Jane Patterson Will (1872)

Jane Patterson Will (1872)

contributed by Dana Hill, December, 2005

Marshall County Will Book B, pages 335-336, transcribed from TSLA microfilm roll Marshall #42

I, Jane PATTERSON of the county of Marshall and State of Tennessee, being of Sound mind knowing the uncertainty of life and that all men must die I therefore make and publish this my Last will and Testament hereby revoking
and making void all other wills by me at any time made.
First: It is my will all of my Just debts bee paid and that my Funeral and Burial Expenses bee paid out of my money that my come into the hands of my Executor afte my deecest,

Second. It is my will and desire That my Daughter Lucinda Jane GRAHAM Bee paid out of my Estate
One Hundred and Twenty Five Dollars.

Third It is my will and desire tat Hulda M CATHEY, my Daughter; Bee paid One Hundredand Twenty Five Dollars, out of my Estate

The above amounts are givin to my Two Daughters Jane & Hulda from the fact, That at thier Marriage They got neither Horses nor Saddles, and the One Hundred and Twenty Five dollars is given in Lue.

Fourth I give and Bequeath to my Son J R T WILSON all of my Lands during his natural Life and any other Effects that I be possessed of at my decease-and it is further my will and desire That at the death of my Son Jno. R T WILSON That my Landed Estate Shall descend to the Heirs of his Body and that if after my Decease my Son John R T WILSON Shall pay to my Two Daughters Jane & Hulda Each the above amts Spiocefyed then he Shall-the entire controlee of mmy Entire Estate, otherwise my Executor my Executor pay the Said amounts out of my Effects that
I may have at my decase.

Fifth I do hereby constitute and appoint James A. WILSON my Legal Representative and Executor.

Signed Sealed and delivered in the Presents of (This the 27th of July one Thousand (Eight Hundred and Seventy two.

Test her
J T STREET Jurat May 6-/73. Jane X PATTERSON
Ewing A WILSON “ ” “ mark

State of Tennessee)
Marshall County )

County Court, May Term, 1873.

Personally appeared here in open Court, J T STREET & Ewing A WILSON, the Subscribing witness to the foregoing Will, who after first being duly qualified proved the due execution of the Same as the law directs–which is by the Court ordered to be certified & record, Witness my hand at
office, this May 5th 1873,  R L ADAMS C’lk

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