Thomas Grant Estate Inventory (1839)

Thomas Grant Estate Inventory (1839)

contributed by Dana Hill

Marshall County Probate Records (County or Chancery Court), Vol. A-C (March 1839-June 1850); TSLA microfilm roll Marshall #14

Volume A: pages 34-35

An Inventory of the personal estate of Thomas Grant dec’d.,,

23 hogs

1 horse

1 Still & Worm

7 sheep

3 Cows

3 ploughs

1 gun

400 Sheavs of Oats

1 pare of theaching

1 Lot Sundaries

1 pare of Steelyards

2 wedges

1 had saw

8 dozen buttons

1 rule

2 augers

1 drawing knife

1 Chisel

1 pare of Sheep Shears

1 Set of Shoe makers Tools

1 pare of gear & collar

1 Saddle

2 Bridles

1 Bell

1 Set of plains

1 Box of Sundares

1 Loom

1 Spinning wheel

1 flax wheel

2 froes

1 cutting knife

3 weeding hoes

2 axes

1 Talon Goon [Goose?]

1 Grind Stone

1 pot rack

1 pail

1 pare of tongs

1 tub

1 Large Kettle

1 pot & lid

2 ovens and Lids

1 flat Shillet [probably “Skillet”]

1 small Skillet

1 Large pieter [pewter?] disk

1 hackle

1 Churn

1 candlestick

1 Lot Leather

1 Keg

1 Sifter & bread tray

4 Barrels

12 tbs bees wax

1 table and Sundarus

2 poggins

1 Coffee pot

1 piece of a log chain

1 Large pail

1 Coffee mill

1 Cupboard

1 Set of Knives

6 Calttes

1 Lot of Cupboard ware

1 foulding Caf Table

7 Chairs

1 Beebleman [?]

1 smoothing Iron

1 Shovel

11 pare of and Irons

2 bed steds

~~ Page 35 ~~

1 Lot of tubs

1 sythe and cradle

1 Harrow

1 whiskey Barrel

1 Inok auger and taper bit,,

all of which Sold for $215.00

The above is a true and perfect Inventory of all the goods and chattles rights and credits of the Said Thomas GRANT Deceased whech have come to my hands as possession of Knowledge or the hands of any other person for me to the best of my Knowledge and belief this 3rd day of February 1839.

Sworn to in open court.


Febr. 4th 1839. M. W. OAKLEY clk Administrator

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