Hugh B. Smiley Estate Settlement (1873)

Hugh B. Smiley Estate Settlement (1873)

contributed by Dick Wood

Marshall County Settlements, Administrators & Executors Vol. D, pages 414-415

MARSHALL COUNTY ) County Court Clerk’s office April 29, 1873

I Robert L. Adams clerk of the county Court of said county have this day proceeded to make settlement with N. J. Smiley under his appointment as Administrator of Hugh B. Smiley dec’d on the October term 1870 of the County Court of said County.

Aforesaid administrator charged by return of sales List and Inventory, Sworn to before me on the 31st of March 1871 and recorded in Book G, pages 444-5-6-7-8, with the following sums, to witt:

Amount of first sale list: $ 2600.04
Cash on hand 827.45
H. N. Cummings Note 26.00
  Interest on same .85
S. M. Sikes Note 8.00
  Interest collected on same 1.60
I. N. Endsley Note 44.98
  Interest on same 3.21
N. A. Cummings Note 50.00
  Interest on same 13.42
J. D. Adams two Notes & Interest 68.65
J. B. Endsley ”  ”  “ 95.15
  Interest on same 00.00
Jno H. Blackwell Note 150.00
  Interest on same 13.10
G. W. Sp(???) Note 25.00
  Interest on same 4.25
N. A. & N. J. Cummings Note 115.00
  Interest on same 6.90
Jas Gragg & J. McCoy Note in push (?) (Insolvent) 7.55
H. C. Counts in push ( – ) 25.00
N. J. Smiley Note 231.00
  Interest on same 58.10
N. J. Smiley Note 60.00
  Interest on same 7.80
J. B. McAdams act 148.00
G. A. King Fox (Fos??) Rich 4.60
R. T. Lowry (????) in push 165.00
Amount of Second Sale List 87.20
Rents & pasturage of land 778.14

I have further examined said Administrator’s Vouchers and receipts furnished.

I have allowed him the following credits, to wit:

(END PAGE 414)


Amount of Assets brought forward: $5600.40
No. 1
Dr. Penn & Long Decr 0/70 5.00  
No. 2
Dr. M. W. Allison act 6.00  
No. 3
Thos. H. Allison coffin Decr 27/70 20.00  
No. 4
Davidson & C. R. Burr(??) ” ” “ 25.00  
No. 5
Robt. Williams March 71 10.55  
No. 6
H. L. Davidson Atty July 6/72 5.00  
No. 7
W. B. M. Bran(???) Jan / 76.25  
No. 8
H. N. Cowden ” / 108.30  
No. 9
Lewis & Bro(???) ” 25/ 250.00  
No. 10
F. T. Brooks (????)   5.00  
No. 11
Jno (??) Wood   3.00  
No. 12
Expenses incurred in gathering corn 9.00  
No. 13
Letters of Administration & Stamp 4.00  
No. 14
Sale List & Inventory 1st 3.25  
No. 15
Sale List & Inventory 2nd 1.50  
No. 16
Tax for 1871 & 2 126.00  
No. 17
Administrator’s Allowance 279.79  
No. 18
This settlement; reporting & recording 10.00 $ 950.99
  Due Estate:     $4649.41

Subscribed before me April 29 1873 N. J. Smiley

R. L. Adams Clerk

Transcriber’s note:

Hugh Barnett Smiley & his wife, Sarah Lowry (Endsley) Smiley are buried at Round Hill Cemetery:

H. B. Smiley
Born Oct. 22, 1795
Died Sept. 17, 1870
Sarah Wife of H. B. Smiley
Born Dec. 7, 1786
Died May 23, 1878
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