Ab Whitsett et al. Deed to William McLean (1867)

Ab Whitsett et al. Deed to William McLean (1867)

Marshall County Deed Book Vol. V, pages 315-316

For and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred and ninety dollars to us in hand paid or otherwise secured to be paid, the receipt of the same is hereby acknowledged. We have bargained and sold & do hereby transfer & convey to William McLain, his heirs and assigns forever all our joint and separate right, title, claim and interest in and to the following described lot,tract or parcel of Land, situate lying and being on the headwaters of Cane Creek in District No. 4, Marshall County & State of Tennessee and outbounded as follows, to wit:

Beginning at a stake a few steps or paces North of the House wherein Wm McLean now lives. Running thence North Eighty (80) poles to a stake and thence West Eleven and a half (11 & 1/2) poles to another stake, thence South Forty (40) poles to a Popular, thence West twenty five (25) poles to a stake, thence South one hundred and forty eight (148) poles to a Sugartree, thence East Twenty five (25) poles to a bunch of Linns, thence North one hundred and six (106) poles to a walnut stump, thence East eleven & half (11 & 1/2) poles to the Beginning, containing, by estimation Twenty nine acres more or less, the same being our Entire undivided Share or interest in the real Estate inherited by us from the Estate of our grandmother Elizabeth Horn, formerly E. Whitsett, and more particularly known and described in Grant No. 5061 bearing date of 1827.

To have and to hold the said William McLean, his heirs and lawful representatives. We do further covenant by and with the said William McLean that we are or were lawfully seized and possessed of said Land by said inheritance aforesaid, have good right to convey it and that the same is unencumbered & We do further bind ourselves jointly and severally as well as our heirs, assignees, Administrators and lawful representatives to warrant and forever defend the title to a two third interest in the aforesaid Land and all its appurtenances against the lawful claims of all persons whatever. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals this the 2nd day of July 1866.

A. Whitsett {seal}
Joseph Whitsett {seal}
John Whitsett {seal}
J. A. Whitsett {seal}
Martha Rambo {seal}
S. C. Rambo {seal}

Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence this the ___day of____1866.

Acknowledged in the presence of

A. McGahey Jurat Jany 18th 1867
G. A. McLean Jurat Oct. 8th 1866

MARSHALL COUNTY ) Personally appeared before me R. L. Adams, clerk of the County Court of said county, G. A. McLane Oct 8, 1866 and A. McGahey on this day, subscribing witnesses to the forgoing deed who, after being first duly sworn, deposeth and sayeth that they are personally acquainted with Ab Whitsett & the other within named bargainers and that they acknowledged the due execution of the same for the purposes therein contained.

Witness my hand at office Feby 16th 1867
R. A. Adams Clerk
by his deputy J. N. Waters

Filed in my office June 3rd 1867 at 7 O’clock A. M.
Duly stamped with the sum of Fifty Cents in Revenue
(and) it cancelled J. N. Waters R. M. C.

contributed by Dick Wood (date unknown)

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