John Endsley Estate Inventory and Sale (1855)

John Endsley Estate Inventory and Sale (1855)

Click here to see also Estate Settlement of John Endsley’s widow, Mary; her estate flowed from his.

Marshall County Inventories & Sales of Estates 1850-1871 Vol. E, page 40

[Copied from Bedford County.  See note below for details.]

An Inventory of the Estate of John Endsley Dec’d and account of Sale Jan 16th 1855

John Leonard 1 tract of land, the home place, 299 acres @ $14.95 per acre $4470.05
John M. Endsley 50 & 26/160 acres of cedar land at $10.12 per acre 606.94
Bedford D.Endsley 1 Negro named Able aged 48 years 1085.00
A. D. McAdams 1 Negro woman Clemser, 28 years & child Sam 4 years 800.00
John M. Endsley 1 Negro woman Jenny, aged 30 years 400.00
Calvin Dance 1 Negro boy, George, 8 years & 6 months 650.00
Bedford Endsley 1 Negro boy, Wesley, aged 6 years & 3 months 700.00
John M. Endsley Hire of Negro woman 1 month & 5 days @ $5.00 per month 5.82
John Glenn Hire of Able @ $12 a month, 7 days 3.00

1 Note on Joshua E. Hazlewood for thirty dollars and fifty cents due 30 day of September 1820. The maker of the note is unknown to us.

1 Note made payable to Claborne Watson for five dollars & fifty cents Due the 21st of December 1816. Signed by Ralph Smith. The maker & signer both unknown to us.

2 Invalid Negroes, Betsy aged 69 years and Charles, an idiot boy age 35, we have retained in our hands by consent of all concerned (all the legatees of age) a Negro boy named Harry, age 33, belonging to the above estate for their support until there is some further arrangements made.

The forgoing is a full and perfect account of the sale of the property of the Estate of John Endsley, Dec’d. The land was sold in equal installments on one and two years time and a lien on the land retained until the purchase money is paid. The Negroes were sold on a credit of twelve months. Notes with good security were taken from the purchasers in accordance with the above conditions.

John M. Endsley
Willis Burgess

Administrators of the Estate of John Endsley with will annexed.

SWORN to before me the 5th day of February 1855
S. Tally Clerk

[Transcriber’s comment: A note written on the margin of the page says: “Settled May 19th 1857.”]

Marshall County Inventories & Sales of Estates 1850-1871 Vol. E, pages 47-48

John Endsley Estate Settlement

MARSHALL COUNTY ) County Court Clerks Office May 19, 1857.

I, S. Tally, Clerk of the County Court of said county have this day proceeded to make settlement with John M. Endsley and Willis Burgess, Administrators of John Endsley, Dec’d. They report that they have collected on the following sale debts as inventoried and recorded in Book E on pages 40 & 41 the following sums of cash to wit:

John Leonard Principal $4410.05
  Interest on same 61.45
Rec’d of I. N. Endsley Principal 606.99
Rec’d of I. N. Endsley Principal 3292.52
  Interest Collected on his two debts above 16.36
Rec’d of Bedford Endsley Principal 1085.00
Rec’d of Bedford Endsley Principal 700.00
  Interest Collected on his two debts above 22.46
Rec’d of A. D. McAdams Principal 800.00
  Interest Collected on the same 13.60
Rec’d of John M. Endsley Principal 400.00
Rec’d of Calvin McDaniel Principal 650.00
  Interest on same 12.00
Rec’d of John M. Endsley Principal 582.00
Rec’d of John Glenn Principal 15.00
  WHOLE AMOUNT: $12151.05

I have further examined Administrators accounts, Vouchers and receipts for Which I have allowed them the following credits to wit: ( )

Amount of indebtedness forwarded…………………………………………………..$12,151.40

Voucher No. 1 [illegible] .40
  1. R. H. Kercheval Receipt 10.00
Voucher No. 2 Dorcas McLain Receipt 3.25
  4. B. W. Goodrich Receipt 10.75
  5. A. McGahey Receipt 4.00
  6. Jas Rup, Jr. Receipt 2.50
Voucher No. 7 John O’Neal for copy of will 1.25
  East Tennessee money collected when good & failed on their hands 164.00
  S. E. Wilson for clerking .50
  To tax on Negro Henry 2.00
  To knitting stockings 2 years 1.50
  Clerks fees for bond, Inventory & C 3.00
  To [illegible] Articles of account 1.40
  This settlement & recording same 3.70
  Administrators Allowance 300.00

Due Estate for Distribution……………………$11,642.80
[approximately $404,000 in 2023]

Transcriber’s Notes:

John Endsley died 21 Sep 1828 in (then) Bedford County, Tennessee, where he recorded his will and his widow, Mary Endsley, was named Executrix of his will. The final provision of John Endsley’s will could not be completed until after his widow, Mary died. Then her Executors or Administrators were to assure that the remainder of John Endsley’s Estate remaining at his widow’s death was distributed among his heirs. In the mean time, the part of Bedford County the Endsleys lived in at the time of John Endsley’s death in 1828 had become a part of the newly established Marshall County in 1836. Mary Endsley died 13 Oct 1854 without a will. Her son, John Milton Endsley and son-in-law, Willis Burgess, qualified as administrators of Mary Endsley’s estate in Marshall County. One of the administrators’ duties was to finalize the disposition of John Endsley’s estate. Thomas Cummings, half brother of John Endsley, had been one of the subscribing witnesses to John Endsley’s will originally filed for probate in Bedford County in 1828. Thomas Cummings produced a “true copy” of the will in Marshall County court 6 Nov 1854. See John Endsley’s will at Marshall County Will Book A, pages 354-357.

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