John Reed Deed to Farmington Church of Christ (1822)

John Reed Deed to Farmington Church of Christ (1822)

John Reed 1822 deed to Church of Christ, Farmington

FamilySearch microfilm roll #0476354: Deed Book R, pages 30 & 31

State of Tennessee)
Bedford County )

To wit, let it be known that I, John Reed, the county and state above written, being desirous of Contributing as far as my power lies to the Benefit of Community, do and by these presents Have given, bargained, aligned and quiet claim to a Parcel of Land lying adjoining the Village of Farmington upon which a cabin now stands which was and is intended for a House of Instruction. Be it further understood that I do Voluntarily give to Horace Mullins, George Neil and D. Dryden of the aforesaid County one quarter of an acre to be laid off from my body of Land aforesaid and that the said quarter of an acre is to include the School House or Cabin aforesaid, the shape or form of Which quarter of an acre may be square, or oblong, or otherwise, at the discretion of the parties who are the Donees aforesaid mentioned who I thereby make and constitute the donees to whom I give the quarter of an acre of Land in Behalf of the Public. Also they, the aforesaid Horace Mullins, George Neill and D. Dryden or their assigns on hehalf of the community of the district in which the donation is situated, Commissioners of a School Committee in which capacity their duty will be to see that this donation is appropriated to the Purpose of ____?? (word not legible)___ for which purpose the transfer is designed , Principally for the sake of a school but not excluding religion, Worship, or literary societies which may later be formed within the district which in their view and designs. I have for myself and assigns Voluntarily given and granted the aforesaid quarter of an acre of Land unto the s’d H. Mullins, George Neill & D. Dryden in behalf of the Publeak in fee simple forever.

In Confirmation Whereof I have hereunto affixed my hand and seal this the 31st day of December in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Twenty Two.

Signed in the presence of John Reed (his seal)

Robert Dysart

State of Tennessee)
Bedford County ) January Term 1823

I James McKisick, Clerk of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of the County aforesaid do hereby Certify that the Execution of the within deed of conveyance from John Reed to the Publeak was acknowledged in Open Court by the Oath of John Reed and ordered to be certified for Registration.

Given under my hand at office this 16th day of January 1823.

J. McKisick, Clk.

contributed by Dick Wood

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