Issac N. Endsley Deed of Gift to Sarah M. Endsley (1873)

Issac N. Endsley Deed of Gift to Sarah M. Endsley (1873)

Marshall County Deed Book Y, pp 58-60

Sarah M. Endsley Deed of Gift to Land Executed by Issac N. Endsley & rec’d June 23/1873

This indenture made the 12 Twelf day of July in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and Seventy-three between Isacc N. Endsley of the County of Marshall and State of Tennessee of the one part and Sarah M. Endsley, wife of the said Endsley of the other part.

Witnesseth that the said Endsley as well for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which he the said Endsley hath and beareth unto and toward the said Sarah M. Endsley as also for the better maintenance, support and livelihood of him the said Isaac N. Endsley has given, allowed, enproffered and confirmed and by these presents doth give, grant, align, enproffer and confirm unto the said Sarah M. Endsley, her bodily heirs and assigns all that messuage or tracts and parcels of land situated in Marshall County, the fifth district, the home place of one hundred and fifty acres of land. Beginning at a stake three poles North of the Spring known as the Murphy Springs, being John M. Endsley’s beginning corner of his division, thence running South five and one half degrees East dividing the Spring with his line one hundred and twenty three poles to his South East corner on the South boundary line of the original Survey, thence North Eighty four and one half degrees (84 & 1/2) one hundred and twelve and 1/10 poles to a Hickory, Beech and white Oak, Murphy’s old South East corner, thence North five and one half degrees (5 & 1//2 degrees) West with the original East Boundary line of the old survey crossing the dry branch, So called, two hundred and sixty nine and one half poles to an Elm & Ash by a drain or marsh, thence South Eighty four and one half degrees (84 & 1/2) West Sixty nine poles to an Ash, Horn Beam and Beech, John M. Endsley’s NE corner, thence South five and one half degrees (5 & 1/2) East with his line one hundred and forty six & 1/10 poles to a stake and Beech, John M. Endsley’s corner, thence West with line to the Beginning.

To have and to hold the said tenements tract or parcel of land as above described consisting of one hundred and and fifty acres be the same, more or less, to the said Sarah M. Endsley and her bodily heirs and assigns for ever. Also another tract of land known as the Cedar tract of Land of fifty acres lying in the county of Marshall and State of Tennessee in the fifth Civil District and bounded as follows, to wit:

Beginning at a Cedar in Samuel Ramsey’s line, running thence North (40 degrees) Wast eighty three poles to a point in Thos. Davidson’s line, Thence North (85) degrees East ninety seven and two tenths poles to a stake, Joel Darnell’s corner, thence South (30 degrees) East with his line Eighty three poles to a stake, S. E. Wilson’s line, thence South ((85) degrees West with his line passing the corner at fifty three poles, in all ninety six and two tenths poles to the beginning, containing fifty acres and twenty six poles, more or less, to the said Sarah M. Endsley and her bodily heirs and assigns forever.

I also give to my wife Sarah M. Endsley a third tract or remainder (a word not legible) left of a tract one hundred and seven acres after deeding to Bural Craig Twenty acres of the third tract and to Dan Coffey six acres, the balance of that tract of (107) one hundred and seven acres after a mortgage is satisfied to William Woodward of one hundred dollars to secure him for a sum of money bearing ten per cent interest until paid. This tract is bounded as follows:

Boundaries lying in the County of Marshall and State of Tennessee in the fifth Civil District beginning at a stake with a sugar tree pointer. Running thence North (85 degrees) East with Bedford Endsley’s South line, a portion of said Murphy Tract one hundred and sixty and eigh tenths poles to a stake with a Dogwood pointer in Thomas Pickle’s line, Thence North (41 degrees) West one hundred and twenty nine poles to a stake near a fallen tree in Miles Coffey’s line, thence South (87 & 1/2 degrees) West forty three poles to a stake in the line of land belonging to the heirs of James Coffey, Dec’d, thence South (1 degree) East three and one half poles and seven links of a pole between a Walnut and a Red Oak, thence South (79 & 1/2 degrees) West one hundred and forty one and six tenths poles to a stake in the line of land belonging to the heirs of James Allison, Dec’d, thence South (60 degrees) East with said line making the corner, the corner being a corner of Bedford Endsley, in all one hundred and seven poles and three tenths of a pole to the Beginning. Containing one hundred and thirty three acres and fifty six poles, more or less, to the said Sarah M. Endsley and her bodily heirs and assigns, to have and to hold forever and the said Isaac N. Endsley for himself , his heirs, Executors and administrators doth covenant and agree to and with the said Sarah M. Endsley, his wife, and assigns shall and may lawfully from time to time and at all times hereafter, peacefully and quietly have, hold, use, occupy, possess and enjoy the said messuage and premises hereby granted and confirmed or mentioned or intended to so to be with the appurtenances to each and all belonging free and clear and fully discharged or will and sufficiently kept harmless and (___?? word not legible__??) from and against all former and other gifts, grants, bargains, Sales (word not legible) , dowers and estates and from and against all former and other titled troubles, changes and encumbrances whatsoever had done or made or supposed so to be by him the said Isaac N. Endsley, his heirs or assigns or any other person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim by former under him, them, or any of them.

In witness whereby enrolled my hand and Seal

I. N. Endsley {his Seal}


W. O. Lanier
W. H. Ladd

MARSHALL COUNTY ) Personally appeared before me, R. L. Adams, Clerk of the County in and for the County and State aforesaid, I. N. Endsley, the forgoing bargainer, with whom I am personally acquainted and who acknowledged that he executed the within and forgoing instrument for the purpose therein contained.

Witness my hand at office in the town of Lewisburg this the 23rd day of May A.D. 1873

R. L. Adams Clerk
J. N. Waters D. Clerk

Filed in my office 23rd day of May 1873 at 6 o’clock P. M.
J. N. Waters R. M. C.

contributed by Dick Wood (date unknown)

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