J. B. Endsley Deed to Trustees of Christian Church at Liberty (1907)

J. B. Endsley Deed to Trustees of Christian Church at Liberty (1907)

Marshall County Deed Book R-2, page 582

For and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars to me in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged I, J. B. Endsley, have this day bargained and sold and do by these presents transfer and convey to J. A. Mosley, W. R. Woodward, T. A. McAdams, H. B. Leonard and R. B. Cummings, Trustees of the Christian Church at Liberty in the new 3rd civil district of Marshall County Tennessee and to their successors in office for the sole use and benefit of the said Christian Church at Liberty the following described parcel of land situated in the 3rd civil district of Marshall County Tennessee and bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a rock, the S. E. corner of a tract of land deeded to the Trustees of the Liberty Christian Church by J. W. Coffey, J. W. Coffey’s S. W. corner and also J. B. Endsley’s corner, running thence S. 87 degrees W. 18 & 9/10 poles to a rock in the East boundary line of the lands owned by T. B. Leonard’s heirs, thence E. 3-degrees S. with the aforesaid line 4 poles to a rock, thence N 87-degrees E. 27 & 1/10 poles to a rock in the public road thence to the beginning, containing by estimation, 92 poles, be the same, more or less.

To have and to hold, the saME [ENTIRE LINE MISSING FROM COURT CLERK’S PHOTOCOPY]… H. B. Leonard and R. B. Cummings as such Trustees and their succcessors in office forever. And I covenant with them that I am lawfully seized and possessed of said lands, have a good right to convey same and that same are unencumbered. And I warrant and will forever defend the title to said lands to the said above named Trustees and their successors in office against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. In witness whereby I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the 12th day of June 1907.

J. B. Endsley {SEAL}


Personally appeared before me, E. M. Miller, Deputy Clerk of the County Court of Marshall County, J. B. Endsley, the within bargainer with whom I am personally acquainted, and acknowledged that he executed the within instrument for the purposes therein contained.

Witness my hand at offfice this 12th day of June 1907.
E. M. Miller, Deputy Clerk

Filed in office at 2.45 P. M. June 17th 1907.
J. R. Reynolds, R. M. C.


[Transcriber’s Notes:  Liberty Christian Church is the present-day Liberty Valley Church of Christ two and a half miles South of Belfast on Liberty Valley Road.

J. B. Endsley was James Burgess Endsley.

A pole is the same as a rod; 16 & 1/2 feet. There’s 160 square poles in an acre, so the 92 poles James Burgess was conveying to the Trustees was about .575 acres, a little over a half acre. I think the church was at that location prior to this 1907 deed and this may have just been an addition to its existing premises.]

contributed by Dick Wood (December, 2004)

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