Marshall County 1860 Census Transcription, Surnames M-P

Marshall County 1860 Census Transcription, Surnames M-P

The table below contains an every-name index to the 1860 Census Transcription for surnames beginning with the letters M through P.

The transcription was prepared by Don Robbins, transcription aid by Betty Hawley, checked by D. K. Robbins, and submitted to the USGenWeb Census Project in 2002. 

The transcription is only available at Internet Archive as of May 1, 2023.

The Transcript Link on each table row will take you to the original text file at the Internet Archive.  On small screens, you may need to use the horizontal scroll bar below the table to see the column with “Transcript Link” details.

Click here for the full text file listing at the Internet Archive.

The table is searchable.


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