Fisher Wills in Book C

Fisher Wills in Book C

contributed by Dana Hill

Marshall County Will Book C, page 21; TSLA microfilm roll Marshall #42

James W. Fisher’s Will (1878)

I James W FISHER being of sound mind do publish this as my last will and testament 1st I will that my Executor after my death pay my funeral expenses and all other debts as soon as convenient

2nd I will that he sell all the surplus property that my family does not need for their support and mantainance (my wife to select what that may be) on a twelve months credit.

3rd I will that my executer use the money in his hands for use of my family as they may need it and if they do not need it or any portion of it he shall loan it out at interest taking note or notes with good security fo the same

4th I will that J F FISHER be appointed my Executor for the purpose of carrying out this my last will and Testament

Given under my hand and seal this October 10th 1878



E M FISHER Jurat Nov 4th 1878

N K LONG ” ” ” ”

State of Tennessee)
Marshall County )

County Court November Term 1878

Personally appeared here in open Court E. M. FISHER and N K LONG, subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will who first being sworn proved the due execution of the same as the law directs, Which will was by the Court ordered to be certified and recorded

Witness my hand, at office this 4 day of November 1878


Marshall County Will Book C, pages 57-58; TSLA microfilm roll Marshall #42

John Fisher’s Will (1882)

I John FISHER being of sound mind and disposing memory, and knowing my probatim on Earth is of short duration have published this as my last Will and Testament.

First. I direct that my burial expenses be paid out of the first monies that may come into the hands of my Executors. and the remainder applied to the payment of all my just debts until they are satisfied and Secondly after furnishing my beloved wife Mildred FISHER such amts. as she may think necessary for her wants and comfort to be equally divided among all my children and the children of my son James W. FISHER, they counting as one child share and share alike.

Second I give Will and bequeath to my beloved wife Mildred FISHER all my landed Property, Horses, hogs, sheep, cattle wagon & farming implements and as much of the household and kitchen furniture as she may think she will need to have and hold the same for her own use during her life.

Third At the death of my wife Mildred FISHER, I direct my Executors to sell all the property of every description that may be on hand, together will all the Real or landed property that I may own and divide and pay over when collected to all my children and the heirs of my son J. W. FISHER, Share and share alike.

Fourth, I hereby nominate my sons F. B. & E. M. FISHER my Executors to fully execute this my last Will and testament and that no bonds or Court appointments be required of them. And they are hereby fully empowered to make all necessary deeds to my landed property with all the guarantees that I could make myself, and they are further authorized to sell said land either publicly or privately as they may think best, and divide it into such tracts as will be to the interest of all.

March 29. 1882



L. R. HILL. Jurat May 1 1882

R. M. HAGGARD ” ” ” ”

State of Tennessee)
Marshall County )

County Court May Term 1882

Personally appeared here in open Court L. R. HILL and R. M. HAGGARD subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will, who, after first being duly sworn, proved the due execution of the same as the law directs, and the Court ordered that the same be certified and recorded.

Witness my hand at office, this the 1 day of May 1882


Marshall County Will Book C, pages 112-113; TSLA microfilm roll Marshall #42

Mary Newton Fisher’s Will (1881)

I Mary Newton FISHER do make and publish this my last Will and Testament.

I give and Bequeath to by Grand Daughter Arrcana Tennesse COTNER the following described tract of land situated in the 5th civil District of Marshall County & State of Tennessee and bounded as follows “Viz” On the West by Thomas BLACKWELL on the south by Isaac DAVIS col. East by Nancey A. KING and on the North by Nancey A KING & Haston COUNTS, this shall embrace all the land I own within the above named boundary except ten acres wich I also herein give and bequeath to my Grand Son William F. COTNER which said ten acres is bounded as follows Viz.” Beginning at an off set in Nancey A. KINGs West boundary line and to run East with said Nancy A. KINGs line to an off set in said line, thence South with said Nancy A. KINGs line just far enough to include ten acres by running in western direction from the last named point as far West as the 1st off set mentioned in the boundary of this ten acres, and from that point or corner North to the beginning

The said Arrcanna Tennessee COTNER and the said William F. COTNER, are to pay all my Burial & funeral expenses if any.

I give and bequeath, to my Daughter Mary E. COTNER One Dollar out of the proceeds of my estate, as she is my only child & heir, in law.

I give and bequeath to my Gran Daughter Arrcana Tenessee COTNER, all my Household & Kitchen furniture.

Test by
Thomas R. KING Mary N. FISHER

Signed in our presence by the Testater, and we the undersigned attest the same as Witnesses at the request of and in the presence of the Testater

June 25th, 1881 H. E. ADAMS


State of Tennessee)
Marshall County )

County Court Oct Term 1886

Personally appeared in open Court H. E.ADAMS and Thomas BLACKWELL the Subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will and after having been duly sworn proved as the law directs the due execution of the same by the testator upon the day and date herein named

Witness my hand this the 4th day of October 1886


Marshall County Will Book C, pages 305-306; TSLA microfilm roll Marshall #42

George W. Fisher’s Will (1895)

I, George W FISHER of Marshall County and State of Tennessee. being of sound mind and disposing memory do make and publish this as my last will and testament, hereby revoking any and all other wills made by me at any time.

First: I will and desire that all of my Just debts and funeral expenses be paid as soon after my death as possible, out of any monies I may have on hand, or the first monies that come into the hand of my Executor.

Second: I will and so desire that my wife Millie have and Control during her life, One third of all my real estate, not to include any Homestead:, Also all exemptions by law, of my personal property to her forever, and all the personal property that she owned and brought here, at or after the time of our marriage, together wit all the monies she then had Or has made since our marriage, with full Control of the same to dispose of as she may see proper by will or otherwise.

