Captain John Medearis Land Grant (1811)

Captain John Medearis Land Grant (1811)

Tennessee General Land Grant Book E, page 345

Cpt. John Medearis’ Grant # 3177 for 3596 acres [not for military service]


To all to whom these presents shall come=greetings

KNOW YE, That, by virtue of Certificate No. 144 dated July 24th 1807 issued by the board of Commissioners for West Tennessee to Cap. John Medaris and entered on the 8th day of August 1807 by No. 43

there is granted by the State of Tennessee, unto the said John Medaris and his heirs

a certain Tract or Parcel of LAND, containing Three thousand five hundred and ninety six acres lying in Bedford County, in the second District, third range, and fourth Section and on the East waters of Rock Creek, a South branch of Duck river-Beginning at a large Beech, the same being South West corner of 640 acres laid off for the use of Schools in said Section, running thence West crossing a dry drain at two hundred and fifty poles, a small dry creek at five hundred and sixteen poles, in all six hundred and ten poles to a Beech and Sugartree, thence North crossing the East Fork of Rock creek at 240 poles, crossing a West fork of the East fork at five hundred and ninety two poles, in all eight hundred and fifty six poles to a Honey Locust, Ash and Hickory, thence East crossing said East fork at 157 poles, a branch at 341, crossing another at 481, in all 709 poles to a Sugartree and two Ashes, thence South crossing a branch at 96 poles, in all 536 poles to a Lynn and two Ashes in the North boundary line of said School tract, thence with the same West 99 poles to a White Ash, North West corner to s’d School tract, thence with the West boundary line of s’d tract 320 poles to the Beginning–Surveyed January 17th 1809 by Wm Gilchrist D. S.

With the hereditaments and appurtenances. To HAVE and to HOLD the said Tract or Parcel of LAND, with its appurtenances, to the said John Mederis

and his heirs forever.

In Witness Whereof, Willie Blount, Governor of the State of Tennessee hath hereunto set his hand and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed, at Knoxville, on the second day of July in the year of our lord, one thousand eight hundred and eleven , and of the independence of the United States, the thirty


BY THE GOVERNOR: Willie Blount

W. G. Blount

contributed by Dick Wood (date unknown)

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