Bedford Endsley Deed to Beech Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church (1883)

Bedford Endsley Deed to Beech Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church (1883)

Marshall County Deed Book C2, page 176′

In and for the consideration of the love and esteem that I share for the cause of Christianity and the hope I have for its advancement I do hereby give, transfer and convey to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at old Beech Hill all the right, title and claim that I have in and to a certain tract or parcel of land for the purpose of erecting a Church house for the benefit of said church the same to hold and have to all intents and purposes so long as said house and land is used for Church purposes. But when either ceases to be used for such purposes, then said land is to revert to the original tract from which it is now taken and the house is to go to the benefit of said Church. Said lot or parcel of land is situated in the 5th Civil Dist. of Marshall County and is taken from the tract of land upon which I now reside, and may be described as follows to wit:

Beginning 15 links West from Mahulda Cummings North east corner of same tract, running thence South 87 degrees West 28 1/4 poles to a rock, thence West 3 degrees North 8 1/2 poles to a rock, thence North 87 degrees East 28 1/4 poles to a rock, thence East 3 degrees South 8 1/2 poles to the beginning, containing, by estimation one and one half acres be the same more or less and I do further covenant and bind myself to defend title against all persons whomsoever.

GIVEN under my hand and seal on this the Sept 3rd, 1883.


F. B. LEONARD, Jurat Sept. 3rd, 1883

B. B. Craig

MARSHALL COUNTY Personally appeared before me, Jo McBride, Clerk of the County Court of Marshall County aforesaid B. B. Craig and F. B. Leonard, Subscribing witnesses to within deed who being first sworn, deposed and said that they are acquainted with Bedford Endsley the bargainer and that he acknowledged the same in their presence to be his act and deed upon the day it bears date.

WITNESS my hand at office this 3rd day of Sept. 1883: Jo McBride, Clerk

FILED in my office at 11 1/2 o’clock A.M. on the 3rd day of September 1883.
J. A. Yarbrough, R. M. C.

contributed by Dick Wood (September, 2004)

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