G. W. Cummings Deed of Gift from J. B. Cummings (1861)

G. W. Cummings Deed of Gift from J. B. Cummings (1861)

Marshall County, Tennessee Deed Book T, page 420

FamilySearch Microfilm Roll # 0977509: Marshall County, Tennessee Deed Books S & T (1859 – 1862)

For and in consideration of the natural love and affection I have for my son, George W. Cummings, and the further consideration of his agreeing and binding himself his heirs and assigns to support me during my natural life and pay my debts from January 23, 1861 till this date I hereby convey to him and his heirs and assigns my life estate in the following described tracts of land, two of them being in the fifth Civil Dist of County of Marshall State of Tennessee and included in the following boundaries:
The first piece is bounded thus: Beginning at a Popular stump, F. B. Woods South east corner, running thence South 86 degrees West with his line one hundred and one and four tenths poles to a rock, James Millers corner. Thence South 3 1/2 degrees East with his line Seventy poles to a rock. Then South 85 1/2 West with his line [BLURRED] twenty four poles to a stake, then South [BLURRED] 3 1/2 degrees East with his line the same being the Section Line Sixty six poles to Stake, two Lynns an Ash and Elm pointers, John McAdams corner. Then North 85 degrees East with his line forty poles to a stake with two Beech pointers then North 5 degrees West twenty poles to a stake with an Oak pointer then [A COMPLETE LINE IS BADLY BLURRED] South 70 degrees ___?___ ___?___
poles to a stake in the field /////[end page 420]////then South 4 3/4 degrees East one hundred and fourteen poles to a stake in Hugh B. Smileys line then North 85 1/2 degrees East with his line forty seven poles to a Sugartree then North 4 1/2 degrees West seventy six poles to a stake then North 86 degrees East fifteen poles to a stake then North 5 degrees West six and 6/10 poles to a stake near a popular, corner of Smileys field, then North 86 degrees East forty six poles to a rock, Sugartree and Ash pointers, then North 7 1/2 degrees West thirty two poles to a Hickory, then North 86 degrees East forty two poles to a stake, Hickory and Beech pointers, then North 5 degrees West ninety four 1/2 poles to a stake, then South 85 1/2 degrees West forty two poles to a stake at the gate, then North 5 degrees West two and 9/10 poles to a Gum stump then N 68 1/2 degrees West sixty four poles to a stake near a Beech tree, then North 5 degrees West twenty one poles to the beginning. Containing two hundred and seventeen acres and 55 poles.

Also one other tract ajoining the land of F.B. Woods. Beginning at a rock, F.B. Woods Southwest corner, then with James Millers line South 86 degrees West 17 poles to a rock in the Section Line, then N 5 degrees West with the said line 128 [?? BADLY BLURRED] poles to a rock then North 86 degrees E with Endsley’s line 17 poles to a Honey Locust, Woods
Northwest corner, then S 5 1/4 degrees East with his line 124 poles to the beginning, containing thirteen acres and twenty eight poles.

Also another tract lying in the 18th District of Bedford County and bounded thus: Beginning at a stake in the road two cedars and a post oak and hickory pointers, then N 5 degrees W 90 1/2 poles to a stake thence East with the School land line 57 3/4 poles to a stake, then South with Thomas Allisons line 89 poles to a stake with three cedar pointers then West 45 poles to the beginning. Containing twenty nine acres and seventy three poles. To him the said George W. Cummings his heirs and assigns forever and during my  natural life with the appurtenances thereunder belonging as fully as the same belongs to me.

And also the following described slaves VIZ. Abb, aged about 60 years, David, aged about 30 years, Amanda, about 28 years, Alfred, about 26 years, and Bill about 21 years. The following stock VIZ. A sorrel horse, two sorrel mares, a roan mare, one spotted cow, one yearling calf, ten head of sheep and thirty head of hogs, all the bacon and lard on hand, all the corn, wheat, oats, fodder, and hay on hand, one four horse wagon and harnesses, all the farming implements, all the household and kitchen furniture together with all the outstanding claims not exceeding one hundred dollars and five shares of stock in the Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad.

The land and slaves I convey to him as above described during the term of my natural life. All the other property I convey to him foreveer. Given under my hand and seal this 16th day of March A.D. 1861

J.B. Cummings
Test. L.D. Stockton
A. McGahey

State of Tennessee
Marshall County

Personally appared befoe me, S Talley, Clerk of the County Court aforesaid, L.D. Stockton & A. McGahey subscribing witnesses to the within instrument & when after being duly sworn and deposed and: said that they were acquainted with J.B. Cummings the within Signor & that he executed this instrument in their presence on the day it bears date.

Witness my hand at office April 25, 1861
S. Talley, Clk
Filed in my office the 25th day of April 1861 at 8 o’clock 30 minutes AM.
W.M. Cowden, RMC


[Transcriber’s Notes:

This is pretty strong evidence that John B. Cummings was still alive 16 March 1861 and living in Marshall County; several years after he was supposed to have “wandered away from the home of one of his sons and disappeared in 1857.”]

contributed by Dick Wood (date unknown)

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