Thomas Cummings Deed to David Lowry (1813)

Thomas Cummings Deed to David Lowry (1813)

Bedford County TN Deed Book E, pages 132-133

This Indenture made & executed This Thirteenth of September in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirteen between Thomas Cummings and David Lowry Both of the State of Tennessee and County of Bedford.

Witnesseth that the said Thomas Cummings for himself, his heirs & for & in Consideration of the sum of three hundred and Fifty Dollars in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged , hath bargained, Sold and conveyed unto the said David Lowry a Part or peace of Land that I bought of Felix Robertson of the town of Nashville and State of Tennessee;

Situate, lying and being in the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee in the Second District, Third Range fourth section on the West waters of the East Fork of Rock Creek, a South branch of Duck River being part of a five hundred acre tract said Cummings bought of Felix Robertson bounded as follows:

Beginning at an Hackberry and Black Ash, the North East corner of said five hundred acre tract, thence running South Two hundred & sixty six & seven tenths poles to a Black Walnut & Box Elder, thence West one hundred and Twenty poles to a Buckeye & Ash, being the South East corner to Thomas Cummings, thence North Ninety six poles to

(here there are about 3 lines that are not legible) the same being North East corner of Thomas Cummings, thence East one hundred & seventy two poles to the Beginning, Containing, by estimation, two hundred and fifty acres, be the same more or less.

To Have and to Hold the aforesaid Land with all & singular the rights, Interests, use or proper use of him the said David Lowry, his heirs & assigns forever and the said Thomas Cummings, for himself, his heirs & assigns, Consent & agree with the said David Lowry, his heirs, that the Before Mentioned Land he will Warrant and forever Defend against the right, Title & Interest of all and every person whomever.

In Witness whereof the said Thomas Cummings has hereunder set his hand and affixed his seal the day and date above mentioned.

Thomas Cummings {seal}

Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of

Jane Caldwell
Elizabeth Lowry

State of Tennessee)
Bedford County ) July Tern 1814

I Thomas Moore Clerk of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions of the County of Bedford do hereby certify that the within deed was acknowledged in Open Court by Thomas Cummings, therefore the Court ordered the same to be Certified for Registration

Given under my hand at office this 20th day of July 1814.

Registered 19th Sept 1814
E. Wade, Clerk

contributed by Dick Wood (date unknown)

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