Endsley Wills from Book C

Endsley Wills from Book C

contributed by Dick Wood

John Milton Endsley Will

Marshall County Will Book C, pages 118-119

Last Will and Testament of John M. Endsley of Dist. 5 of Marshall County & State of Tennessee

I, John M. Endsley, being of sound mind and memory and normal bodily health but of advanced years and considering the uncertainty of life and my advanced age do make this to be my last will and testament.

Viz. 1st: I bequeath to my beloved wife, Christiana E. Endsley, all the land or reality of which I may die possessed to be hers during her mortal life and after her death the right of said property I desire to pass to my son, James B. Endsley, his heirs and representatives.

2nd: I bequeath to my beloved wife all the personal property of which I may die possessed, notes, accounts, money, goods, chattles, household and kitchen furniture & etc. to be used and disposed of at her pleasure.

GIVEN under my hand and seal this January 15, 1884.




[page 119]


County Court June Term 1887

On the 5th Day of January 188[?] a written instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of John M. Endsley dec’d and W. S. Coffey, one of the subscribing witnesses to said will appeared in court and after having been first duly sworn and proved the due execution of the same by the testors as required by law and upon the 31st day of March 1887, N. J. Smiley, the other subscribing witness to said will came into court and having been duly sworn proved the execution of the same by the testators upon the day and date therein mentioned and the court ordered the same certified and recorded.

WITNESS my hand at office this the 6th day of June, 1887

Jo McBride, Clerk


Transcriber’s Notes:

ODD. Notice that an Executor was not designated. And the court clerk’s wording “proved the execution of the same by the testators….”

John Milton made this, his last will and testament, on 15 January 1884 and died on 5 Dec 1884. He also made two deeds of gift to his son, James Burgess Endsley (Marshall County Deed Books Volume C2, pages 302 and 303) on 10 Jan 1884.

Bedford Endsley’s Will

Marshall County Will Book C, pages 260-262

I, Bedford Endsley, of the 5th District of the County of Marshall and State of Tennessee, being of sound mind and memory but feable in bodily health and fully appreciating the uncertainty of life, Do make this my last Will and Testament.

To my beloved and affectionate Wife, Martha Endsley, I give all the personal property of which I may die possessed, including money, notes, accounts, Live Stock, agricultural implements, household and kitchen furniture to be used and disposed of at her pleasure. I also bequeath unto her all of the plantation on which I now live except Thirty acres on the East end adjoining the lands of Mrs. Buchanan to be separated from the home place but all the remainder of the home place except the Thirty acres before mentioned I bequeath to my beloved Wife during her natural life to pass to my dutiful and affectionate son, John F. Endsley, his and his assigns forever.

I also Will and bequeath unto the Bodily heirs of my deceased Daughter, Mary Leonard, named respectively, Hugh B., Samuel Howard, Martha P., and Mary E. Leonard, the farm I now own known as the James Woods tract and the James Coffey tract Bound North by John F. Endsley & the Jones Heirs, South by F. L. Woods, Jr. & East by B. Craig’s estate and West by J. B. Woods. Also the thirty acres before named to be surveyed off the East end of my home place adjoining the lands of Mrs. Buchanan.

I also give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife, Martha Endsley, and the before named Grand children, Heirs of my Dear Dead Daughter, Mary Leonard, the tract of Cedar Land I now own in the 19th District of Bedford Co Tennessee. Said Cedar Land I desire to be equally divided “as to value” between my Wife and said Grand children and the portion alloted my Wife after the division to be hers only during her natural life, and after her decease, to pass to my dutiful Son, John F. Endsley, his heirs and assigns forever.

Given under my hand and seal this, the 5th day of June 1888

Witness: F. L. Woods, Sr. Bedford Endsley

A. McGahey

After further consideration I bequeath twenty acres of Land Joining the Barnet Smiley tract of Land lying on the North side of said tract on the East by Marshall County Normal School site, North by my mule lot & on the West by the Cummings tract, to the Heirs of my Deceased Daughter, Mary Leonard. And I further will that my dutiful beloved Son, John F. Endsley, and his heirs Shall have a right way interest in the spring at the foot of the hill on the James Coffey tract of land forever. And further he shall have the use of the James Coffey tract of land free of rent as long as I live; also the use of my wagons and mules to use free of charge.

This the 5th day of June 1888.

Bedford Endsley

Witness: F. L. Woods

A. McGahey


This day came F. L. Woods, Sr. & A. McGahey, the two subscribing witnesses to the foregoing instruments who, after being first duly sworn, proved the due execution of the same by the testators upon the day and date therein named. Wherefore the Court ordered the same certified and the will and codicil thereto recorded.

Witness my hand and seal this July 1st 1895.

W. L. Wallace, Clerk

James K. Endsley’s Will

Marshall County Will Book C, pages 485-487

I, James K. Endsley, having a reasonable fortune of health and being of sound mind do this day make my last will and testament of all my property both real and personal That I may have at my Death Consisting of land, money, notes and personal property to be Divided as follows after my Death:

1st. I want all my just debts payed if there is any.

2nd. I give to Sallie Pigg formerly Sallie Endsley, Nothing, as I have already given her about Eight or Nine hundred Doll and for her disobedience to me I think she has had over her share.

3rd. As I have given all my grown children $500.00 in Money – I want my three youngest children, Oscar Endsley, Claude Endsley, and Lessie Endsley, to have the Same I gave all my grown children; a good horse – if I should not give them one before my Death. And what is left to be equally divided between my children.

4th. I want my wife, Elizabeth Endsley, to have the home place where I now live; About 106 acres more or less to be hers during her widow hood, but if she, the said Elizabeth Endsley, marry again, then she forfits all her right and the land to be sold and Equally divided between my children except Sallie Pigg. As before stated, she has got her share.

5th. The first one of my children or grand children that goes to law or starts a Lawsuit about my property in any way, he then and their forfits all his right to his share, and my Executors to take it from him or her and equally divide it between the others.

6th. And I name for my Executors, R. A. Endsley and W. P. Davis. This February 21st 1901.

J. K. Endsley


J. T. Turner [? I’m not sure – not legible]

W. P. Davis

R. A. Endsley


This day came R. A. Endsley, Marshall County

& W. P. Davis and presented to this court a paper writing purporting to be the last will & testament of Jas. K. Endsley, dec’d, and moved the court to allow the same admitted to probate, which prayer the Court is pleased to grant. Whereupon came J. T. Turner [? I’m not sure of name -not legible], W. P. Davis & R. A. Endsley,three Subscribing witnesses to the said will and after being Duly sworn found the [? word not legible?] Executors of the said will by the testators therein named upon the day and date therein written. Whereupon the Court ordered the Same Certified & the will recorded.

WITNESS my hand at office in Lewisburg, Tennessee on this, the 30th Day of December, 1907.

A. N. Nysong, Clerk

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