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Category: Religious Group Records

Newton McQuiddy Deed to Verona Christian Church

Newton McQuiddy Deed to Verona Christian Church

[Transcriber’s note: This is present-day Berea Church of Christ at Verona in Marshall County.] Marshall County Deed Book F-2, page 116 David Tankersley et als Deed to 3 & ΒΌ acres Executed to them by Newton McQuiddy & Recorded Jan 21, 1890. I, Newton McQuiddy, for and in consideration of the love and interest I have in the cause of Christianity and for the advancement of the same, have this day given, granted, aliened, conveyed and forever, set over to…

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John Reed Deed to Farmington Church of Christ (1822)

John Reed Deed to Farmington Church of Christ (1822)

John Reed 1822 deed to Church of Christ, Farmington FamilySearch microfilm roll #0476354: Deed Book R, pages 30 & 31 State of Tennessee) Bedford County ) To wit, let it be known that I, John Reed, the county and state above written, being desirous of Contributing as far as my power lies to the Benefit of Community, do and by these presents Have given, bargained, aligned and quiet claim to a Parcel of Land lying adjoining the Village of Farmington…

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J. B. Endsley Deed to Trustees of Christian Church at Liberty (1907)

J. B. Endsley Deed to Trustees of Christian Church at Liberty (1907)

Marshall County Deed Book R-2, page 582 For and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars to me in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged I, J. B. Endsley, have this day bargained and sold and do by these presents transfer and convey to J. A. Mosley, W. R. Woodward, T. A. McAdams, H. B. Leonard and R. B. Cummings, Trustees of the Christian Church at Liberty in the new 3rd civil district of Marshall County Tennessee…

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Bedford Endsley Deed to Beech Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church (1883)

Bedford Endsley Deed to Beech Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church (1883)

Marshall County Deed Book C2, page 176′ In and for the consideration of the love and esteem that I share for the cause of Christianity and the hope I have for its advancement I do hereby give, transfer and convey to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at old Beech Hill all the right, title and claim that I have in and to a certain tract or parcel of land for the purpose of erecting a Church house for the benefit of…

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Goodspeed’s History of Marshall County

Goodspeed’s History of Marshall County

THE basis of all wealth is the soil of the land. Prosperous cities, towns and huge manufactories seem to spring up and flourish as if by magic and without reference to the agricultural advantages of the country; but such growth will be but temporary unless sustained by a country possessing agricultural wealth. It may almost be reduced to a mathematical problem in which it may be said the soil and climate equal the wealth of the country. The surface of…

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