London Family Files

London Family Files

Please note other London family records are transcribed and included in separate posts on this Web site.  Use the search feature to locate them.

E. C. London & N. S. Collins Marriage Certificate


This Certifies that E. C. London and Miss N. S. Collins were united by A. D. Armstrong in the HOLY BONDS OF MATRIMONY on the 9th day of September in the year of our Lord 1903 as appears of record in my office in Marriage Record Book 6, page 194.

N. K. Bigham Clerk of the County Court

Transcriber’s Note: Unlike many of the court records of licenses and returns certifying the rites of matrimony had been performed, this information is obtained from a copy of a marriage certificate enclosed in Sallie Collins’ 1931 application for a Tennessee Confederate widow’s pension.

contributed by Dick Wood, Dec 2004


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