County Court Minutes Book A: August, 1839, Session

County Court Minutes Book A: August, 1839, Session

transcribed by mailing list members and contributed by Dana Hill (date unknown)

Page (282)
August term 1839
The State of Tennessee Marshall County,
At a county court begun and held for the County of Marshall at the Court house in the town of Lewisburg the place appointed by law for holden the several Courts in said County on the first Monday in August the same being the 5th day of the month A.D. 1839 present Asa HOLLAND, James V. EWING and Robert JOHNSON the quorum for 1839. Gentlemen Justices of the peace Proclamation &C.

Martin W. OAKLEY clerk of this Court presented an account of a settlement made by him with John DYSART guardian of the minor heirs of Benjamin LOGAN decd
for the year ending the 1st day of August 1839. Which report being seen and by
the Court understood was in all things confirmed and ordered to be recorded.

Martin W. OAKLEY clerk of this Court presented to this Court an account of settlement made by him with Jason B. SHUFFIELD administrator of the estate of Lucretia SHUFFIELD decd which report being seen and by the Court understood was in all things confirmed and ordered to be recorded.

Milton B. HUNTER appeared in Court and was thereupon appointed guardian of Robert H. HUNTER an Idiot an heir at law of Edwin C. HUNTER decd who Executed his bond in the sum of Four thousand five hundred dollars with Ephriam HUNTER & Alexander DYSART his securities which was accepted by the Court.

John RAMSEY appeared in Court and was appointed Guardian of William A. HUNTER, Mary D. HUNTER & Josiah R. HUNTER minor heirs of Edwin C. HUNTER decd who executed his bond in the sum of Thirteen thousand dollars with Lile A. EWING his security which was accepted by the Court.

August Term 1839.
Ephriam HUNTER appeared in Court and was thereupon appointed guardian for Sylvester M. HUNTER, Theander M. HUNTER & Matilda P. HUNTER minor heirs of Edwin C. HUNTER decd who Executed his bond in the sum of thirteen thousand dollars with Aaron BOYD and Jackson LIGGETT his securities which was accepted by the Court.

Jesse M. LEDBETTER administrator of the estate of Benton JONES deceased and returned an inventory of said estate which was ordered to be recorded.

The commissioners appointed at a former term of this Court to lay off and set a part one years provision for the widow of Edwin C. HUNTER decd reports on the words and figures to wit; We the undersigned free holders of Marshall County after being duly sworn heave proceeded to set part to Clarissa HUNTER deceased
so much of the provisions and money on hand as will be sufficient in our opinion
to support her and her family one year from the death of her said husband. We
set apart to her for said purpose the following articles ( viz )
Sixty dollars in cash Eight choice hogs two choice cows and calves what bacon
and laird is on hand except one large stand of laird, the present crop of wheat
and oats and the fodder on hand and one of the hundred barrels of corn this
2nd day of August 1839.
John RAMSEY (seal)
John MILLER (seal)
Robert L. DYSART (seal)
Amos L. BILLS (seal)
Ez. E. VERNER (seal)
Which report being seen and by the Court understood was in all things confirmed and made the order of thus Court.

August Term 1839.
On motion it is ordered by the Court that Peter WILLIAMS Daniel B. BILLS, William McGREGOR, Green WILSON, James POWELL, Isaac GRAVES and Samuel BECKETT be appointed a Jury of view to lay off and mark a road commcneing at John DEARON’s fence, by way of Joel HARTS and terminateing at the Lewisburg road near Thomas ROGERS if in their opinion that the good of individuals require it and that if the public not injured and report thereon to the next October term of this Court. Issued.

The commissioners appointed at a former term of this Court to lay off bounds for hands to work under Martin BARNS andothers overseers &C reports as follows to wit:
Martin BARS Bounds from his house to Elijah DOWNINGS to James McALISTERS to Franklin SMITH to Samuel H. HOBBS to the County line & with said line to BARNS including the hands named in the out bounds & Thomas DOWNING in said BARNS bounds Henry HARSLIP bounds from major SANDERS to Matthew RABURN to the top of the ridge and with the ridge to Wm. DAVIS to John W. WATSON to Wm. McKINNEY & down the branch to the County line to Jesse SANDERS to Willis WHITES to Major SANDERS including the hands named in the out bounds to Henry HAISLIP (bounds) Boon WILSONS bounds all the hands from the top of the ridge between Richland and Swan Creeks to the County line & between Boon WILSON & HAISLIP line August 3rd 1839 the undersigned having been ordered by the Court to divide the hands between the following overseers (viz) Marten BRAN,
Boon WILSON, & Henry HAISLIP- the within is our return- Marshall Court August 20th 1839.
Washington HUNTER
Samuel HALL
Which report being seen and by the Court understood was in all things confirmed and made the order of this Court.