Third: I will and desire that my two grand children, Martha and Lelah, daughters of my son James T. FISHER decsd. be given Seventy five Dollars each, and that there Shall not be any Changes of any advancements that I may have made to my son James T FISHER during his life or to his family since his death.

Fourth: I will and desire and I so devise that the remainder of my estate of whatsoever Kind or description be equally divided between the children of my son Jacob C FISHER, my daughters. Nancy REYNOLDS wife of M. E. REYNOLDS. Elizabeth CATHEY, wife of Jno W CATHEY. and Ann GREEN, wife of Polk GREEN, share & Share alike the children of J. C. FISHER receiving only one full share with my other children. with the only exception that each one shall be charged with any and all the Advancements I have made to them so that each one may get as near an equal portion of my estate as it is possible for me to determine. No interest shall be charged on any note or Advancements, I may hold against any of them.

Fifth: I hereby append the whole amount that I have advanced each one of them, which will be charged to them.

My daughter wife of M E RENOLDS one Hundred and Seventy five & 20/100 Dollars.

My daughter Ann GREEN wife of Polk GREEN One Hundred and Sixty Six & 80/100 Dollars.

Elizabeth wife of Jno W CATHEY ninety five & 90/100 Dollars, The above amts may include notes & accounts Or other evidence of indebtedness, but when the amts are charged to them, all evidence of indebtedness are to be cancelled.

Sixth: Reposing full Confidence in my Son Jacob C FISHER, I hereby nominate and appoint him the Executor of this my last will and testament. And in order that my estate may be saved the expense, that would incur in taking out Letters of Administration And filing Bill & Commission on sales of land: I hereby waive the necessity of him applying to the Courts for letters of Administration and I do hereby furthermore empower, him to sell all my lands, when the incumbrance of dower is removed and all his acts shall be as binding with my heirs as if done by myself.

All former wills are hereby revoked.

Witness my hand and Seal, this the 10th day of Apr. A D 1895


Signed Sealed and Acknowledged in our presence on day and date above



State of Tennessee)
Marshall County )

This day came W H REYNOLDS and W M ROBINSON the two subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will and who after being first duly sworn As the law directs, proved the due execution of the same by the testator, upon the day and date therein named. Whereupon the Court Ordered the same Certified and will recorded.

Witness my hand at office in Lewisburg, Tennessee. This November 15 1897.


Marshall County Will Book C, page 321; TSLA microfilm roll Marshall #42

John F. Fisher’s Will (1898)

I John F. FISHER do declare this my last will and testament, revoking all former wills.

(1st) I will that all my debts or other obligations be settled by the first money that comes into the hands of my Executor after my funeral expenses are all paid.

(2nd) I will to my son and daughter, Emma E. and Thomas M. a tract of land known as the Neil place.

(3rd) I am indebted to my step daughter, Golie May, in the sum of One Hundred and Ten Dollars ($110.00) that I hold for her from her father’s estate which I desire to paid as early as convenient.

(4th) After the necessary allowances &c for a year support of my family, I desire my Executor to sell at public or prvate sale all the remainder of my personal property of every description and after the above bequested are fully satisfied I desire the remainder of the proceeds of the sale and any moneys that may be left over be equally divided between my beloved wife Mollie E. and son and daughter Emma E & Thomas M. share and share alike.

(5th) I hereby nominate and appoint B. H. FISHER my Executor to carry out the provisions of this will or any other business pertaining to my estate not specified in this will.

Nov. 10-1898 J. F. FISHER

In the presence of



State of Tennessee Marshall County:- This day personally appeared in open Court, B. H. FISHER one of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will, who, after first being duly sworn as the law directs proved the due execution of the same by the testator upon the day and date therein named, Whereupon the Court ordered the will certified and the Will recorded.

Witness my hand at office, this Dec. 5th, 1898.

O. H. ORR Clerk.

Marshall County Will Book C, pages 337-338; TSLA microfilm roll Marshall #42

Millie Fisher’s Will (1899)

I Millie FISHER (late widow of G. W. FISHER deceased) being of sound mind and memory do make and publish this as my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all other Wills by me at any other time made

Item 1 My Will and desire is and I do so devise that as soon after my death as possible that my Executors (herein after appointed) pay all my just debts and furneral expenses out of any monies I may have on hand or the first monies that comes into hands as such Execuors

Itim 2 I hereby Will and bequeath to my two neices Kate STILWELL wife of A B STILWELL and Miss Martha COLLINS now living with said Kate STILWELL all my property of every kind and discription Real personal or mixed including all my houshold and ketchen furnature wearing apparel &c note bonds monees or negotionable papers of any of any kind  ncluding My claim against the estate of my late husband the said G W FISHER Dc’d They the said Kate STILWELL and Miss Martha COLLINS shall be the sole heirs of my Estate an no one else and that the same shall be devided between them share and share alike

Itim 3rd My Will and desire is and I do so devise that my friends J J ELLIOTT and A B STELWELL be my Executors and i so appoint

Itim 4th My will is that my said Executors have full power to carry on and procecute the Suit now pending in the Courts to a finish and to do and perform all and every duty incumbent on them as such Executors

In Witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this 4th day of July A D 1899


Witness by Testators )

requist this 4th July 1899 )




State of Tennessee)
Marshall County )

This day appeared in open Court, Lou Webb and Wat WEBB the two subscribing Witnesses to the foregoing Will of Millie FISHER, and after first being duly sworn according to law, proved the due execution of the said Will by the testator upon the day and date it bears; Whereupon the Court ordered the same Certified and the Will recorded.

Witness my hand, this September 27 1899.

O H ORR Clerk.

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