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Category: Ethnic Research

James L. Coffey Will (1837)

James L. Coffey Will (1837)

Marshall County Will Book A, page 13 State of Tennessee Marshall County April 13th 1837. Know all men by tese present that I James L. Coffey being omuch indisposed but in my right mind do hereby make this my last will and testament I give to my beloved wife Mary the free use of the whole of my Plantation and in case she should marry again in that I wish my plantation to be divided equally between her and all…

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James M. Bowden Will (1849)

James M. Bowden Will (1849)

Marshall County Will Book A, page 208 I James M. BOWDEN being of a sound mind on the seventheenth July in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and forty nince make my Last Will and testament & thereby rendering null & void all other wills heretofore made of Caused to be made by me – First I desire that after my decease that my body be buried in a decent and Christian like manner, and that my funeral expences…

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William Bigham Will (1842)

William Bigham Will (1842)

Marshall County Will Book A, page 65 We Josiah Duncan Jane McKnight & Robert Davis do state that the muncupative will of William Bigham was made by him on the 12th day of July 1842 in our presence to which we were requested to bear witness by the Testator himself in the presence of each other that it was made in his last sickness in his own dwelling house and the same is as follows. to wit. It was his…

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Martin Adams Will (1843)

Martin Adams Will (1843)

Marshall County Will Book A, page 57 I Martin Adams of the county of Marshall & State of Tennessee do make and publish this my last will and testament. hereby revoking and making void all other will by me at anytime made. first I direct that my funeral expenses and all my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any moneys that I may die possessed of or may first come into the hands of…

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James Allison Will (1838)

James Allison Will (1838)

Marshall County Will Book A, pages 54-55 State of Tennessee Marshall County. I James ALLISON being in a bad State of health but beleiving myself to be of sound mind and memory do this third day of August in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and thirty eight make and ordain this as my last will and testament in the following manner (viz) First My will is that my body be buried in a decent and Christian like manner…

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John Davis Will (1857)

John Davis Will (1857)

contributed by Becky Davis, August, 1999 I, John Davis, of the County of Marshall and State of Tennessee do make this my last Will and Testament revoking all other wills by me made at any time. First, I desire and direct that all of my debts and funeral expenses be paid out of any money that I may designate (?) or first come into the hands of my executors. Second, I give and bequeath to my much beloved wife Milley…

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John Fendall Carr Will (1834)

John Fendall Carr Will (1834)

contributed by Carol Gehrs Mitchell Barham Chancery File 1859, Maury County, Tennessee. Will of John F. Carr, 28 May 1834-7 May 1838 Will of John Fendall CARR: Know all men by these presents, that I John F Carr of Maury County and State of Tennessee being of sound mind and disposing memory and knowing I have to die, and was wishing so to arrange and dispose of the affairs of my estate as that justice may be done, and disputes…

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Turner Wills in Book B

Turner Wills in Book B

contributed by Dana Hill, June, 2005 Marshall County Will Book B, pages 52-53, transcribed from TSLA microfilm roll Marshall #42 The Nuncupative Will of Spratley TURNER We William L. McCLELLAND and John R. McCLELLAND do state that the nuncupative will of Spratley TURNER was made by him on the 1st day of January 1858 in our presence to which the said W. L. McCLELLAND was specially requested to be Witness to the testator himself but in the presence of John…

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Henry Rone Will (1856)

Henry Rone Will (1856)

contributed by Dana Hill, December, 2005 Marshall County Will Book B, pages 25-26, transcribed from TSLA microfilm roll Marshall #42 I Henry RONE do make and publish this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all other wills- heretofore made by me at any time- 1st It is my will and desire that my body be decently buried and that my funeral expences and debts be paid out of moneys I may die possessed off or may come first into…

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Orr Wills in Books A & B

Orr Wills in Books A & B

Marshall County Will Book A, page 365 Robert Orr’s Will (1844) I Robert ORR of the County of Marshall in the State of Tennessee being of sound mind and memory for which I feel thankful to my God for his blessings but being advanced in years and Labouring under infirmities knowing at the same time that it is appointed for all mankind once to die and beleaving also that it is best for all men to set their house in…

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