August term 1839.
On motion it is ordered by the Court that Samuel WOODS Thomas H. HARDEN, Robert WILLIAMS, Shadrach MUSTEEN, George CUMMINGS & George C. NEIL be appointed a Jury of view to change that part of the road Lewisburg road that runs thru Erwin McADAMS land if in their Judgement the good of the individuals require it and that of the public not injured and report thereon to the next October term of this Court. Issued.

It having been represented to the satisfaction of this Court that William G. GANT who was a citizen of Marshall County at the time of his death has died leaving no last will and testament and John M. GANT appeared in Court and made appointment) application for letters of administration of all and singular the goods and chattles rights and credits of him the said William G. GANT And the Court being satisfied if his right to obtain them the same is granted. It is therefore accordingly he having Executed his bond in the sum of six hundred dollars with
Zach. GANT & Lewis SIMMONS his security and took the oath prescribed by law.

In having been represented to the satisfaction of this court that James A. GINNING a resident of Marshall County has died leaving no last will and testament and Jonathan BILLS and Garshum BILLS appeared in Court and made application for letters of Administration of all and singular the goods and chattles the rights and credits of him the said James A. GINNING and they having Executed their bond in the sum of six hundred dollars with D. B. BILLS and John HOOTEN their secruities the same is granted., It is therefore ordered by the Court that Letters of Administration Issue accordingly they takeing the oath prescribed by law.

It having been represented to the satisfaction of the Court that James ALISON a resident of Marshall County has died leaving a written will without appointing Executor thereto and Thomas H. ALISON appeared in Court and made application for letters of administration with the

will annexed of all and singular the goods and chattles rights and credits of him the said James ALISON ans he having entered into bond in the sum of nine thousand dollars with Henry BISHOP and Jas. B. LOWRY his securities the same is granted. It is therefore ordered by the Court that Letters issue accordingly with the will annexed he takeing the oath prescribed by law.

William T. COOK who bid of Mrs. MYERS an idiot at one hundred and forty eight dollars at the last term of this Court appeared in Court and Executed his bond in the sum of five hundred conditioned for othe safe keeping and providing for the said Mrs. MYERS with Wm. COWDEN and William D. POWELL his security.

On motion it is ordered by the Court that William B. COOK Wynn TWITTY & Sandy G. COOK be appointed commissioners to lay of and set apart one years provision for Elizabeth GANT widow of Wm. G. GANT decd and report thereon to the next term of this Court.

On motion it is ordered by the Court that James BROWN Benjamin THOMPSON &
Hugh HOUSTON Sr. be appointed commissioners to lay of and set apart one years provision for Anna GINNINGS widow of James A. GINNINGS decd and report to the next term of this Court.

On motion it is ordered by the Court that James HOUSTON Robert MARSH & Thos.
WILSON be appointed commissioners to lay off and set apart one years provision for Mary McCONNEL widow of Samuel McCONNEL decd and report thereon the next term of this Court.

It having been represented to the satisfaction of this Court that Samuel McCONNEL a resident of Marshall County has died leaving no last will and testament and Jas. McCONNEL and Archibald McCONNEL appeared in Court and made application for letters of administration of all and singular the goods and chattles rights and credits of him the said Samuel McCONNEL and they having Executed their bond in the sum of seven thousand dollars with Squire LARUE their security, the same is granted. It is therefore ordered by the Court that Letters of adm Issue accordingly they takeing the oath prescribed by law.

August term 1839. Court adjourned untill nine oclock tomorrow morning.
Thomas WILSON J.P.

Tuesday morning August 6th 1839. The sherriff and clerk according to adjurnment, there being not a full Court, the clerk and Sherriff adjourned Court untill Eight oclock tomorrow morning.

Wednesday morning August 7th 1839. Court met according to adjournment Asa
HOLLAND Thomas WILSON & John HATCHETT Gentlemen Justices present proclamation &C, and there being no further business the Court adjourned until Court in Course
Thomas WILSON J.P.

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