Robert McCuistion Land Grants (1813)
Tennessee General Land Grants Book G, page 264
Robert McCuistion Grant # 4952 for 80 acres in Lincoln & Bedford Counties
Recorded Oct 1st 1813
To all to whom these presents shall come=greetings
KNOW YE, That, for and in consideration of military service by Jeremiah Litteral to the State of North Carolina Warrant No. 3175 and dated the 19th day of December 1785 and entered on the 15th day of July 1809 by No. 1602—————
there is granted by the State of Tennessee, unto Robert McCuistion assignee of the Heirs of the said Jeremiah Litteral
a certain Tract or Parcel of LAND, containing eighty acres, part of said Warrant lying in Lincoln and Bedford Counties in the Second District, second range, and fourth section.- Beginning at a Sugartree and Beech, the same being North East corner to a tract of land entered in the names of Jason Thompson and Newton Cannon for fifty acres, in the East boundary line of said section, running from thence North with the section line one hundred and four poles to a Sugartree marked as a corner. Supposing it is to be the South East corner of——Liscomb’s tract. Thence West with the same one hundred and twenty three poles to a Lynn, White Oak and Ironwood, thence South to the (???) ninety two poles to a Sugartree, thence East to the Beginning.
Surveyed the 11th of July 1812 by Dan’l Gilchest, D. S.
With the hereditaments and appurtenances. To HAVE and to HOLD the said Tract or Parcel of LAND, with its appurtenances, to the said Robert McCuistion
and his heirs forever.
In Witness Whereof, WILLIAM CARROLL, Governor of the State of Tennessee hath hereunto set his hand and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed, at Nashville, on the 28th day of August in the year of our lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, and of the independence of the United States, the thirty eighth.
BY THE GOVERNOR: Willie Blount
W. G. Blount
Tennessee General Land Grant Book G, page 265
Robert McCuistion’s Grant # 43953 for 20 acres in Lincoln County
Recorded October 1st 1813
To all to whom these presents shall come=greetings
KNOW YE, That, for and in consideration of military service performed by Jeremiah Litteral to the State of North Carolina Warrant No. 3175 dated the 19th day of December 1785 and entered on the 21st day of November 1809 by No. 1982
there is granted by the State of Tennessee, unto Robert McCuistion assignee of the Heirs of the said Jeremiah Litteral_ _ _
a certain Tract or Parcel of LAND, containing twenty acres part of said Warrant lying in Lincoln County in the Second District on the head waters of Cane Creek of Elk river_ _ _Beginning at an Elm and two Ashes in the South boundary line of Robert McCuistion’s eighty acre tract and at the North West corner of Jason Thompson and Newton Cannon’s fifty acre entry, running from thence South with Thompson and Cannon’s line fifty two poles to three Beeches, thence West with the North boundary line of Thomas Ryan Butler’s tract passing his corner, in all sixty one poles and five tenths of a pole to a Lynn & two Pawpaw bushes. Thence North fifty two poles to a Sugartree and Buckeye, thence East with the South boundary line of said McCuistion’s eighty acre tract to the Beginning.
Surveyed the 8th of September 1812 by Daniel Gilchrist, D. S.
With the hereditaments and appurtenances. To HAVE and to HOLD the said Tract or Parcel of LAND, with its appurtenances, to the said Robert McCuistion
and his heirs forever.
In Witness Whereof, Willie Blount, Governor of the State of Tennessee hath hereunto set his hand and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed, at Nashville, on the twenty eighth day of August in the year of our lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen, and of the independence of the United States, the thirty eighth.
BY THE GOVERNOR: Willie Blount
W. G. Blount
contributed by Dick Wood (date unknown)