Newton McQuiddy Deed to Verona Christian Church
[Transcriber’s note: This is present-day Berea Church of Christ at Verona in Marshall County.]
Marshall County Deed Book F-2, page 116
David Tankersley et als Deed to 3 & ¼ acres Executed to them by Newton McQuiddy & Recorded Jan 21, 1890.
I, Newton McQuiddy, for and in consideration of the love and interest I have in the cause of Christianity and for the advancement of the same, have this day given, granted, aliened, conveyed and forever, set over to David Tankersley, A. B. Stillwell, J. A. Little, F. P. Tankersley, and myself, Newton McQuiddy, as commissioners of the Christian Church organized for worship at what shall be called the Verona Church, a certain piece or parcel of land Situate, lying and being in Marshall County, State of Tennessee, in District No. 16, Beginning at a Stake & rock in J. H. McCurdy’s line on the West side of the big road – Thence S. 24 & 1/2 degrees West Seventeen poles to a Stake with Black gum pointers – Thence North 89 & 3/4 degrees East twenty four poles to J. H. Cathey’s line – Thence North 43 & 3/4 degrees East to a Stake, J. H. Mcurdy’s S. E. corner – Thence N. 80 & 1/4 degrees West with said J. H. McCurdy’s line 37 poles to the beginning: Containing by estimation 3 & 1/4 Acres be the same, more or less. To have and to hold the same forever, for to be used and employed for Church purposes and the advancement of Christianity. It is also agreed and understood that all denominated Christians who are in good standing in their respective Churches, shall have the privilege of preaching in the building erected on said land when unoccupied by the said Christian Church. But that none others shall have any right to organize any Church except the Christian Church aforesaid. I do further covenant with the said David Tankersley, A. B. Stillwell, J. A. Little, F. P. Tankersley and Newton McQuiddy, commissioners as aforesaid that I am lawfully seized of said land, have a good right to convey it and that the same is unincumbered. I do further bind myself, my heirs and representatives to warrant and forever defend the title of said land to the said commissioners as aforesaid against the lawful claims of all persons whatever.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 12, day February 1877. But it is understood that when said land if ever is entirely abandoned for Church purposes, the same is to revert back to the said Newton McQuiddy or heirs.
Witnesses: Newton McQuiddy {Seal}
J. J. Elliott
H. C. McQuiddy
F. P. Tankersley
Marshall County
Personally appeared before me, Jo McBride, Clerk of the County Court of Marshall County aforesaid
J. J. Elliott and F. P. Tankersley, subscribing witnesses to within deed, who being fist sworn, deposed and said, that they are acquainted with Newton McQuiddy the bargainor, and that he acknowledged the same, in their presence, to be his act and deed upon the day it bears date.
Witness my hand at office this 20, day of January 1890.
Jo McBride, Clerk
Filed in my office at 1 o’clock & 30 minutes, P. M. on the 20 day of January 1890.
J. A. Yarbrough, R. M. C.
contributed by Dick Wood (December, 2004)