County Court Minutes Book A: December, 1837, Session

County Court Minutes Book A: December, 1837, Session

transcribed by mailing list members and contributed by Dana Hill (date unknown)

Page (75)
The State of Tennessee.
At a county Court began and held at the house of Abner HOUSTON in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirty seven the same being the 4th day of December, members present Ephraim HUNTER, Asa HOLLAND, James ADAMS, & Peter WILLIAMS, Adam MILLER James REED Thomas ROSS William WILKS Berry MOORE George CUMMINGS and John FIELDS Proclamation Joseph CLEEK &C. The Chariman not present. Thereupon the Court appointed Ephraim HUNTER Charman Pro tem untill the January term of this Court.

Ordered by the Court that the following persons be appointed revenue Commissioners to take & return a list of the taxable property and poles for the year 1838.
Dect. 12th Bedford Fraction A. MILLER
13″ do do Sherwood DUNNEGAN
17″ do do Ephraim HUNTER
14″ do do James EWING
16″ do do James ADAMS
15″ do do John HATCHETT
19″ do do Thomas CUMMINGS
Lincoln Fraction Drt. 15th S Asa HOLLAND
11th o William COWDEN
Maury Fraction Det Peter WILLIAMS
2nd do do Berry MOORE
3rd do do John FIELD
20th do do Andrew LAIRD

The commissioners appointed at a former term of this Court to settle with Robert CANNON administrator of the Estate of Thompson CANNON deceased made their report which is in the words & figures following (to wit) The full aggragate amount of the sales of the personal belonging to the estate of Thompson CANNON &

the hire of negores and Rent of Land the first year and the Cotton sold by David RAMSEY at private sale amt. in full that Robert CANNON the administrator of said estate stands charged with is $1316.68 3/4 & the full amount of his vouchers $1316.68 3/4 Leaving no balance in his hands as the administrator of said estate we have this day according to an order of Court of Marshall County proceeded to settle with him the said administrator of said estate this 10th Nov. 1837 James
YARBOROUGH Note of Five dollars which is desperate left in the hands of Elizabeth CANNON.
Williams WILLIAMS Sr.
Frances H. WOODS

The commissioners appointed at the last term of this Court to lay off one years provision for Patey WILLIS widow of Davis WILLIS deceased, made their report in the words & figures following (to wit)
We the undersigned freeholders of Marshall County after being duly sworn have proceeded to set apart to Patey WILLIS widow of David WILLIS deceased so much of the crop and provisions on hand as will be sufficient in our opinion to support her and her family one year from the death of her said family We set apart to her for said purpose the following articles Vez: Twenty five bushels of wheat, Seventy five Barrels of corn Fifteen hundred poundso of pork One milch cow and calf
first choice one barrel salt one stan and the honey that is in it the stan the honey that is in it the stock of wool which is on hand and twenty poinds of Tallow this 23rd day of November 1837.
John B. FOWLER (seal)
Ezekiel McKNIGHT (seal)
Thomas H. HARDEN (seal)

Ordered by the court that that James McCONNEL Squire LARUE and James C. POWELL be appointed commissioners to lay off the bounds and designate the hands by said bounds to work under the following overseers (to wit) James McCONNEL, Samuel BECKETT, James C. POWELL, Nathan GLENN, Herman WILSON & B. W. COWDEN and and make report to the next term of said Court. Issued.

It havin been represented to this Court that Thomas STAMMERS late of this County hasdied leaving no last will & testament, And Elizabeth STAMMERS & D R D DOBYNS having applied for Letters of administration of all & singular the goods and chattles rights and credits of said deceased and the court being satisfied of their right to obtain them and having also entered into bond and security accepted by the Court the same is granted.

Ordered by the court that Martin ADAMS Edward OSTEN and Adam MILLER be appointed commissioners to lay off and set apart one years provision for Elizabeth STAMMERS the widow of Thomas STAMMERS deceased and report to the next term of this Court. Issued.

Ordered by the court that William NEIL be appointed overseer of the Fishing ford road commenceing at the ford of rich Creek and terminateing at Duck river and that he have the hands in the following bounds (to wit) beginning at WARNERS old ford on Duck river with WARNERS old road South and of John LANES thence east with the Shelbyville road so as to include Livinston ANDERSON & John PENN to HANERS thence east & Charles HOPPERS thence north to the upper fishing ford so as to include Hugh RAY and Gideon PARNEL thence with said road to Duck river so as to include Thomas O. HUNTERS hands thence down said river to the beginning. Issued.

Ordered by the court that David W. WILDER be appointed overseer of the road in room of Hught HOUSTON & that he ha ve th hands that worked under said HOUSTON.

