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Author: TNGenWeb

William Alexander Will (1839)

William Alexander Will (1839)

Marshall County Will Book A, page 49 I William Alexander do make and publish this as my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all the wills by me at any time made. First I derects that my funeral Expences and all my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any money that I may die possessed of or may first come into the hands of my Executors. Secondly I give and bequeath…

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Will Book A Index (November 1835 – 1855)

Will Book A Index (November 1835 – 1855)

A typescript index of Will Books A-E (1835-1935) of Marshall County is available as digitized microfilm images at FamilySearch.  You will need a free FamilySearch login to view the images. Click here to go to the first image in the set. The following approximately 170-name index for Will Book A was created by Rachel Combs in October, 2000, and donated to this site. Use the Previous / Next buttons below the table to navigate through the list of names.

Theophilus O. Wall Will (1938)

Theophilus O. Wall Will (1938)

contributed by Ann Wall, July, 1999 (transcribed as written) Recorded in Marshall County, Tennessee I T.O. Wall do this day make known this my Last Will and Testament concerning the final disposition of any and all Properties (Both Real Estate and Personal) that I may die possessed of. I make this will now fully understanding the import thereof and without persuassion on the part of any one and it conveys my wishes as follows, First; I will and bequeth to…

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John W. M. Short Will (1871)

John W. M. Short Will (1871)

contributed by Barbara Collin Marshall County Will Book C, pages 396-397 I Elizabeth Wade of Marshall County Tennessee do make and publish this as my last will and testament hereby revoking any and all wills by me heretofore made. 1st I direct that all my just debts be paid by my Executor. 2nd Give to my Grandson Ebb Wade one half interest in a Bay mule that I now own and I want my son S. B. Wade to see…

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Swinney Wills in Book C

Swinney Wills in Book C

contributed by Barbara Collin Marshall County Will Book C, page 2 William Swinney’s Will (1876) I William Swinney do this day make this my last will & testament and do hereby revoke all other wills by me heretofore made. First I order that my funeral expenses be paid out of any moneys I may die possessed of as soon thereafter as the same may be collected. Second I will and bequeath to my daughter Georgia Ann Stallings, and to my…

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John W. M. Short Will (1871)

John W. M. Short Will (1871)

contributed by Barbara Collin Marshall County Will Book C, page 231 In the name of God Amen} I John W. M. Short of the County of Marshall State of Tennessee being of sound mind and memory and considering the uncertainty of this frail and transitory life do make ordain publish and declare this to be my last will and testament that is to say first after my funeral expenses be paid and all my just debts are paid and discharged…

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Alexander Hobby Will (1832)

Alexander Hobby Will (1832)

contributed by John Hobby, August, 1999 Marshall County Will Book A page 294 I, Alexander Hobby being of sound mind and in the enjoyment of my usual health but being advanced in years, do make and publish this as my last will and testament in manner and form following, hereby revoking and making void all former will that I may have heretofore made. In the first place, I desire and so devise, that all my just debts and funeral expenses…

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Thomas Grant Estate Inventory (1839)

Thomas Grant Estate Inventory (1839)

contributed by Dana Hill Marshall County Probate Records (County or Chancery Court), Vol. A-C (March 1839-June 1850); TSLA microfilm roll Marshall #14 Volume A: pages 34-35 An Inventory of the personal estate of Thomas Grant dec’d.,, 23 hogs 1 horse 1 Still & Worm 7 sheep 3 Cows 3 ploughs 1 gun 400 Sheavs of Oats 1 pare of theaching 1 Lot Sundaries 1 pare of Steelyards 2 wedges 1 had saw 8 dozen buttons 1 rule 2 augers 1…

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Glasscock Wills in Book C

Glasscock Wills in Book C

contributed by Barbara Collin Marshall County Will Book C, pages 257-258 Carnel Glasscock’s Will (1883) I Carnel Glasscock make and publish this as my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me at any time made. First I direct that my funeral expenses and all my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any money that I may die possessed of or may first come into the hands of…

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Harriet Findley Will (18__)

Harriet Findley Will (18__)

contributed by Dana Hill Marshall County Will Book C, pages 253-255?; TSLA microfilm roll Marshall #42 The last will and testament of Harriet FINLEY of the State of Tennessee Marshall County I Harriet FINDLEY considering the uncertainty of this mortal life, and being of sound mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say in as much as I have heretofore gave to my son James S….

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