Charles Williams Will (1840)

Charles Williams Will (1840)

Marshall County Will Book A, page 82

I Charles Williams of the county of Marshall and State of Tennessee do make and publish this as my last will and testament here by revoking and making void all former wills by me at anytime heretofore made and first I direct that my body be decently enterred in suitable to my condition in life, and as to such worly extate as it hath pleased God to intrust me with I dispose of the same as follows

First I direct that all my debts and funeral expenses be paid as soon after my deceases as possible out of any monys that I may die possessed of are may first come into the hands of my Executors from any portion of my estate Real or personal

2nd I bequeath to my don Peter Williams one bed and furniture

3rd. I bequeath to my Daughter Mary A. M. Williams one bed and funiture

4th I bequeath to my beloved wife Susanna all of the balance of my property wheather real or personal during her natural life. Then the following division to take place to wit I bequeath to my three Grandchildren that is Charles A. Stephens, Mary Ann A. Stephens, Thmas . Stephens ten dollars each I also bequeath to my Granddayghter Mary C. Richey fifteen dollars I bequeath to my granson Roger S. William Ten dollars – I bequeath to my son Charles A. Williams Twenty dollars. I bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Hendrick Twenty five dollars I bequeath to my Daughter Nancy W. Gardner five dollars. I bequeath to my son Peter Williams Liza and her increase. I bequeath to my daughter Mary A. M. Williams Pheby and her increase, now the property is to be divided Equally between my son Peter and my daughter Mary A. M. Williams.

I do hereby make and appoint my beloved wife and my son Peter Executors of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I Charles Williams the said testator have to this my will written set my hand and seal this 23rd June 1840.

Charles Williams (Seal)

Witness: James Orr, William T. Wilks

State of Tennessee Marshall County. County Court May term 1844. Personally appeared in open court James Orr and William S. Wilks subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will who being first sworn here in open court proved the due Execution of said will as the law directs. It is therefore ordered by the court that said will be entered of Record.

Witness my hand at office this 1st day of May 1844. M. W. Oakley Clerk

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