Goodspeed’s History of Marshall County Surname Index

Goodspeed’s History of Marshall County Surname Index

contributed by Paulette Carpenter, 2004

*Martin, a slave

A- Abernathy, Acuff, Adams, Adames, Alexander, Aldridge, Allen, Allens, Allison, Allman, Anderson, Appleby, Armstrong, Arnold, Atkisson, Autry

B- Bagley, Baird, Barnes, Barrett, Baxter, Bayne, Beard, Bearden, Beasley, Beck, Beckett, Beech, Begger, Berry, Bickett, Biddington, Bill, Billingtons, Bills, Binford, Bingham, Bishop, Black, Blackwell, Blair, Bloodworth, Bogle, Borean, Boren, Bostwick, Bowden, Bowers, Boyd, Bradshaw, Braley, Bramblett, Bramblitt, Brandon, Branson, Brantley, Breckinridge, Brents, Bridges, Brittain, Brooks, Brown, Brownlow, Bryant, Buchanan, Bullock, Burgess, Burks, Bushrod

C- Cahall, Calahan, Calton, Campbell, Cannon, Caple, Carpenter, Carrigan, Carson, Carter, Carthey, Cathey, Cauless, Cayce, Chadwell, Chambliss, Chapman, Champ, Chitwood, Chrisman, Clark, Clayton, Cleek, Cloud, Cochran, Cockrell, Coffee, Coffey, Coggins, Collins, Collinsworth, Collis, Compton, Cook, Cooper, Cowden, Covantry, Cox, Crow, Crunk, Crutcher, Cundiff, Cunningham, Cummings

D- Dabney, Dark, Darnell, Davidson, Davis, Daws, Dean, Dickson, Dillahunty, Dobson, Dodd, Douglas, Doxie, Dryden, Duncan, Dunlap, Dunnigan, Duvall, Dysart, Dysarts

E- Eakin, Edwards, Eilson, Elliott, Elzey, Elzy, Emmerson, England, Erwin, Ewing, Ezell

F- Farquaharson, Ferguson, Field, Figures, Findley, Fisher, Fleming, Flemming, Floyd, Fluty, Fonville, Forrest, Fossett, Fowler, Fraley, Frank, Freeman, French, Frierson, Ford, Fox, Fulton, Fussell

G- Garrett, Gates, Gattis, Gentry, Giles, Gill, Gillespie, Glenn, Good, Gordon, Gray, Green, Gregg, Gresham, Griffin, Gulley

H- Hagan, Hall, Hamilton, Hammonds, Harbor, Harden, Hardin, Hardison, Harris, Hatchett, Hawkins, Hawkins, Hay, Hayes, Haynes, Hays, Haywood, Hazelett, Henderson, Hendricks, Hepwood, Hickey, Hicks, Hill, Hillis, Hobson, Holden, Holder, Holt, Holland, Holmes, Hooten, Hoover, Hopewood, Hopwood, Houston, Howlett, Hoyle, Huddleston, Hughes, Hunter, Hurt, Hutton, Houston

I- Irvine

J- Jackson, James, Jarrett, Johnson, Jones, Joyce

K- Keith, Kellams, Kelley, Kelsey, Kennedy, Kercheval, Kiecham, King, Knight, Knudson

L- Laird, Landis, Lavender, Lawrence, Laws, Leiper, Leonard, Lewis, Liggett, Lillard, London, Looney, Lowry, Loyd, Luna, Luttelow

Mc-McAdams, McBride, McClane, McClear, McClelland, McClure, McCollum, McCord, McConnell, McCordy, McCrary, McCrea, McCrery, McCullough, McCurdy, McEwen, McGahey, McGaughey, McGregor, McGrgor, McGuire, McKee, McKinney, McKnight, McLaw, McLean, McLelland, McLemore, McQuiddy, McRady

M- Major, Maney, Manire, Marks, Marr, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Massey, Maulden, Mayfield, Meadows, Menifee, Merritt, Miller, Mills, Modrall, Moffett, Montgomery, Moore, Morris, Morrison, Morton, Moss, Murray, Muse, Myers

N- Nance, Nei, Neil, Newman, Nichols, Nolen, Norton, Nowlin

O- Oakley, Ogilvie, O’Neal Orr, Osborn, Owen, Owensby

P- Paine, Park, Parks, Patterson, Patton, Patrick, Paxton, Peacock, Penn, Percy, Perry, Phidellas, Phillips, Pillow, Polk, Porch, Porter, Powell, Pyle

R- Radford, Rainey, Rambo, Ramsey, Rankin, Ransom, Reavis, Record, Reed, Regen, Richardson, Riggs, Rives, Roane, Robbins, Robins, Robinson, Rone, Roser, Ross, Rosson, Rothrock, Russ, Russell

S- Sanders, Sanford, Say, Scudder, Sewell, Shaw, Shearin, Sheffield, Shehan, Shehane, Short, Simmons, Sims, Smiley, Smith, Smithson, Snell, Sorrell, Speer, Starnes, Steele, Stephenson, Stetwell, Stillwell, Stilwell, Stockton, Stokes, Stone, Strahl, Street, Sullivan, Swanson, Swim

T- Tally, Tate, Taylor, Tillman, Thomas, Thompson, Tolley, Turner

V- Vancleave, Verner

W-Wadkins, Wallace, Walls, Warner, Walker, Ward, Wardlaw, Warner, Waters, Webb, Wells, West, Whitsitt, Whitthorne, Wilhorte, Wilkes, Williams, Wilson, Winston, Wisener, Woods, Wright, Wyatt

Y- Yowel, Yowell, Yarbrough

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