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Category: Public Records

Thomas Cummings Deed to Sarah Endsley (1819)

Thomas Cummings Deed to Sarah Endsley (1819)

Sarah Endsley widow, was bequeathed land from her husband, Andrew Endsley; this instrument transfers 150 acres to her. Bedford County Tennessee Deed Book Q, page 28, 24 Aug, 1819 THIS INDENTURE made this Twenty fourth day of August in the Year of Our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Nineteen Between Thomas Cummings of Bedford County & State of Tennessee of the one part and Sarah Endsley, widow of Andrew Endsley dec’d For the lawful heirs of the said Andrew…

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G. W. Cummings Deed of Gift from J. B. Cummings (1861)

G. W. Cummings Deed of Gift from J. B. Cummings (1861)

Marshall County, Tennessee Deed Book T, page 420 FamilySearch Microfilm Roll # 0977509: Marshall County, Tennessee Deed Books S & T (1859 – 1862) For and in consideration of the natural love and affection I have for my son, George W. Cummings, and the further consideration of his agreeing and binding himself his heirs and assigns to support me during my natural life and pay my debts from January 23, 1861 till this date I hereby convey to him and…

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Ezra Collins and Absolem Whittsette Land Grant (1840)

Ezra Collins and Absolem Whittsette Land Grant (1840)

Middle Tennessee Land Grant Book 19, page 802 Ezra Collins & Absolem Whitsette Grant # 16702 {SEAL} THE STATE OF TENNESSEE-No. 16,702 To all to whom these presents shall come–greetings KNOW YE, That, for and in consideration of an Entry made in the Entry Taker’s Office of Marshall County pursuant to an act of the General Assembly of the said State passed on the Ninth day of January one thousand eight Hundred and thirty and entered on the 13th day…

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John Blackwell Land Grant (1810)

John Blackwell Land Grant (1810)

Tennessee General Land Grants Book C, page 524 John Blackwell’s grant # 2228 for 480 acres. Recorded December 22nd 1810 {SEAL} THE STATE OF TENNESSEE-No. 2228 To all to whom these presents shall come=greetings KNOW YE, That, for and in consideration of military service performed by John Flintham to the State of North Carolina Warrant No. 5186 dated the 9th day of December 1797 and entered on the 13th day of July 1808 by No. 612 There is granted by…

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Josiah Blackwell to John Endsley (1817)

Josiah Blackwell to John Endsley (1817)

Bedford County, Tennessee Deed Book H, page 402 THIS INDENTURE made and entered into this Second day of January One thousand eight Hundred & Seventeen between Josiah Blackwell of the County of Bedford & State of Tennessee of the one part & John Endsley of the County & State aforesaid of the other part. WITNESSETH that for and in consideration of Eight Hundred and Fifty dollars to Me in hand Paid by the said John Endsley, the Receipt which is…

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George Brownrigg Land Grant Assignment to University of North Carolina (1808)

George Brownrigg Land Grant Assignment to University of North Carolina (1808)

Tennessee General Land Grant Book A, page 474 University of North Carolina Grant # 732 for 1000 Acres Recorded March 31, 1809 {SEAL} THE STATE OF TENNESSEE-No. To all to whom these presents shall come–greetings KNOW YE, That, for and in consideration of Military service performed by George Brownrigg to the State of North Carolina Warrant No. 532 dated the 20th of April 1784, and recorded on the 24th day of August 1807 by No. 301 – there is granted…

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County Court Minutes Book A: December, 1840, Session

County Court Minutes Book A: December, 1840, Session

transcribed by mailing list members and contributed by Dana Hill (date unknown) Page (437) cont. December Term 1840. State of Tennessee Marshall County. At a County Court begun and held at the Court house in the Town of Lewisburg on the first Monday in December 1840 the place appointed by Law for holding the several Courrts in said County. Present John FIELDS, Burgess HARDEN, and Ephraim HUNTER Gentlemen Justices of the peace proclimation &C. The following proceedings were had. Martin…

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County Court Minutes Book A: August, 1840, Session

County Court Minutes Book A: August, 1840, Session

transcribed by mailing list members and contributed by Dana Hill (date unknown) [Note — no July, 1840, term minutes were contributed to this site.] Page (405) August Term 1840. State of Tennessee Marshall County. At a County Court begun and held at the Court house in the Town of Lewisburg the place appointed by law for holding the several Courts in said County on the first Monday in August the same being the 3rd day of the month A.D. 1840…

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County Court Minutes Book A: April, 1840, Session

County Court Minutes Book A: April, 1840, Session

transcribed by mailing list members and contributed by Dana Hill (date unknown) Page (354) The State of Tennessee Marshall County. At a County Court begun and held at the County Court house in the Town of Lewisburg the place appointed by law for holding the several Courts in said County on the first Monday in April the same being the 6th day of the month A.D.1840 present Benjamin WILLIAMS, John HATCHETT, James ADAMS, James V. EWING, Burgess HARDEN, Thomas WILSON,…

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County Court Minutes Book A: February, 1840, Session

County Court Minutes Book A: February, 1840, Session

transcribed by mailing list members and contributed by Dana Hill (date unknown) Page (333) cont. February term 1840. State of Tennessee Marshall County. At a County Court begun and held at the Court house in the Town of Lewisburg the place appointed by law for holding the severel Courts in said County on the first Monday in Februray the same being the 3rd day of the month A.D.1840. Present John FIELD, Burhess HARDEN and Ephraim HUNTER the quorum for the…

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