Woodward Wills in Book C

Woodward Wills in Book C

contributed by Dick Wood

Marshall County Will Book 3, pages 176-177

John D. Woodward’s Will (1890)

I, John D. Woodward, do make and publish this as my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all others by me at any time made.

1st. I direct that my funeral expenses be paid and all of my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any money I may die possessed of or may first come into the hands of my Executrix.

2nd. I give my son E. M. Woodward a certain parcel or tract of land, it being situated in the South East corner of my land beginning at a rock in the line between me and F. M. Wheatley, running East to a cedar stump thence North to the field fence, leaving the fence on my land, thence with the meandering of the fence to a pin oak tree at the mouth of the lane, thence South to the beginning, to have and to hold forever from this time forward.

3rd. To my wife Martha S. Woodward the remainder of my land to have and to hold during her widowhood or her life time then to be equally divided between my other children, to wit: Francis A. Woodward, Alice M. Woodward, and John F. Woodward.

Lastly. I do hereby nominate and appoint Martha S. Woodward my Executrix.

In Witness whereof I do to this my will set my hand this the first day of October one thousand Eight hundred and ninety.

J. D. Woodward

Test: A. D. Hopkins

S. D. Cunningham


County Court December Term 1890.

This day personally appeared in open court A. D. Hopkins & S. D. Cunningham the Subscribing witnesses to the forgoing will and after having been duly sworn, proved as required by law, the due execution of said will by the testator upon the day and date therein named.

Witness my hand at office in office at Lewisburg this the 5th day of January 1891.

W. L. Wallace Clerk

Marshall County Will Book 3, page 426

Mrs. Martha S. Woodward’s Will (1902)

I Martha L. Woodward being of sound mind but feeble health and realizing that life is uncertain and Death is sure, Do hereby make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all others by me at any time made.

1st I direct that my funeral expenses and all my just debts be paid as soon after my Death as possible out of any funds that I may die possessed of or may first come into the hands of my Executor.

2nd I give and bequeath to my son Edward M. Woodward ten dollars in money.

3rd To my three remaining children (viz.) Victoria F. Woodward, Alice M. Woodward, and John F. Woodward I give and bequeath all of the real and personal property of which I may die possessed. The same to be divided Equally among them or Enjoyed in Common as they may Elect after paying my just debts and satisfying the legacy hereinbefore set out.

4th I hereby Nominate and appoint J. F. Woodward as my Executor. In Witness whereof I do to this my last will and testament set my hand this 24th Day of Dec One thousand Nine hundred and two.

M. S. Woodward

In Witness whereof we, W. D. Fox and W. E. Foster at the

request and in the presence of the Testator do hereunto

affix our names This Dec 24th 1902.

W. D. Fox Witness

W. E. Foster Witness


MARSHALL COUNTY ) This Day June the 17th 1905 came J. F. Woodward in Open Court and presented to the Court a paper writing purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of M. S. Woodward dec’d and moved the Court allow the same admitted to probate. Which prayer the Court is pleased to grant. Whereupon came W. D. Fox and W. E. Foster, the two subscribing witnesses to the said will and after being duly sworn proved the due Execution of the will by the testatrix therein named upon the Day and Date therein written and that they witnessed the same in her presence & at her request whereupon the Court ordered the same Certified and the will recorded.

Witness my hand at office in Lewisburg, Tennessee on this the 17th day of June 1905.

A. W. Wysong Clerk

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