Henry Rone Will (1856)

Henry Rone Will (1856)

contributed by Dana Hill, December, 2005

Marshall County Will Book B, pages 25-26, transcribed from TSLA microfilm roll Marshall #42

I Henry RONE do make and publish this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all other wills- heretofore made by me at any time- 1st It is my will and desire that my body be decently buried and that my funeral expences and debts be paid out of moneys I may die possessed off or may come first into the hands of my executor or executors os those who may be appointed to execute and enforce this will and testament.

2. It is my will and desire that after my debts are paid that the moneys that may be on hand be laid out in the purchasing of two or more negroes for the use of my familys by my executor and with the advice of my wife as to the kind of Negroes to be purchased; either two girls able to work or a mand and woman & child as may Seem best to my wife & executor.

3rd It is my will and desire that my wife Mary have all my estate both read and personal during her natural life or widow hood for the purpose of raising and educating my children, and when any of the children becomes of age in marry it is my will and desire that my wife will give such child so much of the personal property as may be on hand as the estate will admit off having due regard to rest of children as it is my desire that my children be equally provided for and share equally of my estate

4th It is my will and desire that my executor sell such property as I may die possessed off as him and my wife may think advisable and that may think the interest of the estate require. 5th It is my will and desire and I hereby nominate and appoint my friend James V. EWING to execute this my last will and testament This 26th day of June 1856


Signed sealed and published in our presence and we have subscribed our names in the presence of the testator

This June 1856


Hampton LIGETT )

Shared G LIGGET) Jurat Jany 5th 1857

ack )

State of Tennessee)

Marshall County )

County Court January Term 1857

Personally appeared here in open Court Hampton LIGGETT & Shared G. LIGGETT subscribing witness to the foregoing will and who after being duly qualified proved said will as the law directs, Which was ordered by the Court to be entered of record

Witness my hand at office January 5th 1857

S. TALLY (clk

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