Wilson Wills in Book A

Wilson Wills in Book A

Marshall County Will Book A, page 3

John H. Wilson’s Will (1838)

In the name of God amen I John H. Wilson of the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee. being very sick and weak in body. but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given to God calling unto mind the mortality of my body and Knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last will and testament. that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hand of Almighty God that gave it and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the descetion. of my Executors, nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mity power of God. And as touching such wordly estate where with it has pleased God to bless me in this life. I give, demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form, First, I give to my beloved wife that part of land I got of my father which he drew by lot and what I got of Thomas Wilsons heirs and what I got of Robert Wilsons heirs said land to be fore the use of my wife her lifetime and for raising the children upon and at my wifes death, the said land is to be John Henderson Wilsons, this part of the lands whereon I now live to be Eaqually divided between James M. Wilson, and Milas N. Wilson and that part I got of Zacheus Wilson and Andrew Patterson I allow for Isaac Shook Wilson, the Bird B. Lavender tract and the Wortham tract I allow to be sold Anny Matilda Wilson Susanna Malinda Mary E. Wilson I allow to of them Five hundred dollars and a good horse and saddle a good bed and furniture and bureau to each of them. and they boys to have a horse and saddle Beds and furniture Bureaus. the old waggon to be sold, the new to be kept for the use of the farm and the family. and live stock that will not be wanted for the use of the family. to be sold and the money made use of for the schooling the children the loom and all the tacklings, I allow for the of the family, I nominate and appoint my friend Moses Wilson Administrator and my wife Administratrix of this my last will and testament of this my last will and testament – In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this Twenty fifth day of September one thousand Eight hundred and thirty six- John H. Wilson (Seal)

signed sealed and published in presence of
C. George Cathey
Sarah G. Wilson
May Meek

Probated Nov 1838


Marshall County Will Book A, page 46

John Wilson’s Will (1838)

State of Tenn, Marshall County. I John Wilson do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me at any time made.

First I direct that my Funeral Expences and all my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any moneys that I may die possessed of or may come into the hand of my Executor,

Secondly my will and I desire is that my Stud hourse the house & lot where I live together with twenty five acres of Land that I hold ajoining the lands of William J Whitthorne and others be sold on such credit as my Executor may think best.

Thirdly I give and bequeath to my loving wife Mary Wilson all the remainder of my property that she may wish to keep. The balance to be sold under the direction of my Executor and the proceeds together with the proceed of my other property before mentioned to be retained in the hands of said Executor. to be paid over to my loving wife whenever she & said Executor shall think necessary.

Fourthly I give and bequeath to my son Samuel Wilson my saddle my will and desire also is that my loving wife retain possession of my house and lot & Land the ensuing year

Lastly I hereby nominate and appoint John Ramsey my Executor – In witness whereof I do to this my will set my hand & seal this 26th day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirty eight.

his mark X John Willson (seal)

Signed sealed and published in our presence and all have subscribed our names here to in the presence of the testator, this 26th day of October 1838. Benjamin C. Bentley (Jurat) Lile A Ewing (Jurat) Jan 7th 1839

State of Tennessee Marshall County. Personally appeared in open Court Benjamin C. Brantley and Lile A. Ewing subscribing witneses to the foregoing will and proved the due Execution of the same as the Law directs which was ordered to be recorded.

Witness my hand at office this 7th day of January 1839. M. W. Oakley (clk)

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