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Category: Ethnic Research

Charles R. Neill Will (1840)

Charles R. Neill Will (1840)

Marshall County Will Book A, page 4[7] Be it remembered that I, Charles R. Neill of the State of Tennessee and Marshall County Being a low state of helth but of sound mind and memory and calling to mind that it is appointed for all men to die. as it respects my property which God in his goodness has blest me with in this life I leave and Bequeath in the following way. 1st. I give and bequeath to my…

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John William Manier Will (1843)

John William Manier Will (1843)

Marshall County Will Book A, page 72 State of Tennessee Marshall County this instrument of writing is to show that I John William Manier of the state and county above written being in possession of my right mind and in the fear and presents of Almity God and knowing that the living must die altho I am at in ordinary health but being Desirus that Directory may be left after my Death for the disposing of my temporal afects I…

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Luna (Looney) Wills in Book A

Luna (Looney) Wills in Book A

Marshall County Will Book A, page 153 James G. Luna’s Will (1846) In the name of God-amen- I James G. Luna of Marshall State of Tennessee being weak of body but of sound mind and memory Thanks be to god for the same calling to mind the mortality of my body do make and ordain this my last will and Testament First of all I commend my soul to God to the earth in a decent Christian manner and as…

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John Lipscombe Will (1839)

John Lipscombe Will (1839)

Marshall County Will Book A, page 51 I John LIPSCOMBE do make and publish this as my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me made at any time. First I direct that my funeral Expenses and all my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any moneys that I may die possessed of or may first come into the hands of my executor Secondly I [illegible] to my…

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Allen Leeper Will (1839)

Allen Leeper Will (1839)

Marshall County Will Book A, page 40 State of Tennessee Marshall County In the name of God Amen – I Allen Leeper of the State and County aforesaid, being weak in body but sound in mind and memory as I believe, and expectin Shortly to finish my course in time. Do make constitute and ordain this my last will utterly revoking all other wills by me formerly made. And 1st. I commend my body to the ground and my soul…

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Houston Wills in Book A

Houston Wills in Book A

Marshall County Will Book A, page 16 Christopher Houston Will (1836) In the name of God amen. Hallowed be his name let men and angels respect the sound Hallowed be his name. I Christopher Houston of Marshall County Tennessee being aged and Infirm of body but of sound mind and memory (blessed be God) do this Twenty first day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred thirty six make constitute and ordain this my last…

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John Hill Will (1835)

John Hill Will (1835)

Marshall County Will Book A, page 1 The following is the last will and testament of John HILL Deceased “Maury County November 3rd. day 1835. I John Hill being weak in body and having my recollection as well as I have for Twelve months, do make this my last will and testament, and first I will all my just debts be paid out of my Estate, Secondly I will to my beloved wife Nancy HILL My lands horses, Cows, Sheep,…

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Sherwood W. Graves Will (1849)

Sherwood W. Graves Will (1849)

Marshall County Will Book A, page 187 State of Tennessee, Marshall County January 29th 1849 I Sherwood W. GRAVES of the County and State above named being weak in body but sound in mind do make this my last will Testament, to wit, 1st I commend my Spirit to him who gave it and desire my body to be buried in a Christian manner 2nd- I desire with respect to what property I have that my wife Anna GRAVES have…

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John E. Erwin Will (1845)

John E. Erwin Will (1845)

Marshall County Will Book A, page 60 I John Erwin being of sound mind and memory and in a low state or health in view of my final end. do this my last will and testament make First I commit my soul to God who gave it and my body to the earth from whence it came. First after my Funeral expences and debts are paid I desire to give to my Dear and beloved wife Elizabeth H. Erwin my…

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Cowden Wills in Book A

Cowden Wills in Book A

Will of William COWDEN (1839) Marshall County TN Will Book A, page 36 I William Cowden do make and publish this as my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me at any time made. 1st I direct that my funeral Expences and all my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any monyes that I may die possessed of or may first come into the hands of my…

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