James Chilton Will (1852)

James Chilton Will (1852)

Marshall County Will Book A, page 290

The last Will and Testament of James CHILTON of the State of Tennessee and County of Marshall

I James Chilton Considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and being of sound mind & memory do make and publish this my last will & Testament in manner and form as follows-

First I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Joanna and daughter Martha during their natural lifetime or so long as said Martha Remain Single The tract of Land on which I now reside –

In the second place I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Martha the mare that I now hold in my possession at the death of Joanna and Martha or in case if Martha should marry the land has to be sold and equally divided between my heirs Richard James and Sidney; Francis T. BROWN and Martha CHILTON I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth WILLIAMS & Jane CHEEK the sum of one dollar I Consider that my two sons John and Thomas CHILTON has their Share and therefore I do not Intend for them to have anything more –

Hereby Revoking all former wills by me made In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the Eight day of September in the year of our lord one thousand Eight Hundred and fifty two.

James CHILTON (seal) his X mark

Witnesses: Richard GOSSAGE Wm T. CUNNINGHAM

State of Tennessee
Marshall County County Court November Term 1852

Personally appeared here in open Court Richard GOSSAGE & Wm T. CUNNINGHAM subscribing withnesses to the foregoing will who being first sworn here in open court proved the due Execution of said will as the law Directs It is therefore ordered by the Court that sd. will be entered of Record’ Witness my hand at office this 1st day of Nov 1852

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