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Category: Wills & Probate

Boyett Wills in Book C

Boyett Wills in Book C

contributed by Dick Wood, December, 2004 James E. Boyett’s Will (1887) Marshall County Will Book C, pages 121-122 I James E. Boyett of Marshall County Tennessee do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking all other wills that I may heretofore have made. It is my desire that after my death my executors herein after named pay all my indebtedness of every description as early as possible out of any money that comes into their hands….

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Thomas H. Bell Will (1891)

Thomas H. Bell Will (1891)

contributed by Dick Wood, December, 2004 Marshall County Will Book C, pages 181-182 State of Tennessee ) Marshall County ) Know all men by these presents that I, Thomas H. Bell, of the County of Marshall and the state of Tennessee, presently being in ill health but of sound and disposing mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time made. And as to my worldy…

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Will Book B Index (November, 1855 – April, 1877)

Will Book B Index (November, 1855 – April, 1877)

Indexed 16 Jun 2004 by Dana Hill from TSLA microfilm, Marshall Co., Roll 42 Indexer’s note: Where there was more than one spelling of a name in the same will, I just picked one; otherwise, spelling is as it was in document. ADAMS, James L., 534-535 ADAMS, Joseph, 237-238 AGNEW, John, 79 ALDRIDGE, Joseph G., 203-204 ALDRIDGE, Nancy, 217-218 ALDRIDGE, Richard, 303 ALLISON, Allen, 565 ALLMAN, George T., 12 ALSTON, James M., 83 ANDERSON, William Ivslee [or Inslee], 105-108  …

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Turner Wills in Book B

Turner Wills in Book B

contributed by Dana Hill, June, 2005 Marshall County Will Book B, pages 52-53, transcribed from TSLA microfilm roll Marshall #42 The Nuncupative Will of Spratley TURNER We William L. McCLELLAND and John R. McCLELLAND do state that the nuncupative will of Spratley TURNER was made by him on the 1st day of January 1858 in our presence to which the said W. L. McCLELLAND was specially requested to be Witness to the testator himself but in the presence of John…

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Henry Rone Will (1856)

Henry Rone Will (1856)

contributed by Dana Hill, December, 2005 Marshall County Will Book B, pages 25-26, transcribed from TSLA microfilm roll Marshall #42 I Henry RONE do make and publish this my last will and Testament hereby revoking all other wills- heretofore made by me at any time- 1st It is my will and desire that my body be decently buried and that my funeral expences and debts be paid out of moneys I may die possessed off or may come first into…

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Jane Patterson Will (1872)

Jane Patterson Will (1872)

contributed by Dana Hill, December, 2005 Marshall County Will Book B, pages 335-336, transcribed from TSLA microfilm roll Marshall #42 I, Jane PATTERSON of the county of Marshall and State of Tennessee, being of Sound mind knowing the uncertainty of life and that all men must die I therefore make and publish this my Last will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me at any time made. First: It is my will all of my…

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Orr Wills in Books A & B

Orr Wills in Books A & B

Marshall County Will Book A, page 365 Robert Orr’s Will (1844) I Robert ORR of the County of Marshall in the State of Tennessee being of sound mind and memory for which I feel thankful to my God for his blessings but being advanced in years and Labouring under infirmities knowing at the same time that it is appointed for all mankind once to die and beleaving also that it is best for all men to set their house in…

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McGahey Wills in Book B

McGahey Wills in Book B

contributed by Dick Wood, December, 2004 David McGahey’s Will (1845 & 1866) Marshall County Will Book B, pages 369-373 I, David McGahey, of the County of Marshall and State of Tennessee do make and publish this as my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me at any time made. First. I direct that my funeral expenses and all my debts to be paid as soon as possible at the time I may die…

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John Knox Will (1876)

John Knox Will (1876)

contributed by Dick Wood Marshall County Will Book B, pages 397 & 398 STATE OF TENNESSEE) MARSHALL COUNTY ) Know all men by these presents that I, John Knox, this day make and assign this as my last will and testament. I will that all my just debts be paid. I will and bequeath to my wife, Manevoa (??spelling??) R. Knox all my personal property and all my real estate – such as house hold and kitchen furniture, stock and…

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John B. Fowler Will (1858)

John B. Fowler Will (1858)

contributed by Dana Hill, December, 2005 From TSLA microfilm Marshall Co. #42 Will Book B, pp. 200-203 In the name of God amen. I John B. FOWLER of the County of Marshall and the State of Tennessee, being of sound mind and disposing memory and being in usual health, but being mindful of the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death, do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills…

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