that WELCOME WEBB be released from working on public roads.

Ordered by the court that M. STEPHENS sheriff be allowed $25 for his office fees and other services.

May Term 1860
P. 327
CHARLES FORSTNER last will was proven in open court and there upon placed on record.
1. My beloved wife ___van Forstner soul heirness of my property as well as the real estate and of the capital bonds yet deposited in Europe.
2. Should my beloved wife marry again one half (1/2) of the property falls immediately to the children.
Gods Grace be also henceforth with you all my beloved.   CHARLES FOSTNER

July Term 1860
P. 331
It appears to the satisfaction of the court, that A. H. HENDREX, JOSEPH? E. SNOW and B. W. LAVENDER are illegally charged with poll tax and it is oredered by the court that they be released of the same.

August Term 1860
p. 342
C. S. FRANCIS and J. F. SCOTT moved the court appoint an adminstrator for the estate of H. HUMAN, and thereupon came C. S. FRANCIS and J. F. SCOTT and assummed the adminstration and entered into bond.
From page 348 to 357 is to dim to read.

October Term 1860
P. 358
A. J. HUNT appeared in open court and proved that he furnished the following articles for the burial of POLLY HIOPHUCK (IPOCK??)  Nine yards of polished domestic, seven yars of calico cost was $2.671/2, it is ordered by the court that he be allowed the said amount of $2.671/2.

P. 359
F. H. HENSEN appeared in open court and ask the court to appoint an administorator for the estate of JACOB KRESE?  Whereupon came J. L. LAND and C. S. FRANCIS and assumed said adminstration and entered into bond.

P. 363
It is ordered by the court that G. W. KIETT? Be allowed $5.25 for services as a physcian in attending MARTHA TODD.

It is ordered by the court that JOHN KRIES be allowed $4.50 for making the coffin of MARY HIGHPOCK, and a warrent issued for the same.

THOMAS DAVIS and CHARLOTTE DAVIS adms. of the estate of HUGH H. DAVIS made final settlement with the clerk of the court which is here produced in open court and examined and comfirmed.

P.365 Most of the page is unreadable.
A. J. HUNT appeared in open court and prove the death of NANCY DILDINE.

November Term 1860
P. 366
GARRETT HALL presents his report of the sale of the property of DAVID HALL dec’d which is received.

It is ordered by the court that JAMES MONTGOMERY and SAMUEL BYRD be appointed along with M.D. F. BUTLER, Deputy Surveyor, commissioners to lay off and set apart a dower for _______ HALL widow of DAVID HALL dec’d out of the lands of which DAVID HALL died seized and possesed of and make report to the next term of court.

December Term 1860
P. 368
A. J. SUMMERS returned his report of the sale of the propery of DAVID SUMMERS dec’d it is accepted and ordered recorded.

JONATHAN McPETERS retuned into court a report of the sale of FEILDING GRIFFITHS estate which is accepted and ordered recorded.