James Whitsett Estate Inventory & Sale (1841)

James Whitsett Estate Inventory & Sale (1841)

contributed by Dick Wood

Marshall County Inventories of Estates Vol. A, pages 281-283

A list of property sold on the 5th November 1841 Belonging to the Estate of James Whitsett with the price sold for and the purchasers names


Polly Whitsett Widow & C one chest @ .25
Ditto Ditto 1 bedstead & furniture 8.50
”      ”      “ 1 cotton wheel & reel .50
”      ”      “ 1 bedstead & furniture 1.00
”      ”      “ 6 chairs .50
”      ”      “ 1 dining table .50
”      ”      “ 2 weavers Sl(???) .25
”      ”      “ 1 Loom, Warping bars & e .25
”      ”      “ 2 plows, 1 single tree, clevis & gear 1.00
”      ”      “ Pickling tub .50
”      ”      “ 2 pails & 1 churn .25
Thos. Holland 1 Bulltonge plow .43 & ¼
Carried over (to next page) $ 14.18 & ¼
Brought over   $ 14.18 & ¼
John McLean 1 shovel plow .37 & ½
Joab Bagley 1 patent Augur .56 & ¼
The widow 2 weeding hoes .12 & ½
Joab Bagley 1 cutting knofe Box 1.12 & ½
The widow 1 Rawhide, Bale .25
Alex Bigger 1 Sythe & Cradle 2.50
Benj. Bingaman 2 (???) waggon Boxes .50
Erwin McAdams Iron Wedge .62 & ½
John Leonard 1 piece of leather 1.31 & ¼
The widow 1 side (???) .50
Do Do 1 man’s saddle 3.87 & ½
James Reed 1 Side saddle 4.00
James Collins 1 Yearling Bull 2.12 & ½
The widow 1 speckled heiffer 3.81 & ¼
George W. McBride 1 2 year old bull 4.50
Joseph H. Collins 1 cow & calf 10.06 & ¼
David Ramsey 1 lot of oats @ .81 & 1/4 pr 100=1040 ld 8.45
The widow 8 head sheep 4.00
James Reed 1 bay Yearling filly 30.00
George W. McBride 1 Spring colt 16.00
James Collins 1 Gray horse 32.06 & ¼
M. M. Marlow 1 Black mare 40.00
Absalom Whitsett 1 sorrel coalt 20.00
Burgess Hardin 1 Yoak Oxen 30.25
The widow 1 Blk sow & 11 shoats 3.00
Elisha (???) 10 1st choice hogs 30.12 & ½
George W. McBride 10 2nd do do 13.25
A. Biggers 1 Boare 2.00
Woodin Hopwood 1 Germ. Wheat @ 93 &3/4 pr. bu 3.51
William Milsap 10 barrels corn 10.12 & ½
Martha Nichols 10 do do 11.50
” “ 10 do do 11.30
Edom Edwards 10 do do 11.35
Martha Nichols Balance @ 108 pr Bbl (None)  
William Milsap (???) do per bushel, 6 bushels 2.25
The widow 16 geese & 11 Ducks .50
do do 4 stacks fodder 3.00
    $339.37 & ¾
The following notes have come to my hands as belonging to the said James Whitsett, dec’d, to wit; one note on Thos. Bills due 25 Decr 1841 for  $ 7.00
one due on Henry Hatton due 25 Decr 1841 3.00
Amount of cash on hand 87.97 & ¾
$   87.07 & ¾
339.37 & ¾
$437.55 & ½

Sworn to in open Court Decr 6 1841 Alexr Biggers

M. W. Oakley Clerk

Settled in full the 28th December 1843

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