Turner Wills in Book B

Turner Wills in Book B

contributed by Dana Hill, June, 2005

Marshall County Will Book B, pages 52-53, transcribed from TSLA microfilm roll Marshall #42

The Nuncupative Will of Spratley TURNER
We William L. McCLELLAND and John R. McCLELLAND do state that the nuncupative will of Spratley TURNER was made by him on the 1st day of January 1858 in our presence to which the said W. L. McCLELLAND was specially requested to be Witness to the testator himself but
in the presence of John R. McCLELLAND or in the presence of each other that it was made in his last sickness in his own dwelling house and the same is as follows to wit: It was his will and desire that his effects should be disposed of after his decease in the following manner First He desired that his wife Elizabeth should have enough out of his estate to support her during her lifetime- that he could not say how much it would take, 2nd He desired that his daughter Polly should have five hundred Dollars and his Cleveland filly, and the balance of his property after paying his debts should b e equally divided between his heirs James TURNER, Polly TURNER and Thomas H. LONDON his son in law. Lastly he desired James TURNER & Thomas H. LONDON to settle up his estate and to be decretionary between
his heirs to sell or to divide his property and that his daughter and his wife Elizabeth to have their undivided property in his house
Jurat Feb 1, 1858 ) J. R. McCLELLAND

State of Tennessee)
Marshall County )
County Court February Term 1858

Personally appeared here in open court William L. McCLELLAND & J. R. McCLELLAND subscribing witness to the foregoing will and who after being duly qualified proved the due execution of the same as the law requires. Which will was therefore ordered by the Court to be recorded. Witness my hand at Office February 1st 1858
[signed] S. TALLY clk

contributed by Dana Hill, June, 2005

Marshall County Will Book B, pages 120-122, transcribed from TSLA microfilm roll Marshall #42

Hamilton V. TURNER Will

In the name of God Amen; Whereas considering the precarious state of my health, te brevity and uncertainty of human life: trusting and beleaving in the government of an All wise Providence into whose merciful hands I commend my immortal part after the death of my frail body, and now being of sound mind and memory, and earnestly desiring to provide as far as in my power the glrious benifits of the Gospel of Christ under which I have been taught to appreciate the
grand plan of salvation therein offered and adapted to the whole human family, which makes me with confidence look forward to its advancement and promulgation among the now unenlightened and heathenish inhabitants of the earth. In testimony of this disposition of [mine?], I Hamilton V. TURNER proved a resident and citizen of Bedford County in the state of Tennessee, do hereby make and declare what is herein and after written to be my last will and

1st As the strongest expression of the Kind regard and affection I have ever born toward by beloved wife Nancy, I do hereby give and bequeath all my property real and personal to her to be for her sole use during the time of her natural life. But it is my will that my wife Nancy should enjoy this property residing on the premises where I now live and that she shall not make any sale or transfer of any of the negroes or landed property.

2nd As an expression of my **oided approbation of the benevolent object of the American board of Commissioners for foreign missions and of my desire & confidence of their success under the blessings of God, in enlightening & evangelizing the heathen, I give & bequeath all my property real and personal which my remain at my wifes death, to that board, to be possessed and disposed of by them in promoting the cause of Christ on missions and it is my request that that board over one third of the who amount recec’d of my estate by them unto the hands of the treusrerer treasurer of the American education society to be disposed of by that society in the education of indigent pious young men for the gospel ministry

3rd As I own three fifths of the sundries tract of land in three different surveys lying west of The tract on which I now live and as said tract does not admit of a division; it is my will that the two
remaining shares where the heirs come of age or when  arrangements may be made for the sale, be purchased with money belonging to my estate provided they can be bought at a fair price for the use specified in the two proceeding articles, But if said shares be not purchased as specified above in this article, then & in that case my interest in said tract of land shall immediately fall into the hand of the American board of Com’s for foreign missions to be disposed of by them as specified in the second article.

4- It is my that the negroes I possess be under the direction and for the use of my beloved wife Nancy, but that they be not removed out the limits of Bedford county, and that said negroes at her death be given to the Am’n B’d of Com for For’n Missions, unless a door be opened for their emancipation before that period.

5- It is my will that the lands I possess should not be leased at all during my wifes natural lifetime and that it shall not be rented excipt yearly and that with her consent.

6- In case my wife should leave any increase in her body it is my will that it or they shall be equal heirs of my whole estate with the American board of com. For forreign missions.

7 I do hereby request nominate and appoint the Rev. Thomas I. HALL Col. John ORR and James EWING Esq’r all of the County of Bedford and the state of Tennessee to be the executors of this
my last will and testament.

In Testimony whereof I have hereunto Voluntarly set my hand and seal, This Third day of March in the year of our Lord one Thousand, eight hundred and twenty nine

[signed] Hamilton V. TURNER

signed & sealed in the presence of each & all  of us
[signed] S. W. CALVERT
J. W. WALKER ) Jurat Decr 2, 1861

State of Tennessee)
Marshall County )

County Court December Term 1861.

Personally appeared here in open court J. W. WALKER one of the foregoing subscribing witnesses to this will and who after first being duly qualified here in open court proved the was execution of the same as the law directs Witness my hand at Office December 2, 1861
[signed] S. TALLY clk

contributed by Dana Hill, June, 2005

Marshall County Will Book B, pages 377-378, transcribed from TSLA microfilm roll Marshall #42

Joseph R. TURNER’s Jr. Will

I Joseph R. TURNER Jr of the County of Marshall and the State of Tennessee, make and ordain this my last will and testament. I want my debts paid out of the first moneys that shall come into the hands of my Executer.

I wish all my property to be divided between my nephews and nieces, Dick Bullock TURNER and Samuel Bell [Bue?] ALLEN, James Robt ALLEN & William Joseph ALLEN share and share alike. My sister [blank] ALLEN is constituted testamentary guardian for her children and need not make any settlement with any Court or give any bond or surety
whatever, for the children above named of hers. She can rent or use their part of the land, as she sees fit. If she was in-herself, she must not pay any rent for it. She must sell the land Certainly, when the first one of the children becomes of age, She may however sell it at anytime, and make a deal to it, as if she were a feme sole, if the support, education and maintainance of these children share ** require it, My Brother Dr TURNER shall be guardian for Dick Bullock TURNER, and sell his land or deep it until he becomes of age, as he sees fit. He shall not be required to make any settlement or give any bond about this legacy to his son and any nephews aforesaid If he sells the Land he shall hold the money as such guardian and as aforesaid, I appoint my brother Dr W M TURNER my Executor and hearby instruct the Court to require of him no surity whatever, where he qualifies as such.
Witness my hand, this 22 day of October 1875
[signed] J. R. TURNER Jr
John A. JONES)
State of Tennessee Marshall County
County Court January Term 1876
Personally appeared here in open Court John A. JONES & S. S. ALLEN subscribing witness to the foregoing will, who first having been duly sworn, depose and say that they are acquainted with J. R. TURNER Jr ded; and that he acknowledged the foregoing to be his last will and testament the day it bears date, and whereupon the said will ordered to be certified and recorded. Witness my hand at Office, this 9th day of January 1876
[signed] W P BULLOCK clk

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