It having been represented to the Court that William GIFFORD late of this County had died leaving no last will and testament and Levi COCHRAN & Jeremiah HOLT having applied for Letters of administration of all and singular the goods & chattles rights & credits being satisfied of their right entered into bond & security accepted by the Court the same is granted, It having been represented to this Court that Allen HACKNEY late of this County has died leaving no last will & testament And Joseph HACKNEY having applied for Letters of administration of all and singular the goods and chattles rights and credits of said deceased & that the Court being satisfied of his right to obtain them and having entered into bond & security accepted by the Court the same is granted.

James SPRINGER a minor of the age of nine years was this day bound as an apprentice to Williams DAVIS untill he attains the age of Twenty years.

Court adjourned one hour to meet at the dwelling house of Abner HOUSTON Court met according to adjournment Ploclimation &C.

Berry MOORE appeared in Court and was duly appointed guardian for Malinda S. BILLS & Blackstone H. BILLS minor orphans of Jonathan D. BILLS deceased who entered into bond in the sum of six thousand dollars with John R. B. JONES & Ashley MOORE his securities which was accepted by the Court.

Henry COLLINS appeared in Court and was appointed guardian for John COLLINS and Elizabeth his wife minors who entered into bond in the sum of fifteen hundred dollars with John R. HILL & James REED as his securities which was accopted by the Court.

James C. RECORD appeared in Court & was duly appoionted Guardian for Robert GANT minor orphan of Jonathan GANT deceased who entered into bond in the sum of fifteen thousand dolars with John R. HILL & James OSBURN as his securities which was accepted by the Court.

Willuam McCLURE this day presented to this Court his resignation as Justice of the peace for Marshall County which was accepted by the Court.

Ordered by the Court that Abner HOUSTON make & receive the following charges from borders & no higher (to wit)
for entertaining man & horse per week $5.00
man per week 2.50
do do per night .75
do do per day 1.12 ½
for each diet .25
Lodging per night .12 ½
per feed for horse .28 ¾
do do per day .50
Man per day .62 ½
Horse per week 2.00
horse per night .25

The commissioners appointed at the last term of this Court to view and marl out a road from the south end of Henry BISHOPS land to the north end of Wm. WILLIAMS land, we therefore being duly sworn proceeded to turn said road as follows beginning at Henry BISHOPS land & going westward by aline of mrked trees leaving BISHOPS and part of William WILLIAMS plantation on the north & passing through said WILLIAMS lane west of his house to the north end of said lane west of his house, to the north end of said land to the road that is cut out.
Francis B. WOODS

Ordered by the Court that the above report be confirmed and in all respects be the order of this Court.

Ordered by the Court than Samuel W. WOODS be appointed overseer of theroad from WILLIAMS store to the Bedford County line towards richmond and that he have the following hands to wit: William WILLIAMS, James ALLISONS Lorensy D. STOCKDON Henry BISHOP & Marten WISENOR. Issued.

Ordered by the Court that Joseph G. EDMUNDSON be appointed overseer of the road in room of John D. CALVAT & that he have the former hands. Issued.

Ordered by the Court that B. W. COWDEN be appointed overseer of the road from TAYLORS branch to the widow IVANS & that he have the former hands. Issued.

Ordered by the Court that Jones COLLINS be appointed overseer of the road commenceing at the branch west of James C. RECORDS & terminateing at the County line have the followin hands (to wit)
Gray L. JONES the hands of the estate of C. HOUSTON William ALEXANDER
former hands James HENRY William D. EMMERSON, David HOOLBROOKS
Absolom ALEXANDER Jones COLLINS Horatio M. PHILLIPS William H.
PHILLIPS Eli CHEEK & son William LONDON, Thomas LONDON & Henry EMMERSON to keep up said road, Isued.

Ordered by the Court that William WHITE be appointed overseer of the road down richland creek commenceing at John B. COWDENS and that he have the former hands who worked on said road. Issued.

Thos. ROSS administrator & Patey WILLIS administrators presented in open Court the amount of sales of the estate of Davis WILLIS Deceased which was ordered to be entered of Record.

Ordered by the Court that William STONE William M. ORR Richard WILKS Zadoc WINN Milton H. HOLT & Tolber ARTHURS be appointed a Jury of review to lay off and mark a road commenceing at William STONES terminateing at Mooresville takeing into consideration the good of the public and that of individuals and report to the next term of this Court. Issued.

Court adjourned untill ten o(clock tomorrow morning.
Ephraim HUNTER
Chairman Pro tem
Thos. ROSS
Joseph CLEEK

Tuesday morning December 5th 1837.
Court met according to adjournment Present Ephraim HUNTER Chairman protem Berry MOORE Thos. ROSS and Joseph CLEEK Gentlement Justices of the peace Proclimation &C.

James HARRIS & Law on HARRIS Executors of the last will & testament of Ruth HARRIS deceased appeared in open Court and presented the amout of sales & inventory of said estate which was accepted by the Court and ordered to be entered of Record.

There being business before the Court, Court thereupon adjourned untill Court in Course.
Epahraim HUNTER
Chairman Protem
James REED J. P.

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