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Author: TNGenWeb

William Emerson Will (1862)

William Emerson Will (1862)

contributed by Dana Hill, 2005 From TSLA microfilm Marshall Co. #42 Will Book B, p 131 The last will and testamen I William EMERSON do make and publish this as my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills made by me at any other time. 1st I direct that my funeral expences and all my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible and of any moneys that I may die possessed of…

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Elliott Wills from Book B

Elliott Wills from Book B

contributed by Dick Wood, December, 2004 John Elliott’s Will (1857) Marshall County Will Book B, pages 58 & 59 and pages 62 & 63 I, John Elliott, of the County of Marshall and State of Tennessee being sound in mind and enjoying Common health, knowing that life is uncertain and death is sure, to dispose of other than the manner in which the laws of the land would do were I to die intestate, do in view thereof, make and…

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Dysart Wills from Books B & C

Dysart Wills from Books B & C

contributed by Barbara Collin Gideon B. Dysart’s Will (1878) Marshall County Will Book B, pages 147-148 State of Tennessee} Marshall County} I Gideon B. Dysart do hereby make my last will & testament, in good health & sound mind. 1st: In the first place I will that all my just debts be paid out of the first money that is collected. 2nd: In the second place I will my wife Salina H. Dysart the land known as the “Widow Dysart…

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Robert M. Dryden Will (1862)

Robert M. Dryden Will (1862)

Transcribed by Dana Hill from TSLA microfilm, Marshall Co., Roll 42 It is my will and I so direct that after all my just debets are paid all my property both real and personal of every description remain unsold and in the custody of my four children for the equal benefit of and support of Said Children until the youngest arrives at the age of Twenty one years (unless my executor should think and find it absolutely necessary to take…

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Will Book B Index (November, 1855 – April, 1877)

Will Book B Index (November, 1855 – April, 1877)

Indexed 16 Jun 2004 by Dana Hill from TSLA microfilm, Marshall Co., Roll 42 Indexer’s note: Where there was more than one spelling of a name in the same will, I just picked one; otherwise, spelling is as it was in document. ADAMS, William W., 53-55 ALEXANDER, Mamnon, 317-318 ANDERSON, Richard, 289-290 ANDERSON, William, 48-49 APPLEBY, John, 167 ARTHUR, Bluford, 313-314   BACHMAN, Daniel, 228-230 BARNES, S. F., 93-94 BARNES, W. O., 18-19 BARRON, Alexander, 209 BATY, Thos. H., 37-39…

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Goodspeed’s History of Marshall County

Goodspeed’s History of Marshall County

THE basis of all wealth is the soil of the land. Prosperous cities, towns and huge manufactories seem to spring up and flourish as if by magic and without reference to the agricultural advantages of the country; but such growth will be but temporary unless sustained by a country possessing agricultural wealth. It may almost be reduced to a mathematical problem in which it may be said the soil and climate equal the wealth of the country. The surface of…

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Tennesseans and War

Tennesseans and War

The Center for the Study of Tennesseans and War is located in Hoskins Library at the University of Tennessee. It is our mission to research, archive, and disseminate the stories of all the people in Tennessee who have been involved in wars between 1700 and the present day. These stories are powerful. Wars have shaped the contours of life in our region. Studying these stories helps us all remember the sacrifices people have made in the past. And, if we…

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FamilySearch — Research Strategies

FamilySearch — Research Strategies

FamilySearch has a number of excellent resources for researchers to pore over in search of individual, location, and topical information.  These are sections we highly recommend. Note:  You will need a free FamilySearch login to view the material at these links. FamilySearch Wiki Marshall County Tennessee FamilySearch Updates FamilySearch Blog What’s New at FamilySearch FamilySearch Family Tree The largest shared family tree in the world, editable by anyone.  Information about living individuals is masked. RootsTech This annual event has hundreds…

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Tennessee Electronic Library — Free for Tennesseans

Tennessee Electronic Library — Free for Tennesseans

The Tennessee Electronic Library (TEL) is a virtual online library that gives Tennessee residents access to magazines, journals, newspapers, essays, e-books, primary source materials, test preparation, homework help, genealogy records, career search, and more! TEL resources are available free to the public from any computer with Internet access in Tennessee. That’s access to more than 400,000 electronic resources including magazines, scholarly journals, podcasts, videos, e-books, test preparation materials, federal census records and Tennessee primary source materials! The Tennessee Electronic Library is made…

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Tennessee Genealogical Society Journals On-line

Tennessee Genealogical Society Journals On-line

The Tennessee Genealogical Society’s quarterly publication is  known as Ansearchin’ News.  Digitized versions are viewable on-line for free from 1954 through ten years ago.  More-recent issues are available on-line to TGS members at the Web site. The publications are loaded with transcribed and abstracted records from across the state. You may search by keyword (unreliable) or browse issues. You may also download issues for your personal use. Click here to read more.